hey i have really been wanting to ask all of you guys watching this about your PK supplements. when do u supplement with PK, how much, how often and what product(s) do u use?
i know some people swear up and down that PK supplements don't help, well i am not interested in hearing from those people, only people that actually use it with good results. i know that they r not necessary; however, i do know, as a matter of fact that they do work when used properly. as i have stated before i am currently using Snowstorm Ultra, Crystal Burst, recently added Floralicious Plus and Bloombastic. occasionally with the right strain i use Purple Max a couple times. i have not done any direct side by side vs a control with the Floralicious or Bloombastic yet like i have with the other supplements; however they do seem to have made a fairly good bit of difference when compared to the crops i ran with just the Humboldt line up PK supplements. i never follow the directions on this stuff tho, it calls for like 5ml a gallon on most of this stuff but when i use it i go 2-3ml a gal at most. i only use two of them at a time then on my next feeding i use whatever i did not use the last time and so on... besides Crystal Burst, i will use it in almost every feeding. i never let my PPM go above 800 775 PPM is what i shoot for. one of the most important things i do IMHO is that whenever i water, i water with at least 20 gal, i have about 27 gallons of soil, so well over half the volume of the soil. i add a couple ML a gallon of Cal-Mag and adjust it to 6.2. also when i fertilize i will mix 15 gallons of nutes, so about half of the soil volume. see the pattern here? the pots r getting flushed somewhat every time they are either watered or fertilized. for us who grow cannabis (we fertilized more than is required for most plants) so it is absolutely essential IMO to flush constantly so as to never expose your delicate roots to the fertilizer salts. i stop using grow in the mix about 2 weeks before i flip to 12/12 then from then on its strictly Micro and Bloom along with the PK supplements along with hummic acid early on, and Sweet for carbo load (i usually throw in 50ml per 15 gal) it calls for like 15 ML a gallon or something crazy like that which is dumb and waaay not necessary. my schedule is every other day i either water of feed. i do water, feed, water, feed, water, feed every other day. there, i think thats about it to my feeding schedules i dont think i forgot anything.
what do u guys do concerning fertilizer? especially PK? as well as your PH?