Hi there Roll it up!
This is my first post and my first grow. My seeds are Grape LA from DNA Genetics. I am on day 9 from seeds.
Firstly, I have scratched the seeds in order to sprout faster, after that I've put them in stabilised rw cubes on 5.7 ph on a dark place for 36h. I will be using Atami Wilma System with clay pebbles.
Until now, my plants were under 3 CFL bulbs (14W = 60W) 24h a day on about 3-6 cm from the top (1-2 inches). On day 9 I've put them under my 250W HPS bulb on 32cm (~12") from the highest plant. Since I've put them under it, the temperature has raised between 29~33(C) (about 90-91F). I have ordered a cooling tube, but until then, I'm stuck with my little fan, that is attached to the light.
While my plants were in the rw, I was watering them ONLY, when the cubes were getting lighter, but keeping the humidity between 65-80%. On day 9, I've moved them into the clay pebbles and started watering them on every 3 hours for 15 minutes (ph 5.7 1/4 nutes).
I am really looking forward for critics and tips!!!!! Sorry for the quality of the pictures, but did not want to disturb the light cycle for few shots.
P.S. My Q? is what cycle should I use during vegetation?
P.S. Sorry if confusing unit systems.