2013 outdoor - central cali


Well-Known Member
Agent orange

My tallest clone is.. Eh 2.5-3 feet and ever time I transplant I cut a lower set of branches and bury to The next node.


Well-Known Member
even though i've had it happen to me once and it turned out great, i'd still be freaking out if i had as many re-veggers as you do.



New Member
what a beautiful garden my friend..neat clean and loaded right up lol thats the only way to do it imo..love the reveg pics to..those plants did some crazy shit wicked tight nodes..well done
happy growing


Well-Known Member
whats the purpose of your statement buck?
i had one strain flower then reveg last year and i was freaked out for months as it got back to normal. it turned out great though, but i wouldn't put myself through that again!

wooten seems to do it every year, he simply has more confidence and zen than i do. he knows it will turn out fine.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i get what youre saying. not sure if its the strain or not. im working with some harlequin this year (caretaker) girls went into full bud. i mean i had some good solid buds. they have been working with me an are in full re-veg. have a different one in the ground and shes fighting to go back. been a month an shes still coming out of bed


Well-Known Member
those reveggers do turn into some awesome bushes though. was advised by some veteran and knowledgeable grower last year to prune them hard on the inside. i should have listened.


Well-Known Member
dude i completely agree. the harlequin had 7-9 nice size buds, startin re vegging and now the have shoots all over the place. smaller than the others but way thicker


Well-Known Member
Love revegging but hate the wait while seedlings shoot past them. At the end the reveggers usually beast up but need a ton of attention and support. Thats just my evperience with them.


Well-Known Member
Ive got the mother flowering indoors right now.
You must have grown a few out in the past then. It's my first time doing any TGA and I'm curious how the smoke turned out. If you could give me your take i'd be stoked.

Beautiful Garden by the way. I've been a long time admirer. You are one of the reasons I'm growing again. Thanks.