3rdd time grow new strains ...here we go!


Well-Known Member
Room :

Lights: 2x hortilux blue 1kw
Ballast: 2x solistek digital 1kw
Hoods : 2x adjust a wing large
Cap ppm4 co2 controller
Desktop ppm meter
20lb co2 tank hydrofarm regulator
Decline drainage table. 4x8. (2x)
2 wall mount fans and 1 ground fan
18000 btu mini split
Co2 Ppm 1450
Orca film on walls
Full fox farm nutes, calmag, pro-silicate and some extras
Temp 83-86 deg F

These plants will be scrogged
4x8 pvc frame 2x2 inch netting

Still vegging out quite a bit before scrog aiming for end of month flower

Total of 33 clones , mix of blue dream and sour d. I will most likely be removing aome plants depending on how everything fills out.

One shitty thing is some of the clones took an extra week or 2 for rooting so one side is a week and a half older than the other, shouldnt make a huge difference though
week 1 under 1k mh bulbs -- started under flouros to save electricity
Week 1 smaller plants 1/8th strength nutes.. basic ff feeding table

Week 1 larger plants 1/4 strenth nutes

Spray with nitrozyme after transplant

Started Lst first week and fimmed all plants
Started comming out nice. Multiple tops

Some plants got a little stressed after transplant but seem to be recovering.

Well thats update for week 1, more updates to come. Please feel free to comment with any suggestions or questions. Stay tuned thanks!


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Well-Known Member
Week 2 update on left side
1/2 strength nutes. 4 cups solution each

Great white, nitrozime foliar, big bloom, grow big , boomerang, cal-mag, pro silicate.
Fed yesterday and they looked like different plants in the norning.. guess the girls were hungry.

Raised humidity in the room to 65%

One problem ive run into is the other side is starting to get so big. Its difficult to figure out when to flower them together so that these will fill the screen enough and before the others get out of control. I may end up mixxing and matching them together. We will see



Well-Known Member
Week 3 update for right side of grow
Light dropped down to 2.25 ft from canopy.

Nutrients 2/3 strength, same as above nutrients.tons of tops, did some slight supercropping early last week and lst. These should be interesting for scrog.

6 cups of nutrient solution

Anyway sorry for pictures with lights on, i havent had a chance to grab some with lights off due to work schedule.

Feel free to comment with any suggestions or anything. Thanks for tuning in. Till next week



Well-Known Member
planning on flipping it to 12/12 near the end of the month. Might be sooner if the bigger ones get out of control. Im gonna try to update it a bit more, they are starting to grow alot haha.Thanks for support.


Well-Known Member
Its starting to look like the clones that i have might be 3 or 4 different strains. One is supposedly sour diesel and blue dream. It seems like i have 2 indica dominant hybrids mixed into the bunch as well. The rest appear to be sativa dominant.

If anyone can tell any characteristics of sour diesel in veg please let me know, im looking to mom those out. It sucks cause nothing was labeled when i got them and i dont think they knew what they had.


Well-Known Member
Left side 9/25 they will be getting scrogged tomarrow and then vegged for 1 or 2 more weeks

Watered full strength nutrients today on both sides same nutes. Always weary about using the soluables so i keep them low at first.

Big bloom, grow big, calmag, pro silicate, boomerang. Full strength

open sesame at 1/2 strength

I forgot to include a picture of this before but my girl found something growing in the soil we had left in one pot. She has refused to let me throw it out so we will see what it grows into lol. Looks like a weed to me.



Well-Known Member
Right side 9/25.

The plants on this side will be getting mixed around with the smaller ones in the scrog since im running decline drainage tables, the smaller plants will be in the fronts of the tables



Well-Known Member
9/25 night

We mixxed and matched the shorter plants into the scrog for a somewhat even canopy. We are going to have alot of trimming to do in 2nd week of flower lol. Canopy is looking pretty full so this is gonna be interesting. Just got done with the scrog about 20 minutes ago ao everything looks limp and lifeless being bent over.

Need to get some more fans for ventilation.

Planning on flipping to 12/12 next week or pending how it looks.

More updates once everything atarts popping back up



Well-Known Member
Mother plants for next crop

From left to right

Platinum girl scout cookies, sour dawg, green crack and blackjack.

Got at least another month before i take clippings.

