
Well-Known Member
Outstanding Lopez..everything looks awsome.
Looks like you are having a outstanding pull of plants too.
I dont envy you picking and plucking for days though.Fucking tedious work doing that.I love that trim machine.Fucking makes short work of cutting down and processing.
Did your finish time speed up from former pulls is the question also?
We are pretty sure production increased?
After you start running with some voo doo juice it will be interesting to see what happens..you might have to get some ceiling jacks to raise your ceilings for the extra growth..at least im hopping so.
Voo doo is supposed to be used the first two weeks of veg after the plants come out of the cloner and the first two weeks of bloom..thats it.
Once the colony is established it should remain that way for the whole grow.
If you want to be a big spender grab you up some pirhanna juice along with the voo doo.Make sure the bottles are new and fresh.With these bennies you do not want something that has been sitting on the shelf for a year..you want them nice and fresh.
They make another bennie..from what ive researched it works well..but is expensive and the results from it are neglegable when used along with the voo doo and pirahanna.Its called tarantula.
Just skip it.


Well-Known Member
Ill have a update soon on the side by side run using Zone from dutch masters vs voo doo juice/pirahana,
I like the zone allot because it keeps the res clean and sterile.
But the voo doo juice and pirahna so far is kicking its ass.
I had a problem a long time ago with pythium in my res because it got to hot.So i went to a sterile res.Havnt had a problem since.but i do not get the explosive growth like i used to either.
If i have to chill my res's i will just have to do it.
A word to the wise..vit B through veg..stop vit B for the first two weeks of bud.No vit B first two weeks of bloom..it will screw with the initial stretch we want.
Timing is everything.
If you got a plant that is out of hand you can throw some super thrive at it and straight put the brakes on it.We dont want anything braking our beasts before the stretch.Unless it is a out of control strain.


Well-Known Member
Some on here will bitch about your leafs.I love the way the leafs look with a proper fall fade and finish..
It tells me the buds are going to taste smell and smoke great.
It tells me they pulled the carbs(sugars)Brix out of the leafs and into the bud.
I bet that bud smells tastes and burns great.


Well-Known Member
Nice op Bro,Yea man.... Max does help the RIU community with very informative n Solid advise.
There long,But well worth the read.For

The Grape man jsut man.
Nice WERK.



Well-Known Member
damn dlopez im impressed man and it takes alot to impress me great job, will u be running anything different next grow


Well-Known Member
Blue Cheese Cut is great smelling and tasting ,butt.. fluffy bullshit weight. Fazing this one out of the Garden..



Well-Known Member
shit still looks dank i know i hate them fluffy budz, i grew out flyingdutchmans blueberry skunk and it was all fluffy