30 plants busted week ago while out, police not been round since?


Active Member
haha.. in the U.S. ud come home to a door hanging off the hinges, a destroyed house, and an arresting officer..

U.k. sounds like a lovely place where the streets are paved with gold and the rivers are overflowing with wine....sorta like Aspen


glad everything worked out friend, i would not think that your days are all past you for growing there are other options such as renting a place or business, or you could move in the future. Or the UK could make it legal. Never know. best wishes.


Well-Known Member
haha.. in the U.S. ud come home to a door hanging off the hinges, a destroyed house, and an arresting officer..

U.k. sounds like a lovely place where the streets are paved with gold and the rivers are overflowing with wine....sorta like Aspen

na everyother person is growing now they arnet really bothered like obv they go loking for warehouses and big grows but little ens its not hi on ther list its like not violent or anything and as long as u dont wire up your electric meter they arent too bothered like


Well-Known Member
na everyother person is growing now they arnet really bothered like obv they go loking for warehouses and big grows but little ens its not hi on ther list its like not violent or anything and as long as u dont wire up your electric meter they arent too bothered like

What language are you attempting to communicate in?


Well-Known Member
So, while investigating an OUI car accident, the Police decide to raid your house?
Makes no sense.

How can they do that? The person of interest doesn't even share the same address? How'd they get your address again?

I understand it's all over with now, but I'm still interested.


Active Member
They're probably confused why you won't come pick up the keys so they can arrest you. Also looks like they had no reason to enter, so how could they acquire a warrant? There's a case in Florida right now about using a sniffer dog at your front door, and the supreme court acknowledged that homes are entitled to greater privacy than cars etc and they can't do that.. So why would they go in and know exactly where to find what they were looking for unless they already knew?


Active Member
took everything, left a leaflet informing occupier a search had been carried out. no mention of cannabis.
Thats a good point. Admit nothing, and don't even ask about plants, except ask why the lock was changed because as far as you know, there was no reason for that. Its possible a vagrant or something was using the loft without your knowledge.. I believe in order to nail your bollocks to the bollywhammers (whatever the fuck that means), they have to prove "beyond reasonable doubt".


Active Member
I don't like to post so often back to back, would rather this than fuck with edits.. Just wanted to say that police *everywhere* are the same. They train together. If they had enough to arrest you, they would have. Since they gave you a caution, they didn't have what they wanted for the charges they wanted to arrest you for. Thats how it is everywhere. Some places need less to arrest or outright shoot you. In the more civilized nations, they have to jump through the hoops and play ball, and usually they rely on the suspect admitting what they did so they can then charge them. Never admit anything. NEVER!

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
My Dad says there's 4 things you say to the cops:
"Yes Sir"
"No Sir"
"Am I under arrest?"
"When do I get my phone call?"


Well-Known Member
yeh sak i take the charge dont live in fear u wont get jail and u may get away with unlawful entry how did they go to ures? did he live ther? wat? dont sound rite to me


Well-Known Member
Did they take the plants. Ive heard of rippers posing as police officers and raiding grow rooms just to steal bud. Think somebody tryed to set you up? Police changing your locks sounds awfully peculiar if you ask me.