20 Seed Start

diet coke

Active Member
I flipped the switch.
day 21 I think lol

Frost f1 Giant f1 white widow berry bomb f1 all looking good. wwbb f2 topped twice now . May effect her out put since I did not give any time to veg after topping.
Three males across the back and the others have almost caught up to them . Now just need to sex them . Come on fems.

diet coke

Active Member
Day 25 2 days in 12/12
I was going to add 200w then decided to wait till I can determine sex. I am starting to see small growth in the right areas but can not tell yet. A few more days should do it.

I did mylar the walls which should boost available light 20% or more.

Pic tonight at lights on.

diet coke

Active Member
Using a mix of fox farms ocean and happy frog and some light feeding with a cheap 10-10-10. Dont need much else. :)

diet coke

Active Member
Could make a small Scrog with the lot in tht pot
Good Idea, have to wait till the sex first :)

Day 27
They are growing an inch per day right now. Most over a foot tall, but there are some shorties.
Found one wild looking leaf on a male that has 15 blades, tried to get a pic but it does not show it well.

I have a favorite :) sure hope its a fembot.


diet coke

Active Member
No sign of mites. hope it holds hosed em again just in case.

Culled all of the males but 1, he is short and looks pure indica. He came from the frost seeds. The smell when rubbing the stem the smell is piney hash smell, umami. (is a pleasant savoury smell/taste.)

Getting a little cupping not sure why maybe to much nitrogen, even though I have not feed much at all. The tops are starting to bunch up so full on flowering in a week or so.

I transplanted most of the smaller containers to the 1.5 gallon pots , hope it helps the growth. Bucket O bud is still going but its just gets leftover light
no signs of sex in the bucket yet.

Bucket, male and room

diet coke

Active Member
Day 32 1 week into 12/12
Male starting to form flowering tip.
Female wxb f1
16 inches tall internode 2 inches.
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Frost 19 inches tall internodes 3 inches
I will trim up lower growth once flowering in in full swing. They have not been fed much and when I did they got some cupping so I will wait till flowering is in full swing and start (light) bloom nuts. All of the other plants seem to be doing well after transplant.

diet coke

Active Member
Day 40 in third week of 12/12

I have fed very little because when I do i get some leaf cupping. Flushed 2 of them and looks like full recovery after a week of stagnant growth. They are all flowering now and the stretch has stopped on all except they white widow berry bomb , she looks to be a ten week plant the others will go 8-9 .
Pollination of a few buds will start as soon as the male pops.
