3rd week into flowering, weird pistol coloration, bud rot?

This is my second grow, it's just some bag seed. I vegged this girl indoors, but due to some unforeseeable events I was forced to flower outdoors. To add to my problems the weather outside has been windy, rainy, and humid. This is just a regular soil grow, no nutrients. Like the title says I'm about 3 weeks into flowering and I noticed the pistols where turning a weird brown color. I didn't have this problem in my first grow and I'm nervous this might be bud rot; however the discoloration is isolated to only one cola. Unfortunately it's the main cola. My main questions are:

1) Is there any thing wrong, or am just over-analyzing this?
2) If there is in fact something wrong how can fix it?
3) Is there any way to salvage the bud?
4) If I'm forced to preform surgery where should I cut?

If I have to cut the "infected" bud I'm fine with that, I just don't want to lose a bud. Thanks for the help, pictures below.

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hmm, i wish i knew what that was but im stumped as well. im working on my first grow, and im at week 5 flowering, and my pistils are just now turning from white to orange, which just means they are maturing.

they also say some pistils could turn a brownish color, but yours seem to have shown pretty early.

overall, i have no clue what that is, but i hope (and i think) someone on this site will know.

i'll stop in again soon, i hope its nothing too serious! time to blaze now though,
cheers! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'll put another vote in for "possible pollination", or maybe damage from touching them with your hands, or something like that. Usually, you don't get bud rot until your buds are much denser, and hold moisture better. Those are pretty small yet, and not at a whole lot of risk.
You just got POLLINATED dude....sometimes bagseeds do not fully develop hermies in full (female genes are stronger than male genes)....so what happens is...they popped a few male flowers and pollinated your pistils. Perhaps your hold batch got pollinated too. Fans will be tumbling all that pollen in your growing place. You have 2 choices CUT the BUD or PLUCK each one of the pistils that got POLLINATED. If the buds are develop like week #3 after transition...you get more bud than seeds between 3 to 7 seeds per cola. I went through that years ago and I had to find out on my own too. Sometimes the genes in the bagseed are Hermie already. Bagseed most of the times is Guerrilla grow or a careless grow.

I hope that helps. Happy Grow.