3 Weeks Flower White Widow Pics


Well-Known Member
thanks man that was the old batch now that was white widow im lookin for more dank i mean they were so dank.
Sativa is a stronger plant correct? whats everones opinion


Well-Known Member
dude they turned out pretty good i mean when they were on the plant they looked so dank. when i tried them they looked like just ok weed how do thy stay fresher after the whole drying process.

Even if you have to instant message me i would love to know more stuff on the drying and curing aspect


Well-Known Member
dude i would love to know how to make hash, my plants were dank as hell but once hey died they looked like just ok i would love to know more about drying an cruing if you could be o kind to help me out


Hey guys hope you can help, I'm unsure whether I should start flowering my white widow... basically should the flower pistals be white before I flower or can I start flowering now that I can see the pistals, I think they need some more time personally. Also should I trim back large leaves that are blocking light hitting the lower branches?