2week old plants having problems!!


Well-Known Member
Im not sure what the problem is whether its my soil mix never being 100% accurate or too many nutes in soil or heat from lights or what... I am using led300w after 1week under normal t5s... Here are the pics maybe you guys can help is my light to close to far? added some pics if people can help me tell why same grow has diffrent problems??

?10533057_758986304153038_1526574208_n.jpg 10580501_758986290819706_655594830_n.jpg 10563358_758986267486375_236138357_n.jpg 10551916_758986547486347_968997490_n.jpg 10563437_758986527486349_2003452479_n.jpg 10567418_758986507486351_1961886162_n.jpg 10559259_758986447486357_166951148_n.jpg 10581362_758986390819696_703217779_n.jpg 10545049_758986360819699_1757215536_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
plant is pretty young to have a deficiency, how close was the light? Some looks like heat burning to me.


Well-Known Member
also had a fan blowing it too... the light is a 300w led not sure how close to put it but right now i would say you can tell from the picture so about 30-40cm10563358_758986267486375_236138357_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
In your pics. i see what looks like a CO2 device you are holding above the plants.....If so cut that out unless your plants are in temps above 80 degrees farenheit.
How often and what are you watering with???
Im no LED expert, but how high above the plants are your lights in inches??
What soil are you growing in??


I was plants who starts yellowed from second leaf pair! From deficiency are never too young if you do something radical wrong.
Its phosphorus deficiency. The color on leafs is just from phosphorus deficite.
if you turn lights too close then can start phosphorus deficite. you shoulod check your PH! Meybe are too low or too high. Maybe your temperature are too low.
Which water you used? maybe water PH are too low if it does not have lime.
Wet, compact soil or overwatering can trigger a phosphorus deficiency to appear even when all other factors are perfect. So make sure you water your plants properly every time to help prevent a phosphorus deficiency.
Cooler temperatures lower than 60°F (15°C), as well as large temperature swings, can make it harder for the plant to absorb phosphorus. Cannabis plants are therefore more likely to show signs of a phosphorus deficiency when the temperature drops too low, or if they go through a cold spell.
An excess of Fe and Zn may cause the symptoms of a phosphorus deficiency by preventing the plant from being able to absorb phosphorus properly.
Sources of phosphorus:

Bat guano (phosphorus is readily available, especially if made into a teat)
Bone or blood meal (takes quite a bit of time to break down in soil unless made into a tea first)
Worm castings or worm tea
Soft Rock Phosphate
Fish meal


Well-Known Member
o yea just wanted to add that i am using 300w and 450w led from zenmizu.com u can check the specs there... If anyone could help me out with lumens and how far should have them from my new veg babies would be great

SolarTech300w LED Grow Light (PAR&Lumen Rating)
distance from plant/ PAR/ Lumen
30cm/ 1,150/ 50,500
50cm/ 710/ 33,500
100cm/ 200/ 10,800
150cm/ 90/ 5,400
200cm/ 51/ 2,900

SolarTech450w LED Grow Light (PAR&Lumen Rating)
distance from plant/ PAR/ Lumen
30cm/ 1,215/ 75,700
50cm/ 680/ 50,200
100cm/ 280/ 16,200
150cm/ 139/ 8,100
200cm/ 86/ 4,350

Here are my plants at 2 weeks can follow ma journal and help me out


You have red stalks? If is then definatly its phosphorus what you need!
Phosphorus domination need first two weeks until photosythesis then need more nitrogen until flowering when need phosphorus domination of all nutrients.


Well-Known Member
any tips for watering with LEDS? i find the soil dries out very slowly always scared to overwater


Well-Known Member
We need more info than just what light you are using, nobody has offered any suggestion of the light being an issue, only you....tell us more and we can help more


Well-Known Member
Probably too humid and hot. How far should your lights be from plants?.... Back of hand test:hold hand over plant, if the back of you hand gets uncomfortable in 10 secs its too hot. Plants look good other then the little bit of cupping and twisting. Correct your temps and you should be back rockin some healthy girls soon


Well-Known Member
so the cupping and twisting is caused by heat stress?? i am in thailand so the temps do get very hot during the day but the lights themselves almost give off no heat... i think my lights are about 30cm away looking at the coke bottle


Well-Known Member
How looks your new leafs in the pic is hard to see! In green color? No deform?
u can see in the picture the color... they are dark green color no green leaves or tip burns but just weird twisting and shapes... i think maybe because of fan



Heat stress can burned leaves but cannot make brown/red color.
When leaves are burned from heat when are to close light then looks like your but color which is dark brown I see in your pics are light brown not dark: Like this pic

but that looks leaves when need phosphorus



Well-Known Member
@lilmafia513 I dont know exact pot size but my soil mix is
30% fine coconut (sometimes peat moss)
25% vermiculite
15%best quality topsoil
5% organic fertilizer
not always exact but i try to be im finding coco to work better under leds though cause dry quicker or should i just add more perlite or vermiculite to the mix??
I have been spraying a bit of 1/4strenght em and 1/4 vit-b every few days on the leave though not too much in soil.


5% organic fertilizer?? You fertilizer all this time? Or how you think 5% fertilizer?
I have more questions! Where you keep your plants this is a box or you keep in light place not closed place and how hours per day you give light?


Well-Known Member
Heat stress can burned leaves but cannot make brown/red color.
When leaves are burned from heat when are to close light then looks like your but color which is dark brown I see in your pics are light brown not dark: Like this pic

but that looks leaves when need phosphorus

Thanks a lot this actually helps me notice a lot more i think i may not have a problem it may be heat in soil because i left out in sunlight for few days and its like 30-34C here... haha... but no yellow or black leaves like that yet just the curling.. should i raise my light for the veg you think so they can stretch a bit more or they looking good... im sorry im a noob and love to learn