3 Year Cure, Does It Look OK?


Well-Known Member
In 2010 I grew a few lbs of bud on my terrace. I gave most of it away as I didn't smoke at the time, but I did keep a couple onces of everything I produced. I cured everything in mason jars (after dried), burping regularly for a few months. I threw it all on a shelf in my closet and forgot about it. Fast forward 3 years later. I've bought a vaporizor and plan to partake occationally, mostly to relax at night before bed. I've also started a few seedlings (amazingly from 3 year old seeds that were in an envelope in the cupboard). I opened the jar of "Chuch" today and it smelled just as it did after the cure, very good, no musty smell at all; only I think the bud has turned more brown than it was 3 years ago (I've read this is normal).

So abosulely no musty smell and no visable mold that I could see. I know nothing about the various types of mold, is it safe to assume that if everything smells right, there is likely no type of fungus?? The bud is still sticky and not at all brittle. I probably did a better job of curing then I give myself credit for, but I was no pro at the time and I'm not today. I smoked shwag 20 years ago...I've never smoked any high grade stuff, other than experimenting with what I grew 3 years ago, which knocked me on my ass. I guess I'm a born again virgin :grin:

So what do the pros think? Same pic one is blown up more

the church.jpgchurch 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks fine to mee haha usually amber hairs stand for degrading thc so idk if youll get super high from it but its worth a try, really congrats on keeping that for 3 years thats crazy haha

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You cannot advertise anything for sale unless you are approved by RIU. Your lucky I wasn't around or the bud would never of gotton to be three years in the jar:)


Well-Known Member
It looks absolutely fine to me. Definitely give us a smoke report. I'm very interested because I'm contemplating storing some buds for up to 2yrs or so. I imagine it could be a little harsh but I'm really just interested in the potency. Cany wait to hear your report.


Well-Known Member
So I vaped a little last night, probably 0.20g in my new VaporGenie. The vapor did irritate my lungs and throat, but nothing like when I rolled the same stuff up 3 years ago. It's possible it got too hot or I held the flame too close to the ceramic (newb still learning). I've also read THC is an irritant?? It hit me about 5 minutes later, very narcotic, couch lock I think you call it. I'm thinking nothing much has been lost in 3 years. I went to bed an hour after I vaped and slept straight through the night...which is not the norm. My throat was just a little hoarse this morning...

The Church is supposed to be rated around 20% THC. I'm going to use a little less next go around, but I'm pretty sure this stuff is too strong for the intended purpose, which is to relax my brain about 2 hours before bed...


Those pix reveal quite a few brown hairs, that nug was run long and picked late, which is why it was so extra-couchlock 3 years ago. Next time try picking a few branches early and see if you like it or not.

Good job, on the grow and the cure.


Well-Known Member
correction. It was LA Woman that I vaped last night, I just realized looking at the jars today. So the Church is suposed to be stronger...


Well-Known Member
Those pix reveal quite a few brown hairs, that nug was run long and picked late, which is why it was so extra-couchlock 3 years ago. Next time try picking a few branches early and see if you like it or not.

Good job, on the grow and the cure.
even white hairs brown after harvest.. Looks to me like it was picked early and is mostly leaves. Glad it's working well for you.


wow 3 years old! I have had different types stored up for around a year and Its just better if stored correctly in my personal experience. Awesome to hear your enjoying 3 year old stuff


Well-Known Member
wow 3 years old! I have had different types stored up for around a year and Its just better if stored correctly in my personal experience. Awesome to hear your enjoying 3 year old stuff
What is your method for storing? I'm looking into as many methods as possible. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
So I vaped a little last night, probably 0.20g in my new VaporGenie. The vapor did irritate my lungs and throat, but nothing like when I rolled the same stuff up 3 years ago. It's possible it got too hot or I held the flame too close to the ceramic (newb still learning). I've also read THC is an irritant?? ...
What flame? Flames and vaping don't make sense. In a nutshell you should vape at 365-370 degrees IMO. Temps over 392 degrees when vaping release the nasty stuff you're trying to avoid by vaping. Plus at those higher temps the taste isn't as good and you can get harsh hits, especially if you're vaping ancient herb like you were. My guess is the 3 year old super dry herb, vaped at a higher than recommended temp., gave you a harsh hit. That's why you irritated your lungs and throat. When I vape good herb at the right temps there's nothing irritating about it. It is true however that thc can be an irritant. Cannabis is also a close cousin to the ragweed family. So if you're allergic to ragweed it can also give you shortness of breath. From the sound of your post it seems as though you're lungs and throat are sensitive to begin with, so at the expense of sounding like your mom, you should take it easy, turn the vape down, and use fresher herb.


Well-Known Member
even white hairs brown after harvest.. Looks to me like it was picked early and is mostly leaves. Glad it's working well for you.
Mostly Bud and picked when trichs were at 50% amber. Here's a pick a couple of weeks before harvest (taken off one of my threads from 3 years ago), all my finished pics are on a dead hard drive.



Well-Known Member
What flame? Flames and vaping don't make sense. In a nutshell you should vape at 365-370 degrees IMO. Temps over 392 degrees when vaping release the nasty stuff you're trying to avoid by vaping. Plus at those higher temps the taste isn't as good and you can get harsh hits, especially if you're vaping ancient herb like you were. My guess is the 3 year old super dry herb, vaped at a higher than recommended temp., gave you a harsh hit. That's why you irritated your lungs and throat. When I vape good herb at the right temps there's nothing irritating about it. It is true however that thc can be an irritant. Cannabis is also a close cousin to the ragweed family. So if you're allergic to ragweed it can also give you shortness of breath. From the sound of your post it seems as though you're lungs and throat are sensitive to begin with, so at the expense of sounding like your mom, you should take it easy, turn the vape down, and use fresher herb.
I vaped with a VaporGinie, you use a lighter to heat the ceramic. It was my first time, I think I got the flame too close to the ceramic which I've read could cause combustions. I'm definately allergic to ragweed, I supose I'll be sensitive to weed as well...time will tell. The Bud is definitely not dry; It did not crumble when handled, when I cut a peice off, it came off pretty clean; it;s still sticky...

I think I just need more practice with the VaporGinie...