2C-E - No Destination, Just the Journey (Trip report)


Active Member
Okay so I'd been looking at my lil pouch of "europa" (rubbish name) for a while, eager to try it out when I found myself with a free house for an evening. I'll say now that I wasn't feeling 100% (will say for the reports sake now that I'd been having some wheezing/breathing irritations for the last few days) but decided that the free house wasn't an opportunity to be missed! Whether this decision was a mistake or not I'm still not sure...

00:00 - 10mg of 2c-e dissolved into a glass of squash and ingested.

During this time I had the usual "i wonder what's going to happen" butterflies but considering the nausea I was expecting, was feeling good.

00:50 - comeup? feeling restless, slightly lightheaded, uneasyness in stomach (no visuals)

Around 50mins after dosing I had a distinct feeling that SOMETHING was happening and I had a feeling of looking-forward to doing something, just I couldn't think of what it was I wanted to do (hence the restlessness) I flicked from films to tv shows to music, walked around the house but nothing scratched the preverbial itch I had.

I figure over the next 30-60mins was my proper comeup as my notes suggest:

01:03 - loads of energy, ringing in ears?
01:10 - euphoric
01:26 - oevs on ceiling, things morphing even as i type
01:38 - time dilation, moving slowly

It was at this point that my rushing ahead with trying the 2c-e started to seem like a bad idea...it was at this point that I noticed/became paranoid that I wasn't breathing automatically.

I think this is why time seemed to be moving slowly as I was consciously having to breathe in and out, which isn't the most exciting of things...this combined with mild abdomen pain (possibly the nausea I was expecting, although it felt more like muscle-ache) started me on a struggle to keep from panicking.

At this point I decided to sit outside for a while (logic being that the fresh air would be easier to breathe) and so my timestamps stopped...but over the next 4-5hrs I travelled through a whole range of emotions, was like my mind regressed to a childs at the feeling of vulnerability, which brought back some major nostalgia from childhood. But not memories of old shows etc, but it was like I could feel the feelings I had as a child (for all the sense that makes)

For roughly an hour I was stuck with the feeling of "this was a mistake, I want this to end" as now any object I looked at for more than a second started to morph and breathe which only served to remind me that if I forgot the consciously breathe my housemates would have a corpse to come home to...

In a strange way it was from this negative thought that things started to turn around, it was as though the drug had decided that my will not to "die" (I know now that I was far from danger, but at the time I was certain that my life was in the balance) would be rewarded, I suddenly realised that the activity I wanted to do (which I had been getting irritated with not knowing) was make myself feel comfortable.

At approx 03:30 I wrapped myself up in all kinds of blankets/duvets in bed (I had been having cold sweats aswell) and slapped on some family guy...the bright colours of family guy combined with the new feeling of safety (and the dose of 2c-e still coursing through my veins) was simply mind blowing and I continued to be amazed by the morphing characters until approx 06:00 when the visuals had worn off (as had the wheezing problems etc) but I was left with an afterglow and a feeling of accomplishment for fighting through the nights events.

That was about a week ago now and I still don't think I've mentally digested everything that happened, especially as the more I think back to it, the better it seems...and I believe that is the power of 2c-e, even when it goes bad its good!

I'd recommend it, but just be aware that it might not be a rollercoaster of fun from start til finish, so start low (most people suggest 16mg for a first-timer, personally I found 10mg to be more than a taste of what 2c-e can offer!) and remember, the mind is a very powerful thing...make sure it's on your side!

tl;dr - 2c-e, it was bad, very bad, then amazing. Recommended, but beware it won't neccessarily be all shits and giggles

tl;dr;2 - Just give me rep for writing all this out dammit! :P


Active Member
Yeah, hard to describe how I went from "this was the biggest mistake ever" at the worst point to "that was amazing" as more time passes...to the extent that I'm trying to organise another chance to take the journey, this time with others to see how that changes the experience


Well-Known Member
How is the euphoria? I am really hoping this offers this enlightment, and euphoria I am seeking. I am awaiting a shipment of 500mg of 2ce, and I am thinking about starting off with a dose of about 16-20mg. It lasts about 8 hours I heard.


Well-Known Member
"walked around the house but nothing scratched the preverbial itch I had. "

I hate that about stimulants... even acid and shroom makes me do that. I call it superabounding after the frank black song.


Well-Known Member
This sure sounds different from the open mindedness of 2C-I... which is by far a breathe of fresh air for liberal thinking or in that matter "no thinking at all!" Its all looks, no tangled thoughts, no big connections to a wider meaning of life. I see this as a "true psychedelic," something that mangles the thoughts, chews them up, and digests them freely!


Well-Known Member
"Happy plants come from happy growers, happy growers, come from california"

Dude, Genius!

I think I'm gonna silk screen a t-shirt like this :lol:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
2C-E can be a ride.. it is a strangely unique substance. It's not really a good or a bad experience, it is just an experience.

so where could i order some of this stuff. ive done my share of cid and boomers. so im on to something else lol.
The internet. I'd start with google :-)


Well-Known Member
meh.. I find many psychedelics to be more of an experience than a label of good or bad. They take on aspects of everything.. so it can not simply be black and white in my eyes.
A psychedelic is a blend of all emotions... any other typical drug surfaces as anything that stimulants a generally "feeling," but no internal thoughts that give that feeling a meaning of actual experiences.