2nd Bubble System. 3 Jock Horror and 3 Raspberry Cough Check it out


New Member
So heres my 3rd grow 2nd bubbleponics alot has happened first off i moved outa my friends house which i started this grow in...they were fine with the move but then i had them at my buddys place and couldnt b there enuf which created problems. basically they were doing fine when i moved them..i moved them from my old house for reasons i dont want to explain but i moved them and left them at a friends house for 2 weeks taking care of them every other day at best...this created problems....they werent doing bad at all...but then the night before i moved i made a bad decision and over nuted them. being that i moved the next day i didnt come ovr to check on them....when i came ovr the day after i moved to grab them and move them to the new place they were fucked...3 of them were ok and the other 3 looked like they were gonna die....1 one bad the second was okay and the third was looking bad but in my mind was still salvageable well i moved it...and started straight ph'ed water and alil bit of H2o2 left them for a couple days and all of them came back to life.. well now from what i have learned i think i have a zinc deficiency i could b wrong but from pics iv looked at b4 its pretty obvious so yesterday i went ahead and did a DNR and added some nutes to give them what they dont have..well they are still doing fine but i just want to make sure they are fine...what do yall think heres the pics. my other question is....i seems like the 2 different strains are doing 2 different things its obvious that one of the strains is growing faster than the other and now im wondering should i seperate the 2 strains in 2 diff res'es. i have the capability to do that if needed but i would prefer not to...what do yall think

and by the way yes there is still some signs of the nute burn and whatnot i have clipped the leaves that are dead but some of the leaves are still in use so im not gonna trim them yet this is also something im asking should i leave them for longer until they are basically no longer needed or go ahead and get rid of the shitty leaves



Active Member
I'll lend a hand. I tried to grow two different strains at the same time and one ended up getting totally choked out. I'd move the runts if they start getting too stuffed out. As far as leaf trimming, I think I went too far on my first grow cause I burned my leaves too. My current grow I have seriously restrained trimming the damaged leaves until they're really bad or they're absolutely covering nice new growth. The plants look awesome so far!!


Well-Known Member
Looks good, huge res! I am experiencing the same problem i grew 3 different strains and one of my Green Cracks just wasn't growing as fast as the other 3 plants, not even close, it doesn't get alot of light, and it gets nute burn easy .


Well-Known Member
Just took another look at your pics, looks like your experiencing the same thing i did, it's not nute burn you have those yellowing edges and tips. Use 20 ml of cal-mag. Youll get ALOT greener in one night.


Well-Known Member
Im no expert on the deficiency problems. From what i understand, or have read i shoul say is that the tips ever so slightly burnt means youve reached the plants threshold of nutrient uptake. I may be way off here. Anyways not to jack the thread here but i too dont see alot of activity over here either. Anyeays im starting a fairly large scale dwc and i would love to get some advice from those of you who are in the know on the DWC. Please visit the journal and tell me what you think. Thasnks 1BMM


New Member
Im no expert on the deficiency problems. From what i understand, or have read i shoul say is that the tips ever so slightly burnt means youve reached the plants threshold of nutrient uptake. I may be way off here. Anyways not to jack the thread here but i too dont see alot of activity over here either. Anyeays im starting a fairly large scale dwc and i would love to get some advice from those of you who are in the know on the DWC. Please visit the journal and tell me what you think. Thasnks 1BMM

what do u mean by reaching the threshould...like to much? cus i mean theres different types of burns and with its being just the edges like this its deff not to much nutes....where the fuck is roseman hed know lol...i havent seen him on here since i came back around. and by the way 1bmm i love ur setup


Well-Known Member
roseman got banned for trying to sell products or do something on these boards he was not supposed to, but he may still be around under a diff alias.


Well-Known Member
btw those plants look great. Have you thought about a foliar spray with nitrozime? That may fix the yellowing and it usually gives me large green healthy foliage. It should break things down in the rez too for the plant to get healthier. I go with 1 drop per gallon and it does wonders. I also foliar spray 2x's a week. I could show you pics, but im not into hijacking threads.


New Member
u can show pics its all good no one worry bout hijacking here i dont mind...and what is nitrozime and where do i get it? and i foliar feed but usually just plain water or seltzer water to give them some CO2 and ya lemme take some more pics real quick they are deff looking better than they were im guessing it what a nute defiency because i was trying to let them have just plain ph'ed water for a few days to get rid of the nute burn and i didnt wanna jump right back into my normal nute schedule cus i was worried i would give them more nute burn....brb with some new pics those are from like 2 or 3 days ago


New Member
okay heres the pics. Like i was saying before u can definitely tell which strain is which lol cus of the sizes they seem to all b okay the only thing is alil bit a nute burn on the small ones...jus a tad most of it is left over leaves from when they got fucked up last week. but now they seem to be doing okay and i havent seen anymore nute burn progressing and it seems like the deficency problems are lightening up as well..



New Member
thx u im happy now...they seem to b doing fine at this point....well see how it keeps going ill be sure to keep yall upd8ed and ill b here if anyone has any questions ill help as best i can. granted im still learning too....this is my 3rd grow second BP so im still not a know it all lol. hey has anyone tried that auto ph controller from the stealth hydroponics site?


Well-Known Member
LOOKING GOOD BRO SCRIBED .i never cut the tips i just let em be. i 'm having the same problem ppp and dna sour cream in the same res .next time i think i do one strain at a time or fine strains that complement each other in growth ect ect .....


New Member
ya exactly man thats what i was just saying to my friend ill never 2 do strains at one time again it just doesnt work because all strains are different have different grow timespans and can handle different amounts of nutes and whatnot o well i guess at this point ill just make the best of it. i mean once those smaller three get to the size of the bigger 3 or alil bit bigger it wont really matter cus at that point they will all be to the size where they can handle the same amount of nutes...but newayz ill keep yall updated thx for stoppin by ill by checkin up on all of yall