200watt - cfl - pakistan ryder - afghan kush ryder


Well-Known Member
Hey sbj. Mine are somewhere around 70-75 days now and finally budding, but only because I put them on 12/12 about two weeks ago. I've been looking around on other forums and it seems that others are having the same problem with the AKR's not autoflowering. Just a heads up.


Active Member
Hey sbj. Mine are somewhere around 70-75 days now and finally budding, but only because I put them on 12/12 about two weeks ago. I've been looking around on other forums and it seems that others are having the same problem with the AKR's not autoflowering. Just a heads up.
I saw that as well but mine are around 38 days now and examining around the brancches there are more and more pistles with very small and hard to see white hairs slowly forming, I hope this is the sign she is beginning to start budding.


Active Member
Hey sbj. Mine are somewhere around 70-75 days now and finally budding, but only because I put them on 12/12 about two weeks ago. I've been looking around on other forums and it seems that others are having the same problem with the AKR's not autoflowering. Just a heads up.

realllyyyyyyyy, wow well... I wounder how the others will do under 12/12?? The Pakistan's are doing very well, think much would change if they are all on 12/12?


Well-Known Member
I have read that auto's lose a lot of yield when put under 12/12 and since your Pakistan's are showing true auto traits, I wouldn't do it. I'm just doing it because I have the room to.


Active Member
not sure what I can do about the light... Here are some new pics, you can see the one is flowering everyweres on the plant, the other two are just about to start flowering, and the AFK is still growing and wanting to flower, it is up at 32" now. I have the lights switched to 12/12 now but may start to look at moving the AFK...

also if I move the Kush to its own spot how can I get more light on the sides with just the one light? Should I trim back some of the large top leaves? I have been cutting all them back some. Should I just leave them or keep trimming it back??

bongsmilie :bigjoint:



nice man, i started some afghan kush ryder outdoors a few days ago hoping they look healthy like ur girl. keep it up


Active Member
so that worked 100% its blooming all over. It has growen up to 35" high from the base of the plant. its huge compared to what they said it would be.
Pics Pics Pics
Oh the other three are doing very well, these lights so far have really done the trick. Does it look like I could do some more trimming? Also can I use the leaves I have already trimmed off for butter? or is that only the leaves from when the plant is done flowering?


grow space

Well-Known Member
really nice and healty plants man-you have dine a really superb job whit those cfls.s man.
keep up the good work...


Active Member
I used some potting soil when I planted them, than when I switched them to larger pots I filled them with peat moss. The Afghan, the big one is all potting soil. Dont recall the brand I used.

I forgot to ask... Is peat moss good to use? seems to hold the water very well.... ???


How is the gigantic Afgan Kush RYder doing now?

I have mine planted in the soil outside and I was hoping for them to finish during the summer....


Active Member
the Afgan Kush is taking off, budding all over and still growing all over. I really cut it back the other day and seems to be doing VERY well.

BUT now my Pakistan Ryders are getting some burn or something strange on the leaves. Both of the plants are.... Any idea what may be causing this? could it be the switch to the 12/12?? Only nuts I am using on them right now is Carbo Load... Might have over done it...??

OH anddddddddddddd one of the Pakistan Ryders was a male, so I cut it down and tossed it in the fire. So these Auto Flower, Feminized seeds are about 65% true so far. two of the seeds did not turn out, this Large Afghan is not auto flower nor a low ryder as its up to my nipples now! Bud I think I will get a good amount from it.
pics pics pics

you can see the dieing leaves...

the last pic shows how tall a ryder should be... not that I care that much but if I NEEDED a ryder this Afghan would have been way to large.




Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about the spots, but if it was nutrient burn it would be on the tips and on more leaves than that. Something I did notice though is that the "serrated" edges of your leaves are turned upwards which is a sign of heat stress. They look good other than that though. That Afghan's a nice little bush huh? My Afghan's are doing well. They're starting to put on a little weight. I think they've been in 12/12 for maybe a month now.


My outdoor grow

Okay, Mine are outside and they are a little sunburned because of the change from the cubboard to the outside sun.

Im happy that they turn out to become large bushes, and Im happy that you are expiriencing some flowering. The pictures look good bro, keep em coming.


also growing afgan kush ryder and pakistan ryder. Outside and way up north in sweden. They are coming along really nice. But i am also starting to doubt the gautoflowering in these strains. They are as big as normal plants. Nothing like a lowryder variaty. But i guess that could also be a good thing. As long as the autoflowering gene is still there. should be a great yielder up north where you need the early flowering.


Active Member
Everything is coming along nicely. Buds are growing to be nice and fat. How do I know when it is time to cut them down?

Also looks like the Afghan is around 84 days.

Hey m8. I'm also growing some Afghan Kush Ryders and there just starting to show pre-flowers (Finally!!)
Been researching the plant and think you should take a look here: Scroll down to post 4.

Turns out that they are not Autoflowers and not ferminized :(