270W CFL DWC White Berry


Well-Known Member
I dont know how the fuc i got unsubscribed, i was just lookin for you thread, there lookin great homie, i just updated as well, +REP


Well-Known Member
yeah me too!! thIS WHOLE TIME I never saw this thread. I kept posting to the old one. Anyway i just caught up, your shit looks amazing....

how much did you pay for the giant cfl.... the 17,000 lumen one or is that a special setup you bought like that... Id like to see some good pix of that.. im just curious because I just built a set up for my cousin.. got a 10gal container, threw an gian airstomer in there and even built a drip system for it.. just like the AG. We spent about 60bux on the entire setup including pumps and shit... its pretty fuckin awesome but im not sure what angle we should go for the lights. Im think something just like yours but im confused on your lighting situation... do tell...

im high so if I read it before I apologize..... please forgive me and just reply...lol

oh and by the way.....

I found your thread on Grass City when I did a Google search for "What is 16 quart DWC?" I just thought that was fuckin hilarious.... and it still didnt answer my question... lol


Well-Known Member
Oh and im def toppin on this grow... after seeing all those fucking colas you got going there!


Well-Known Member
I have 2 300W equiv cfls that put out 4200lumen ea + other 26W and 42W cfls. I just built a new aero setup that I put my whiteberry clone and thai super skunk in.

My powerstrip looks like this.


2x68W = 4200 lumen 2700K bulb
2x26 = 1600 lumen 26W 6500K bulb
2x42 = 2700 lumen 42W 2700K bulb

and heres the picture quote...

Alright so first off, my thai super skunk, which was the LAST seed of 5 is a full on female in flowering now =] She will be the female that I pollinate with my white berry pollen.

Since she is going to take forever (14 weeks), I will probably be moving her into the big room when the white berry is done. She has been on 12/12 from seed, but she started flowering may 1st and I micro-cropped the shit out of her and she is still going to be massive. I think she sprouted around march 27-28th.. Nothing but tap water and tiger bloom in the aerogarden.

So.. the whiteberry is starting to look real good and frosty now. Blue cheese, not as much but I'm expecting it to start picking up the pace soon.



Well-Known Member
Good Shit Dude, Those look purdy. Thanks for the info on the lights. Take a picture of the lights for me. I wanna see the setup.


Well-Known Member
Man, I think my main whiteberry plant has some kind of nitrogen toxicity, idk how but it does I moved all of my shit to my new aero box.

I will post pics of the new aero setup with misters tomorrow.

I have the wb clone and the wb main plant in there plus blue cheese and thai super skunk females. =]

Hopefully the white berry will recover.. :/


Well-Known Member
Man.. fuck!

this is what I get for neglecting pH and guestimating nutrients I guess....

My main white berry plant is looking like its going to die before it finishes and its not going to bud more because I scored a toxicity that slows down flowering. Somehow the white berry plant got a mad case of nitrogen toxicity, leaves are saggy like the plant is dead and I'm losing 1-2 sets of leaves per cola each day it seems now. Might have to chop it early, we'll see. I am running nothing but ph'd water through my system now, going to add nutrients later this afternoon when I take pics.

It could be a number of things and I doubt ill ever be able to limit it down, I just know that after all this I am staying with aero.

edit: After looking at nitrogen tox plants I am not sure if thats the case now, especially considering the fact that the blue cheese would have gotten n-tox before the wb would have so.. I really have no clue what is killing my plant, I am flushing it with nothing but ph'd water (all of my plants) I will let it chill in there the rest of the day with just water and see if it gets any better, I'm really thinking this plant is going to be chopped early unfortunately, but I do have the clone so I will have some good smoke of the whiteberry too.

It went from awesome looking to dead looking and super saggy in 1 day... The leaves are sagged to the max, thats why I think the plant might be dying, but IDK how it could just die so fast...

edit2: I think it is some kind of root fungus or form of root rot that is killing my plant, root rot = goner right? It is in my aero setup now, just getting sprayed with ph'd water..........

edit3: I just picked up some 3% h2o2 solution and I have been soaking the WB roots in it, so far they look much better, its about 50/50 water h2o2 solution so its 15% h2o2 in reality, soaking for 20 mins, hopefully this will save my baby...


Well-Known Member
Alright so, the main white berry plant is now in pieces. Had to chop it, it wasn't getting any better and she wasn't drinking, all of the roots were pretty much toast. Most of the buds had 75%+ orange hairs on them, no idea how they ripened so fast, but I guess they started ripening on the plant. I will probably have a few grams off this early harvest, and I still have the single-cola whiteberry clone, so I will have some of the wb finish. Thai super skunk and blue cheese are looking great and growing normally so, I'll end up with a nice amount of bud off them.

I am curious as to how this early harvested bud is going to smoke, because if its garbage I'm just going to make hash out of it.


Well-Known Member
I just straight up got root rot from lack of oxygen to the roots, my airstone wasn't pumping out enough air bubbles and my roots rotted.

The whiteberry rootmass used to be crazy, and then it shrunk to the same size as the rest of the plants when it should have been growing bigger.

I made myself a nice little shake plate of baby bud that I microwaved until the stems were hard enough to snap.

I left the top nugs on the stems to dry and get a proper cure.

My next grow I will not have to worry about root rot because I am going aero from the start. Not sure what strains I will be growing but.. great white shark will be one of them, and most likely some more thai super skunk, Now that my backup whiteberry plant is my only plant I don't think I will be feminizing seeds from her.

This whole thing is a real bummer, the one strain I was really looking forward to being my largest chunk of yield is toast now and all I have is a dinky little clone of it.

Shit happens though, and this was my first complete grow and I still have 3 strains alive, 2 of which will be yielding nice amounts.


Well-Known Member
Haha, talk about bad timing, it looks like ALL of my plants have root rot except the blue cheese, the plant that I thought was going to be a runt anyways.. All of the roots are tender and kind of mushy on everything but the blue cheese.... This couldn't have come at a worse time, I've got finals and shit. But whatever. I have learned the importance of keeping the roots oxygenated.


Well-Known Member
Haha, talk about bad timing, it looks like ALL of my plants have root rot except the blue cheese, the plant that I thought was going to be a runt anyways.. All of the roots are tender and kind of mushy on everything but the blue cheese.... This couldn't have come at a worse time, I've got finals and shit. But whatever. I have learned the importance of keeping the roots oxygenated.

holy shit man...that crazy! Those plants went from awesome to shit in 2 seconds.... i really cant believe it. im very disappointed...

good luck on finals dude,,,

just curious... how many gallons was your base... ??? my cuz has a similar setup he just started up and im going to tell him to add more airstones.... his is a 10 gallon with one giant airstone
How many did you have?


Well-Known Member
I had a 16 quart tub with a 40 gallon pump.

More airstones doesn't really help that much it just spreads it out. Its the pump intensity that is the most important factor in bubble making.

Making sure the airstone is in the bottom of the res is also pretty important, mine just ended up floating in a clump of roots, which eventually just rotted.

Right now I am using a 10 gallon tub as my aero chamber which sits inside an 18 gal of the same size, so.. the top is the aero with drainage, then the bottom is the water and pump, minimal height, maximum root airation :) I am using 2x 360 degree sprayer heads and a 300gph pump


Well-Known Member
Alright so the whiteberry clone hasn't died yet, and neither has the thai super skunk but I have a feeling its just a matter of time...

I'll post an update of the blue cheese and thai super skunk when I change my res out and stuff.

this is the whiteberry clone I have, been on 12/12 since she was cut off the plant. I think she had like 5-6 nodes before she started flowering though.



Well-Known Member
Okay so here is what my aero chamber in my tub looks like...

So basically its a 18 gal tub with a 10 gal tub on top/inside of it with drainage holes, and the two 360 degree misters. Water comes up from the pump in the bottom with the water and mists the roots for 10 mins then they get nothing but air for 20 mins. I am planning on making at least one more of these for my next grow. I think I am just going to take clones from mothers and use one room as a perma veg. Clones and moms in the 8 site so I can have 2 clones per mom, or maybe just one clone per mom and run 4 strains, who knows...

and here are some pics of the plant I gave to my buddy, and set him up with a soil setup using miracle grow and cfls...(6x26W bulbs) :joint::hump:

when you touch the plant your fingers get sticky with this cirtrusy residue... it smells so good

what strain you might ask?? no clue, its just a random bag seed... the final one of about 10 that were in an eighth I bought...

oh and PS, sorry about the cel phone pics of my friends plant, its ALL I had.. lol :hump:

