4 Days Into Flowering Just gave nutes 2day What u guys think (Pics)


Active Member
This is my pride and join Started with two shes The last one. I am using Mg Organic With Perlite 2:1 ratio. Just started Foxfarm Big Bloom at 1/4 dose i am using 5 26 watt 2700k Cfls. 4 days into flower how is she looking.. any signs of Sex she is 22 days old Thanks so MUch

Ps. Is white paper reflective???? Thanks All advice and comments Welcome



Active Member
And what are the flowering traits of indica?
Indica cannabis plantsIndica marijuana plants are short, bushy, mature early, have more chlorophyll and less accessory pigments [accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight]. As Indica strains have more chlorophyll than sativa they grow and mature faster. Indica is a short plant, usually under 6feet | 180 cm tall, rarely over 8 feet | 240 cm tall. Its cannabis leaves have short, wide fingers and are deep green, often tinged with purple.At maturity, the cannabis leaves start to turn even darker purple. It has short branches laden with thick, dense cannabis buds, which mature early, usually about the beginning of September. The cannabis buds vary in colour from dark green to purple, just like their cannabis leaves. Under cooler conditions, the coloration becomes more intense. The cannabis buds have little trouble maturing under the cool conditions of our northern climate. Indica cannabis buds smell stinky, you know the type that smell like bad B.O often pungent and their smoke is thick even a small toke will often induce fits of coughing. The best Indica's have a relaxing social high, which allows the person to sense and feel the environment, but does not lead to thinking or analyzing the experience. Other Indica's get you, well sh*t faced, heavy neck experience I like to call it, to total sleep outs, one spliff and its goodnight! Aside from recent colonization, Indica is found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and other surrounding areas. All of these fall between the 25th and 35th parallels, and have extremely variable weather - rainy one year hot the next, and so on. For that reason, each plant population's gene pool is heterogeneous. Plant characteristics vary regarding all phases of their growth including maturation time and climate preferences. In any season, no matter what the weather, some cannabis plants do well. In the UK, the vast majority of cannabis plants grown come from a mainly Indica background due to the early flowering times and our bad weather. The THC/CBD ration also varies. Poor quality Indica cannabis and hashish contain high quantities of CBD. This is where the toker becomes lead-headed and sleepy.

I got this from another website it explains all the defferent growth characteristics of indica, sativa, and hybred strains. http://www.seedfairy.com/indica_sativa_hybrid_strains.html

i also put a couple pics of my mazar on here the leaves are very similar



Active Member
thanks.. What exactly are preflowers.. Those 2 little green things? Can i only see sex under a microscope?


Active Member
thanks.. What exactly are preflowers.. Those 2 little green things? Can i only see sex under a microscope?

right at the spot where the node meets the stem around the 3rd node is when i saw mine it starts off looking like a little ball coming out called a catalyx. they will grow at all node spot eventually on each side of the node. if u start to see more than one in the same spot its a male. If little tiny white hairs start to come out the end than its a female. The cannabis grow bible said the male catalyx will stick out more than female ones but i am not that experienced yet so i just watch really close as often as i can for hairs or more catalyx. I have a 2x/4x magnifying lense i got at wal-mart real cheap and that works for me. i can see the catalyx pretty well with it.

found this pic on google.


Active Member
the seed cracked on feb 4th and i just started flowering it on the 5th of march. just recently moved it from a solo cup to a bigger pot and gave it more light. its more of a secondary test grow, i got the seeds for free. so i thought id try it out in soil. i dont want it too big. the first signs of preflowering are just coming in now. i trimmed 2 big fan leaves to get more light to the nodes underneath that are growing so small, and my trim half the leaves off soon. may stunt the growth slightly but would get more light to the nodes underneath so they will pop out. growin them under 23watt soft white cfls.
here isa pic of the mazar under 1 23watt cfl 24/0 in the solo cup on feb 17th.

ps how old is that super skunk and how tall are u expecting it to get? i was wondering about the free g13 thai super skunk seeds that attitude gives out for free when u order.



Active Member
this is a pic of a mazar leaf i trimmed can see the indica traits in the leave. flattened it and dried it a bit and added some backgrond scene for fun.



Active Member
6 days into flower still no sign of sex :(.. ANyone got any guides treads on trimming/lollipoping my baby.. And which part of the plant grows buds.. just the strencthing* cola? and how do i know what r bud sites Thanks


Active Member
look at that diagram and u will see what it should look like. do u have calyx development yet? usualy around 3rd node. get a ssmall mag lens to see u can get them at any wal-mart store (2x/4x) nodes grow from the stem right above a fan leaf. like they are growing ot of the same spot. at the end of all those node sites will be budsites and buds will form all the way up them. the biggest one is generally on top but it all depends on how and what you are growing and how the lights are set up. Some people say to cut thelight to the plants for 24 hours before flowering them, and ive even heard some say thay they dont give them any light for 2-4 days. this is to stress the plant to theink that winter is coming so they begin to produce their reproductive shit which show us signs. I wouldnt do that unless they are showing their preflowering signs at least as it could cause hermes and other shit. i strongly strongly strongly reccomend buying the Cannabis Grow Bible. I learned sooooo much reading that book and it is an awesome refrence with lots of pics and diagrams. very very helpful and not that expensive at all. here's where i bought it. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1931160171/bookstorenow350-20

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
this is my pride and join started with two shes the last one. I am using mg organic with perlite 2:1 ratio. Just started foxfarm big bloom at 1/4 dose i am using 5 26 watt 2700k cfls. 4 days into flower how is she looking.. Any signs of sex she is 22 days old thanks so much

ps. Is white paper reflective???? Thanks all advice and comments welcome
looks really good man


your plants are very indica and they look great. i would have vegged a lil longer though but to each there own