2things,, triming ??when & lights


Active Member
yep me again

just started flowering,12 ,12 .. when do i trim some leveas off my plants or do i ???

and how meny grows do u get out of a 400 / 600 wat hps bulb




Active Member
just started flowering,12 ,12 .. when do i trim some leveas off my plants or do i ???

and how meny grows do u get out of a 400 / 600 wat hps bulb
1)You don't trim the fan leaves off, unless you really have to! the fan leaves stay on. When it is ready to come off, it will drop off by itself, once the plant decides it is done with it.

2)It depends on the method you are adopting, bulb have life of approx 1 year, it is advised to change them every 6-9 months, as the older the bulbs get, the less intensity it produces.

Hope this helps


Active Member
i may get new 1s,, i got mine of a lad that gave growing due to messing it up. and ther on there second grow wit me..

