3 Strain Party Cup Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks Howak, she does looks great, the Sk node spacing is crazy tight, i almost want her to stretch out a lil haha

That's exactly how I do it. :mrgreen: All my party cups have four holes at the rims, ready and waiting to start training my little ones. :hump:
sweet, good to know i have the right idea going :bigjoint:

I have topped before, but this is my first time doing some LST :)


Dude your plants look amazing. I followed your last party cup grow and it inspired me to try it myself. Currently I have 5 plants going. 3 Romulan and 2 mystery seeds. Im going to create a journal on here within the next couple of days. Anyway, good job dude


Well-Known Member
Dude your plants look amazing. I followed your last party cup grow and it inspired me to try it myself. Currently I have 5 plants going. 3 Romulan and 2 mystery seeds. Im going to create a journal on here within the next couple of days. Anyway, good job dude
brotha! please either Private Message (PM) me the link to your Romulan grow journal; or just post it here like you originally said you would. I'm a HUGE fan of Romulan but I have never grown it. I'm pumped that Next Generation came out with a TRUE romulan seed. (I'm guessing that's where you got your seeds)

I definitely want to watch your Romulan Party Cup grow.

**Also - a little side note. I tried to PM (Private Message) you and I couldn't. When I clicked your name it just went to your profile and there was no link to PM you there either.
I think it may be because you're so new to RollItUp. But I'm not sure.
My questions is: Does anyone know why I can't send a Private Message to Lando?
When will you be starting your Romulan Grow Journal?

Thanks! Keep growing with the party cups!

P.ositive E.nergy A.ctivates C.onstant E.levation



Well-Known Member
Im going to top on the 4th week, let her recover then flip to 12/12 on the 5th week, then as the shoots and mains cols stretch out i will be LSTing them accordingly.

So i got another week 1/2, I want them to be more mature as well, im a lil sketchy on the early topping, im in no rush, the Sk is growing almost too compact haha, the node spacing on her is crazy, im going to raise the light later today, there drinking more as well, loving the nutrients. Soil gets dry alot quiccer, but i still wait for my normal time to water them, gonna transplant the MBS to a full cup soon as well.

gonna get some pics up probably tomorrow or later today, depends on how lazy i am :bigjoint:


Hey SICC and PlantWhisperer i have the link to my journal in my signature. Any suggestions would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
i got a ton of romulan seeds from a breeder out in SoCal...so if u wanna exchange beans we can def do that! srry to post this in ir thread sicc just thought id let em know..feel me!?


Well-Known Member
lookin great sicc the sour kush has got sum good internode spacing were u thinkin of breeding this time round??? id breed the sour kush shed make a good mum:leaf::bigjoint:ras:leaf: