2nd grow SunHutXL 600w Coco SmartPot


Well-Known Member
day 27ish

Its been about a week since I update since veg growth is boring to watch haha. that one plant that had grown insainly is allready to the screen and horizontal 3-4" with another 2" sticking thru cause I havn't moved anything yet this morning.


do you guys do much defoliation at this stage? this morning's research is about it entirely but I wanted to know If any of you guys got input.... (cause I've never pulled a healthy leaf off a plant intentionally before- it scares me haha)

a quick photo of the one plant I decided to grow in a party cup rather then kill... she prolly isn't getting the light the others do since its so crowded under the screen, will more then likely end up lolipoping it and letting it come up dead center of the screen for budding... see how big of a bud a party cup is capable of when its using its energy for only one bud :)


Nice setup, subbed. I've been researching the SCROG method as well and found this tidbit of useful information.

How to SCROG

I'd wait until your screen is full before removing the undergrowth, or whatever you think isn't going to make it up there. I've read to leave a little growth, trim enough so air flow isn't restricted. That article is pretty good, he covers a lot.


Well-Known Member
Nice setup, subbed. I've been researching the SCROG method as well and found this tidbit of useful information.

How to SCROG

I'd wait until your screen is full before removing the undergrowth, or whatever you think isn't going to make it up there. I've read to leave a little growth, trim enough so air flow isn't restricted. That article is pretty good, he covers a lot.
I definetly read that article and used it as a base when I was figuring out whether to scrog or not, lots of great info for sure. I havn't been hacking to much off, just some leafs here and there- airflow is a biggie for me- I worry that with just passive intakes on the bottom sides and the plants being on a table that my air blows past the ladies instead of thru them ya know? i have 2 small 6" oscillating fans catty corner blowing constantly on low just to keep the girls dancing a little. hopefully its just an unwarranted worry on my part.

oh yeah that solo cup plant has grown about 3" in the last 3 days since I trimmed a few off the bottom and gave her a good watering. I'm thinking she should hit the screen just in time to catch the light but not blow toooo far past the other bud sites. we'll see.


Sound great! Yeah you probably have nothing to worry about, sounds like you have more than enough air flow, a lot of ppl say trimming the undergrowth controls humidity, fungus and insect activity as well, I can't say for sure since this will be my first SCROG as well. Look forward to seeing how that auto stretches :)


Well-Known Member
So the girls are 30 days old today. they are still growing like crazy except for the NL Blue. Its shorter/bushier then the rest and still hasn't touched the screen- its about 1/2 inch under but by the end of the week i'd bet at least the main and a few others should be thru by about an inch.

other than that things are filling up as normal i suppose (nothing to compare since its the first auto or scrog grow i've done)

I'm hoping I timed everything decent so the screen will get rather full before full flower kicks in- I THINK I should have about another 10 days from what i've read before I need to start switching to bloom nutes and stop any training.

aaanyways. heres a few shots from 5 minutes ago- my camera blows but you get the idea ;)
you can see in my screen that the top left is allmost bare- thats where the stupid NL Blue should be by now haha


Well-Known Member
Hi bong ....

everything's looking good :)
you should check out Garyboys grow, he comments on my thread and there's a link.
Gary Is growing the NL blue auto and is about the same time scale as you, it's started flowering and it's big ...!

Peace :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Gary Is growing the NL blue auto and is about the same time scale as you, it's started flowering and it's big ...!
thanks man, and damn - no kidding. his is waaay happier haha. I can't get to mine to pull it out for photos but its leaves are just at screen level, its got a fair amount of sites that are pre-flower but nowhere near as strong as his is looking.
It looks like (hard to see thru the leaves and such) i should hopefully get 4-5 sites make it above the screen by the weekend not sure how much more vertical growth to expect though....

this is the last/only time i'm doin autos- it will be cool to have a stash by the end of winter but thats the only upside I can come up with...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm not done any autos yet so it's interesting what people are making of them.....
Dont worry he's got a Big Bang and it's way more Happy than my Big Bag, looks a different Pheno altogether the way his has grown compared to mine.


Well-Known Member
so things are getting bushy and stinky as hell... haha

the canopy isn't as even as I'd like but its hard since i've never grown this strain and its an autoflower.

all plants are up and trained and have some buds thru the net. the plant in back left that was running behind now has 3-4 sites thru net and should give me a few more since its streching later then the others. today is the last day of week 5.



Well-Known Member
oh yeah. i'm funny how I mix my nutes, when my mixing res is like 1/3 full i fill with water and mix in the ferts for that amount of water only. so today after a hearty veg watering- i mixed 1/2 and 1/2 veg/bloom- it was added 6gallons to the 3ish gallons of veg nutes i had going, this will (hopefully) mid week when i water again it will give them the veg nutes they need to finish their stetch and also kick the bloom nutes in as well as additives in the hopes that it now has all it needs, it will take prolly 2 waterings to get res down to where i need more and at that point I will mix 3/4 bloom 1/4 veg and it will mix with whats in there giving me a 1/2ish mix... then mix 100% bloom to add to remaining. so that even at the end before flush there should be trace veg nutes and majority bloom..... weee'llllll seeeee..


Well-Known Member
my timing on when to stop training sucked but all is healthy just not really a "scrog" anymore- more of a support net haha. it is staying even but I got a feeling some of the branches that wern't trained all that much are gonna shoot past the ones that were trained awile... its crazy how this strain is purple allready. all the bud sites are purple and some of the more developed sites have leaves that are turning purple. This stuff is gonna have insane bag appeal... my camera doen't do close ups worth a shit and the macro setting sucks so i'll save close up photos for when I have a different camera

I also picked up a "mister landscaper" drip watering system at the local hardware store for $23, its meant to be hooked up to a hose but I put a valve on the bottom of a 5gallon bucket and hung it from the ceiling. I just dump my nutes into the bucket and it waters everything.. It takes about 3 minutes now which is alot better then trying to squeeze around in the tent trying to water everything..


Well-Known Member
its been a week or two since I made it on here. the holidays and shit are always hectic.

things are looking good- everything is fattening up pretty good. the PK is getting to the end for sure, the one is getting real close to a chop, the rest have at least 1 or 2 weeks or so more then likely. the NLB was slow from the go this entire grow. but she is starting to fatten and will more then likely be at least 2 weeks behind the PK.

I yanked out the solo cup like 2 days ago, it is definetly early and never had time for it to fatten. but it still smokes- it worked out well to grow it- being able to cut it impatiently prolly kept me from choppin one of her fat sisters :)

sorry for the hps lines and cheap camera


Well-Known Member
so I yanked one or two of the smaller ones early to water cure and make edibles for daytime use. that was about a week and a half ago. the coconut oil came out great, if I remember it was like 1.5-1.75 oz once dried (watercure takes alot more weight off- i would say about an oz each if cured normally)

the rest are getting the chop in the next few days, the purple are like 80/20 cloudy/amber trichs and the NL blue is like 15/80/5 clear/cloudy/amber as of right now so i'm gonna feed about a gallon each of regular ph'd water just to fill em with moisture since things dry suuuuper fast in my area- hopefully the extra water will help slow this up a bit cause the last one was crunchy in 48hrs hanging inside a cardboard box with breathing holes.....

pictures and final weights to come after they have been chopped/ full dried.


Well-Known Member
Its been awile since i've had the time to post.. everything is done and has had time to cure a bit. Including the water cure I ended up getting around 8-9oz total which i'm more then happy with. I've used the vast majority of it for cooking and ingredients. made a batch of coco canna oil, a huge batch of infused honey, sifted a bunch of keif and made some smush hash out of alot of it, right now i've got a gallon or so of southern comfort soaking with the 2ish oz's of material I used for the honey- when the honey was done i didn't squish all the honey out of the giant teabag- i plopped it in a tupperware and covered with soco.. we'll see how that turns out. Still have a few zips laying around and allready smoked more then I should of haha. anyhow heres some photos...

gettin ready

when I took the last 3 down

purple bud makes for some killer lookin kief.. the light stuff was the first time thru, the more purple stuff was when alot more plant material was getting thru but it looks way cool haha

pressed out some kief for storage

ground up about 1.5 oz of bud, used a few grams of kief, about a 1/2oz of sugar leaf and a ton of hairs that collected in my jars to make a ridiculous batch of medicated honey

good photo of the last 3 once manicured but before they got there cure on




this made for a fuuuun night with an old friend