2x4 flood and drain stealth grow continuation


Rebel From The North
Looking good big! I think the #1 thing now is to always do a mini flush everytime you do a res change. Seems they bounce
Back and start packing on the weight :) and might eliminate the cause of those burning leaves


Active Member
I'll try the mini flush myself guys... Looking really good big, you should be happy with the outcome thus far!!... And now and even before the site crash I picked a lot of really good info from this thread.. Keep up the good work guys


Active Member
Update! day 63!

well there just not done ... i am going to need to go 1 more week of flush. heh that would make it 70 days start to finish.. well hope there done by then ant got any amber orbs anywhere yet ether so i am not worried. ....these babies have sugared up a shit tone ..but i am thinking about adding some tea and some molasses to help them sugar up some more. did that with my coco run and it worked out great

unfortunately i think i may have jumped the gun on the flush this run... i should have kept giving them nutes. o well they will be nice and chemical free that's for sure.

my water in the res is only 100 ppm blinking 200 my water is 100 normally so there like 50 ppm in there and that's prolly the tea.

hay HR should i use florallesus pineapple rush instead of molasses in my res to sugar them up? i use it for my peppers and it makes them taste vary sweet but i know sugar makes them tern to snow with orbs and...i want that hehe they all ready kinda are but lol the more the marryer!

my res water is like all ways around 60-65 degrees so i do not think it would cause an out brake if used in conjunction with the tea but your advise would be appreciated.

sniff'sniff' ...i want to smoke this soooooo bad. :D

another week just seems like FOREVER!



Active Member
Update! Day 70! Harvest! :clap:

not much to say but Daaaaammmmm! :weed:

i am just as happy as can be. This will fill many a jar cant wait to fill them to see how many it will fill! :D

no more restless legs for me for awhile lol :D i can just relax... in about 3-7 days they will be fully cured and ready to blaze!

i looked at the roots in my system and to my surprise not even 1 root was rot ! i thought there would have been some but nope.. just white roots there were a lil stainage from the tea though but this was not a rot brown but a light tint that the tea dues.

did smell like alga and soil though :D geuss i had a pretty bad ass culture in my res tank :D i thought the enormous buds were cause of being so close to the light but i am thinking this culture that was in this grodan and in the root zone was a huge factor too. man if only i had a bad ass co2 delivery system these things would be Mammoths!

another thing i noticed was that the roots never wondered up into the rock wool chunks they all grew straight down into the gro dan cube layer and into the grooves were the water runs though it :D. seems the chucks were just keeping light out from root zone. makes me think i prolly could go with a lot less chunks and save a few bucks and just use them ok plugs

all though the 4 plants on the outside edge were small they did contribute a bit o bud but i think 10 spaced in this 2 x 4 would have been great! 12 just seemed slighty over doing it

my advise to anyone doing so high density grows is to have a small fan blowing down from the top of the room and one riding the floor blowing up against your flood table. the air will find its way up and around the table and give nice airflow to the roots and push what ever Co2 is riding the floor up to the leafs. and last but not least LST was a huge factor in getting better buds down low ....hehe nice and chunky ones ones when you drop on the floor it makes a thump :D

any way some pics of the harvest and some PORN!

