400w Auto Grow...


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if yur growing in soil.wait till the container is dry before harvest ,jus as thier starting to slightly wilt , look how much thc runs to the buds ,like rain drops all over them,then harvest.get every drop out of them .you'll def. and theyll put out an intoxicating dank yull never forget..jus somethin i learned along the way.trip.lol.Ed rosenthal was high times man for 20 yrs. then they went to organic style ,but i use both,,i'll use chemicals if i can get those girls to get wat i want,,,doesnt matter either way.but yu can burn them up easily with chemicals.
yes, you're very right, i've also been doing that for a while now too...letting the pots get completely dry before harvest...i don't have alot of experience with chemicals, but i can totally see how less is better...i've burnt my ladies before very easily, so i'm just really cautious with that shit these days...for flowering this grow it's gonna be a tad of big bloom, which is all organic and molasses...


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Well-Known Member
if yur growing in soil.wait till the container is dry before harvest ,jus as thier starting to slightly wilt , look how much thc runs to the buds ,like rain drops all over them,then harvest.get every drop out of them .you'll def. and theyll put out an intoxicating dank yull never forget..jus somethin i learned along the way.trip.lol.Ed rosenthal was high times man for 20 yrs. then they went to organic style ,but i use both,,i'll use chemicals if i can get those girls to get wat i want,,,doesnt matter either way.but yu can burn them up easily with chemicals.
Nice tip there raiderman, rep for you. I wish I still had the first three issues of high times. What a groundbreaking magazine. Anyway back to the molasses issue. I can't find the info I was looking for but basically it is saying that part of the process the plant goes through is to make sugar for food for itself. Molasses helps that process and additionally it will put on up to twenty percent more dry weight on your buds.

Molasses, honey and other sugars are said to increase soil microbials, enhance regrowth and make the plants use of nitrogen more effective. Molasses will raise the energy level of the plant ( a mild sugar high?) and acts as a natural mild fungicide. Molasses is the 'secret' ingredient in many organic fertilizers.

From Jorge Cervantes marijuana horticulture the indoor outdoor medical grower's bible.

If you buy one book on our hobby, this is the one.

Sorry about the delay in responding.


Well-Known Member
Nice tip there raiderman, rep for you. I wish I still had the first three issues of high times. What a groundbreaking magazine. Anyway back to the molasses issue. I can't find the info I was looking for but basically it is saying that part of the process the plant goes through is to make sugar for food for itself. Molasses helps that process and additionally it will put on up to twenty percent more dry weight on your buds.

Molasses, honey and other sugars are said to increase soil microbials, enhance regrowth and make the plants use of nitrogen more effective. Molasses will raise the energy level of the plant ( a mild sugar high?) and acts as a natural mild fungicide. Molasses is the 'secret' ingredient in many organic fertilizers.

From Jorge Cervantes marijuana horticulture the indoor outdoor medical grower's bible.

If you buy one book on our hobby, this is the one.

Sorry about the delay in responding.
good stuff dude...here's some good shit on molasses: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=101637
on distilled water, i've used it and tap both with great success, you just gotta have that special touch, hahaha...i'm ripped! :-P


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Well-Known Member
good stuff dude...here's some good shit on molasses: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=101637
on distilled water, i've used it and tap both with great success, you just gotta have that special touch, hahaha...i'm ripped! :-P


I am just too tired to look up the info about distilled water. I soak my seeds in distilled water for twenty four hours before planting them. I have not waited to germinate them, soak and plant. This is my second grow and I have a sixty five percent female to male rate with both grows. I started ten seeds, got seven plants, soaked and threw in another three and ended up with nine plants. I finish the gallon up watering the plants and then that's it for distilled water. After that it's plain tap water which I let sit for two or three days with the top off to dissipate the chrlorine in the water, then I add my nutes and supplements and then ph the water and adjust to around 6.5 I've read low levels of chlorine actually benefit the plants. Anyway I drift as usual. Distilled water, I've read, lacks the trace elements and minerals of tap water so over an extended grow you end up depriving you plants of those necessary elements. Have I mentioned how tired I am, yet our hobby keeps my mind going full speed ahead.


Well-Known Member
yeah i've heard that same thing bout distilled...i've had good luck with tap, so i'm gonna stick with it...and i think mine's pretty good round here, we just got the annual water report and it seems to be pretty clean...:leaf:


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Well I got some seeds going...unfortunately I think I also have them going on buds I didn't 'paint'. Oh well life will go on. I don't think I got any on my main buds but we'll see. Making seeds is a crapshoot anyway. From let's say ten seeds you could get ten plants that look nothing alike yet they all came from the same plant. It takes many generations to get the traits you are looking for in a seed and many, many plants to get them. I just can't see myself spending years trying. I'll get what I get and I'll grow what I get and see what happens.

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Since our hobby is an ongoing experiment for most of us, I experimented with a couple different things this grow. As I've said I have bent and tied my girls to shower curtain rods to expose the buds along the stems to more light, it's working great. I also used hydroton on top of my soil. I know it's generally meant for hydro grows but I read where in soil grows, the roots generally don't grow into the top two inches of the soil because it drys out too much and too often. Using hydroton on top of your soil keeps the soil moist enough that the plant will grow roots almost to the top of the container they are in, it works. So essentially you are gaining another couple inches of your soil instead of it being fallow with no roots in it. Try it, you'll like it.

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Am I the only person alive in the mornings? I'm starting to feel like I'm talking to myself here, a penny waitin' for change. Obviously I'm back to life from the grips of death yesterday. I need to hit the lotto before my bosses kill me at work. While looking for the molasses info last night in Jorge's bible, it's hard not to read bits here and there while searching for what you are looking for. I can't recommend this book enough, which brings me to my point, my next soil mix. Whatever it ends up being which I think will be a mix of light warrior and ocean forest and of course some other amendments which for me is a root innoculator, silica, worm castings and this next grow I'm going to add some mushroom compost. Mr. Cervantes says the highest yielding grows he has ever seen used mushroom compost. Has anyone ever used earthworms in their grows?


Well-Known Member
Am I the only person alive in the mornings? I'm starting to feel like I'm talking to myself here, a penny waitin' for change. Obviously I'm back to life from the grips of death yesterday. I need to hit the lotto before my bosses kill me at work. While looking for the molasses info last night in Jorge's bible, it's hard not to read bits here and there while searching for what you are looking for. I can't recommend this book enough, which brings me to my point, my next soil mix. Whatever it ends up being which I think will be a mix of light warrior and ocean forest and of course some other amendments which for me is a root innoculator, silica, worm castings and this next grow I'm going to add some mushroom compost. Mr. Cervantes says the highest yielding grows he has ever seen used mushroom compost. Has anyone ever used earthworms in their grows?
unforunately i been up since 530,lol.yuk.hava great holiday.


Well-Known Member
hahah, thanks for the kind words guys! those were some sugary plants forsure....i'm def not alive at the time of day you get up, i try to get up at 10, sometimes not till 11...:-P
i've heard of folks using hydroton on top of the soil with success, i'm gonna have to try this soon...i also wanna use earthworms in the soil, supposed to be very good for the organisms that live in there...have a great 4th everybody! i'm about to take some solar bong tokes and drift away to the sky....:leaf::leaf:


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The obvious of course, what kind of coverage does it give, how many plants will it support and what kind of heat does an electronic ballast throw off versus an older magnetic ballast?

Not so obvious, what brand?