400w Purple Wreck Grow/Grow Room. Lots of Pics! Advice welcome always!


Day 7 flower.

Well flowering has begun and things are looking well. I have some yellowing in the new growth but a new PH pen and a jug of "Cal/Mag plus" should clear that right up. I also purchased a can air filter for what I consider a retarded amount of money so lets hope that it works as well as advertised.
Overall the pics are a little fuzzy, but the new HPS really cant be on for pictures so next week I will get a CFL in there just for better pictures.



Sorry for no update last weekend. I have the pictures but I may not post them. I have found some signs of hermie and may just rip the plants out. Ill let you know soon.


Just an Update, I'm about 10 days from harvest. While the one plant grew a couple of "nuts" they were easily cut off and no others have shown up. The girls look great, I would expect about 4 oz.


Well-Known Member
you're not "learning how to roll" you're not learning how to do anything. you could probably teach me a few things.


you're not "learning how to roll" you're not learning how to do anything. you could probably teach me a few things.
Hey thanks! I have another grow going now in a RDWC Powergrower (Links are in my signature). I apologize for not updating much after I found a couple of "nut-sacks" on her but I was pretty certain that I was going to pull her out and try again. As luck should have it I just cut of the 10 balls I found and she never grew anymore, funny how that happens.