400W Grow Tent...Advice Needed


Plants sprouted out the seed since Aug. 5. For the first 9 days they were growing on a stove top using standard stove lighting, very weak, but they survived. They were moved into tent on Aug. 14th, and since then it's been 18/6 everyday. I only added very little MG plant food on the 25th for the first time, other than that it's been only distilled water. Checked Ph on all of them, 6.0. Not bad right? The plants were on the floor until today around 1pm or so. Does anyone think they are too close to light? Light is 400W HPS. Any feedback is welcomed. Thanks



Well-Known Member
definantly lose the mirscle grow.its too hot of a fertilizer for growing mj.the little bit you have fed probably wont hurt but get some good nutes.I use flora nova series.it is a chemical base all in one (not a 3 part system)fert.one bottle for grow,one for bloom. I dont know if you can use it in soil,but I dont see why not. ive only ever used flora nova in an ebb and flow system.aplication rates are all on the side of the bottle from seedling to bloom


@ Dowd

Thanks for the advice, I figured someone would say get rid of MG. As I said, I'm going to store today to grab some stuff, some of those good nutes are kind of expensive, so I had to wait till I got the bread up. Do you think the light is too close to the plants?
definantly lose the mirscle grow.its too hot of a fertilizer for growing mj.the little bit you have fed probably wont hurt but get some good nutes.I use flora nova series.it is a chemical base all in one (not a 3 part system)fert.one bottle for grow,one for bloom. I dont know if you can use it in soil,but I dont see why not. ive only ever used flora nova in an ebb and flow system.aplication rates are all on the side of the bottle from seedling to bloom
Did you use mg fert?Im using mg and schultz fert works fine for me.
Im using a 400 watt mh/hps in mg soil with schultz plant food things are looking good for me.You can check my grow out in my sig.They are still young but they are growing..


Well-Known Member
MG is fine for veg cycle, transplant into happy frog or whatever. For starter kits, I HIGHLY advise technafloras "recipe for success" box kit with cloning gel, rooting nutes, thrive alive red and green, bc bloom, boost and grow, sugar daddy and awesome blossoms for 35$. OR if advanced nutes are more to your liking, they have hobby,expert or pro kits. I like the fact you dont need multiple components for good results with the Advanced stuff, but ALL brands are 40 for a quart, the technaflora is the best for starters no doubt. It has shit for all occasions for one grow. By then you will know if you are gonna go further. Good luck.
MG is fine for veg cycle, transplant into happy frog or whatever. For starter kits, I HIGHLY advise technafloras "recipe for success" box kit with cloning gel, rooting nutes, thrive alive red and green, bc bloom, boost and grow, sugar daddy and awesome blossoms for 35$. OR if advanced nutes are more to your liking, they have hobby,expert or pro kits. I like the fact you dont need multiple components for good results with the Advanced stuff, but ALL brands are 40 for a quart, the technaflora is the best for starters no doubt. It has shit for all occasions for one grow. By then you will know if you are gonna go further. Good luck.
Thats some good info..


Update...Plants are now 4 weeks old now. Have been feeding them the generic 15-30-15 plant food. Gonna start using some Fox Farm sh*t next week. One of my plants though are beginning to develop yellow spots on the leaves. I haven't been using much of the plant food to be honest, I use the suggested amount on box for indoor plants. Check these out and let me know what you think, or post recommendations...Thanks as usual. IMG_8106.jpgIMG_8104.jpgIMG_8110.jpgIMG_8109.jpg


Haven't been on in a while but I've got some new pics...6th wk of flowering. The girls 045.jpgThe girls 039.jpgThe girls 041.jpgThe girls 040.jpgThe girls 046.jpg

They're coming along nice, at least I think anyway. The three u see are all white widow. For those with the keen eye, you may have noticed something else. I'll post those in a little while. Feedback please...Thanks.