2 x Super Lemon Haze - First Grow - Pictures of construction of Cupboard + Grow


Well-Known Member

Been a toker for years, fed up of the "average" London grade in my area and extortionate prices so have decided to finally start growing my own.

Set up:

- Cupboard:

homemade out of 2x2's, insulative underlay for laminate flooring as backing, fireproof glass wool insulation, waterproof/lightproof roofing material and diamond stamped Mylar.

- Lighting:

400W MH for veg, 400W HPS for Flowering

- Ventilation:

x1 "airvac" extractor fan
x2 30x30x30mm computer fans (one drawing air in from room, the other drawing air in from outside)
x1 80 x 80mm computer fan (drawing in air from outside)
x1 9" desk fan to ensure air circulation.

Extraction is going out the top of my cupboard and straight up my chimney to the top of my house.

The cupboard is air tight with draft seals on doors and frame.


- Hesi starter Kit for soil growth


- Soil growth (Biobizz All mix)


x2 Super Lemon Haze from The Attitude

Pictures of the set up


- Top Face

(NOTE: extractor has since been upgraded to a much more powerful one due to poor suction and overheating)

Top and Bottom Face

Cupboard Frame

Construction of Doors

Assembled Cupboard

(Both drawing in air from outside)

(Air draw through holes from room) - Base

The Grow


Seeds were germinated using the paper towel method, both seeds cracked within 48hours and were planted straight away. However before planting i did not wet the soil thoroughly, not sure if this was necessary or not. After planting seeds were watered with tap water left overnight to evaporate traces of chlorine and what not. Within the next 24 hours both seeds popped up through the soil. Cling Film was placed over the top of the pots with holes in it to lock in humidity (they seemed to love it). It was soon removed though due to growth.

Plants now under 400W MH at a distance of 1.3 meters for seedlings to get used to warmth and light. Temperatures seem to be too high (35-38C) with the doors closed and all fans on. For now the doors will be left slightly ajar to let the heat escape more easily. I aim to keep the temperature between 29 - 33C when lights are on.

The next day saw me over watering the plants horribly, and in fear of my seedlings drowning, i felt the best thing would be to re-pot them both into the larger pots where i'd let them grow out fully. Humidity readings seemed to be low, and so i purchased a £25 humidifier from argos and leave it running on high 24/7 for 2 reasons. A.) to ensure humidity levels are high B.) to cool the air down between the lamp and the plants.

At this stage all intake fans were left on 24/7 to ensure fresh air in cupboard. A 9" desk fan has also been installed to lightly blow the seedlings ensuring good air circulation and to cool the heat coming from the lamp. Temperatures are now between 29 - 33C with lights on.

As you can see one plant is starting to look slightly darker than the other, the reasons for this im not too sure, anyone? The transplant seems to have been a success as both plants have shown signs of growth since. As well as watering from on top, i also water from underneath by pouring a little water in a plate and placing the pot on top, resulting in the soil soaking up the water. I hope this will encourage the roots to carry on growing down to the bottom of the pot and establishing a root system.

Growth has continued as normal, at this stage i have began feeding the plant nutrients, however these are highly highly diluted. I am doing this as i want to ensure the plant is as strong and healthy as possible after the over watering/transplant. They seem to be coping well. If anyone thinks otherwise then say so. As you can see the 2nd set of leaves is starting to come through nicely on both plants, however one seems to be slightly ahead of the other plant. Lights have been lowered to approximately 1.20m.

Note: any brown discolouring is my camera playing tricks due to the intensity of the MH lamp. There is no real discolouring in reality.

Every now and again i give my little plants a misting by leaving the humidifier on full blast and turning all fans and ventilation off. I leave the doors of the cupboard closed for approximately 15 minutes. Although the heat in the cupboard builds up to around 36C, a cloud of cool very fine mist engulfs the plants for a short period of time, ensuring if the plant is in need of any water, they'll get it in very small dosages through the leaves. After 15 mins i air the cupboard and resume normal ventilation.
Lights have been lowered to approximately 0.9m. Leaves are curling slightly upward making me think they like the level of lighting.

Note: temperature sensor can be seen on right, above fan, covered so not to be exposed to direct light to give more accurate reading.

Questions so far:

- Are my temperatures too high? I'm not 100% sure if the thermometer is accurate, but the plants seem to be coping fine. I would imagine in their current stage they would like a hot and humid climate. Although the thermometer sometimes reads up to 36C, it definitely doesn't feel like it. Feels more like in the mid 20's at plant level, but i duno.

- Lights are currently on 24hrs a day. I aim to switch this to a 20/4 as soon as the second set of leaves come through properly. Advice?

- Whichever plant is on the left is exposed to quite cool air being blow across it due to intake fans next to it. The plant on the right is exposed to a slightly more humid climate due to the fan and humidifier next to it. At the moment i switch the positions of the pots once a day. Is this necessary?

- Should i turn the extractor on? I leave it off at the moment in an attempt to increase the humidity inside the cupboard, as the extractor will draw out the humid air.


Well-Known Member
  • Temperature reading is 31C during the day and 29C during the night.
  • Humidifier is still being kept on high 24/7 with the doors slightly ajar.
  • 2nd set of leaves have fully emerged and the next set have begun coming through.
  • Plants are still being watered on a daily basis from both below and on top with diluted nutrients.
  • Lights are being kept on 24/7


  • I have began giving the plants a dark period of 4hrs/day. This will switch to 6hrs a day next week. Inlet fans are left on in dark periods, everything else is switched off.
  • Temperature has now been lowered to 28.4C with lights on, and 24C when lights off.
  • Humidifier is kept on, but only when the lights are on.
  • First set of leaves began showing signs of yellowing in the morning. Curling can also be seen on these leaves in the photo's below. Because of these symptoms i have began feeding the plant pure water with no nutrients in it what so ever. I believe the curling and yellowing of the leaves is to do with the nutrients, as the new leaves that have come through show no signs of abnormality. This cancels out heat stress as all leaves would surely be showing the same symptoms. I will begin feeding the plants diluted nutrients next week once the roots have developed more and the plants are larger.
  • After reading that it is possible for plants to have too much light at a young age, i raised the lights to 1m again. This was also to ensure less heat from the lamp reached the plants.
  • Extractor has also been turned on only when the lights are on.
  • The orientation of the fan has also been changed. Previously it used to blow down on the back face of the cupboard and the draft would gently blow the plants. Now it is pointing up towards the light in an effort to keep the heat blowing up towards the extractor.
  • Since these changes were made in the morning, the damage to the leaves seems to have been limited.


  • Temperature reading is 29C during the day and 28C during the night.
  • Humidifier is still being kept on high 24/7 with the doors slightly ajar.
  • 3rd set of leaves have fully emerged and the next set have begun coming through.
  • Plants are now being watered from on top once a day, roughly 100ml is given to each plant.


  • Temperature reading is 28-29C when lights are on, 23-24C when lights are off.
  • Humidifier is still being kept on high 24/7 with the doors slightly ajar.
  • More leaves seem to be sprouting from everywhere. Whilst the 1st set of leaves aren't really looking that healthy at all, the rest of the leaves are looking extremely healthy and happy. Growth has definitely sped up this week, and therefore im hoping the root system is developing nicely.
  • Plants are now being watered from on top once a day, as soon as the lights are turned on after the 4hr dark period. Roughly 100-150ml is given to each plant.
  • Opened the windows to my room today due to the nice weather to air out my room. Turns out that was a bad idea, as i found 2 flies sitting on each plant in the evening. Whilst one got squashed, the other escaped, and is too small to be found. The leaf it was sitting on now has a tiny yellow dot where the fly was nibbling on it or whatever. Its too minor to cause me any concern, just annoying.



Well-Known Member

  • Its been a hot day, temperatures a little higher than usual. Therefore my cupboard has also been a little hotter than previous days. Currently the temperature reading is 30.2C but i hope this will drop slightly throughout the night.
  • Humidifier is still being kept on high 24/7 with the doors slightly ajar.
  • Growth has continued as usual, with new leaves popping out everywhere.
  • Yesterday's fly was caught... and squashed.
  • Roughly 100ml of water was fed to each plant when lights were turned on.
  • The condition of the 1st set of leaves seems to have deteriorated slightly. They are now starting to droop a little. See the pictures below (first 2) Should i leave them as they are or cut them off? Obviously they'll die eventually, however i don't want them to be using up any resources. Their stems are much thinner than those found on new sets of leaves.


  • Today was an even hotter day than yesterday, and as a result i have struggled big time to keep the temperatures below 30C which is my target. Therefore i have decided to buy an air conditioner on Monday to deal with the heat issues. As there is no space for it inside my cupboard i'll place it outside and have a duct going into the cupboard. The exhaust from the air con will feed into the exhaust from the extractor. Temporarily i have got my hands on an air con unit, and is currently blowing air through the doors. Therefore i'm having to keep the doors pretty open for the time being. Temperature is 27C at the moment. Another fan has also been added in an attempt to blow the heat from the bulb back up and towards the extractor (see pictures). This is temporary until i get this air con.
  • The air conditioner will also hopefully keep humidity to a minimum in the flowering stage, and will do the job of the humidifier in terms of cooling the air between the plants and light.
  • The humidifier is still being used but with the doors as open as they are and the air circulation i'm not sure its doing that much anyway. Tomorrow i will turn it off and see how the plants do.
  • Growth has continued as usual, with new leaves still popping out everywhere. Ive tried to photograph some.
  • On the plant furthest from the fresh air intake, the leaves seem to be cupping upwards in a V-shape. This is not the same cupping as experienced with the first set of leaves. Is this normal? I can only assume this is due to the heat, as the plant with a constant supply of cool fresh air blowing across it does not have this issue. SOMEONE comment on this please
  • Roughly 100ml of water was fed to each plant when lights were turned on.
  • The condition of the 1st set of leaves seems to have deteriorated slightly again. The yellow spots are more defined. There also seems to be a single yellow spot developing on the largest leaf in the 2nd set. However the rest of the leaves seem fine so i will ignore it for the time being.

- see yellow spot on biggest leaf on left. On top half of leaf.

- Leaves cupping in V-Shape


  • Today's been another stupidly hot day. Windows were opened and the air conditioner has been blowing in the cupboard all day. No flies..yet. Temperatures were kept to 29C with lights on and 28C with lights off. Plants were allowed to sleep in a lil longer today to gear them up for the new 18/6 lighting period i'll start from tomorrow.
  • Humidifier was used throughout today because it was so hot, i thought every little will help. Plants were given a thorough misting today for half an hour and then left to dry in the dark.
  • Again growth has continued as usual, new leaves constantly developing (see pictures)
  • I still don't think the plant requires any nutes, no matter how diluted they are, so will hold off on the nutes for another week. Hopefully the plant will be quite a lot bigger by then and will be hungry for the nutes.
  • Roughly 100ml of water was fed to each plant when lights were turned on.
  • Very first set of leaves which suffered from heat stress and nute burn in the very early stages of the grow were cut off yesterday at the start of the leaves, not the start of the stem. Their condition were deteriorating and i hated looking at them. Pictures of these leaves just after cutting can be seen. Can someone diagnose them for me so i know for sure what was wrong and why.
  • That yellow spot on one of the fan leaves seems to be getting more and more defined. Can someone explain why I've got this and what to expect/do about it, how to prevent it to happen to other leaves? (see pictures)
  • Nearly 500 views and no-one seems to be answering any of my questions... Maybe I've come to the wrong forum...



Well-Known Member

  • Switched the lighting to 18/6 today. I have timed the dark period to coincide with the hottest part of the day.
  • Before starting dark period plants were misted for 30mins.
  • Air conditioner is needed more than ever, can't get the temperature to stay below 30C.
  • Temporary AC was left on all night blowing just above the plants, they seemed to love it as by morning they had perked up and were looking considerably stronger and healthier than previous days.
  • There appears to be evidence of nute burn appearing on the 2nd set of fan leaves (see pictures). I don't know why as i'm still only feeding the plants pure water. However this looks minimal at the moment, if it gets worse or moves up the plant i'll get a PH meter to measure the level of the water i'm feeding it as the only thing i can think of is nute lockout.
  • Again the yellow spot mentioned yesterday seems to be getting more defined. Still don't know what thats about.
    [*] I'm also not sure where i should position the A/C duct coming into the cupboard. Should it be at the bottom of the cupboard furthest away from the extractor? Or should it be positioned nearer the lamp? I want to avoid if possible the cold air blowing directly on the leaves of the plant nearest the duct.

- Nute lockout/burn?


  • Lights are only staying on for 17h30m, with 30mins of misting and a 6hr dark period.
  • No temperature problems today as it was a much cooler day.
  • Giving the plants 150ml of water now, they seem to need it, next week i'll go up to 200ml.
  • One or 2 leaves seemed to be growing a bit awkwardly in the morning (slightly bent and twisted) have now sorted themselves out.
  • Getting the new AC tomorrow so hopefully its installment should go without any hitches.
  • Temperature currently at 28C, should hopefully go no higher than this by lights off time.
  • As no-one here seems to be able to give me advice I've decided to position the AC duct just below the light to kill the heat at the source before it can reach the plants, whilst at the same time cooling and circulating the rest of the air in the cupboard.


  • Temperatures have stayed at 28-29C all day with 24C in dark period.
  • Got the new AC, will install tomorrow when i get the ducts. Bit of a beast really.
  • To avoid letting some leaves touch the soil, I've made little props using tape and toothpicks.
  • Now the plants are used to the conditions i lowered the lights to 0.8m above plant tops.
  • I'm also going to try making a homemade co2 generator tomorrow using yeast/sugar.


  • Installed AC today as can be seen in the pictures. The duct has been installed in such a way that it can be lowered or raised if i need to lower/raise the light. The old plant pots were used to make a funnel for the air, from the AC to the duct.
  • With the AC on and a low fan speed selected it pushes the temperature in the cupboard down to around 21-22C, and with the AC off and the fan on the highest setting, temperatures rise to above 30C, so for now i'm sticking with the AC on and a 22C ambient temperature. This is colder than i would like, but i dont know what to do. This will mean in the dark periods, the temperature will actually be higher than the light periods.
  • With the AC on there's no need for a fan to blow over the plants, so it has temporarily been removed. When the plants are larger i'll stick it back in. For the meantime i have also removed the humidifier, just to see how they do without it.
  • With this new cool environment, i lowered the lights further to 50cm above the plant tops. If all is well by the morning, i will lower them further to around 30cm above the plant tops.
  • Plants were given just over 150ml of water today, so far water has never drained out the bottom of the pots.
  • During the dark period, one or 2 leaves twisted quite significantly, no idea why. I'm hoping they'll sort themselves out by morning.
  • Both plants always seem to be healthiest after their misting session in the morning.



Well-Known Member

  • I have decided to get rid of that AC and to get a new one, as it was not only too powerful but also too noisy and too big for my liking. Hopefully i'll make a profit out the sale.
  • For now i have reverted back to the old set up of the temporary AC through the doors of the cupboard. As im only using the fan function, the exhaust also blows out air from the fan, so i've connected it up to the duct i installed yesterday to blow over the bulb.
  • Found a small rack that fits perfectly in the cupboard so have used this to raise the plants up off the floor to improve air flow to the roots and to bring the plants closer to the light. A fan has been placed underneath for air circulation.
  • Lights are now 30cm above plant tops, as there is an oscillating fan between the plants and the lights, little heat reaches them. Back of hand feels fine.
  • Noticed a burn spot on one of the lower fan leaves, don't know why its there or where it came from but its on the leaf that already was unhealthy so if need be i'll trim it off.
  • Temperature in the cupboard has stayed at 26-27C.
  • Some leaves are folding inwards in a V-shape again, going to wait till morning to see how they do overnight.
  • Not too much growth seen over the past day, possibly due to changes in climate yesterday.


  • Moved the light back up to 50cm as leaves began cupping in a V-shape quite significantly (see pictures)
  • The fan blowing over the tops of the plant has been switched off as in the morning some leaves and stems seemed to have been bent slightly due to the breeze blowing around them. Some leaves had twisted as if to shield themselves from either the wind or heat.
  • Doors are pretty much closed and the temperature is around 29-30C.
  • Have decided against buying a new AC and instead will invest in an air cooled hood with a RVK extractor fan. Will buy these once the AC is sold. Will be much easier to control the temperature this way.
  • With the 6hr dark period, temperatures stabilized at 20.3C, been a cool day. Leaves were still V shaped after this period which i wasn't expecting.
  • Plants were fed 200ml of water today, soil seemed to be saturated approx 10ml came out the bottom of the pots.


  • V-shape cupping is still evident, but has not gotten any more severe so i'm going to ignore it for the time being as i dont know what to do about it. I'm sure its not a heat stress issue as the temps have been 24C in the dark period and 28.5C with the lights
  • Each plant was fed 200ml of water. Today for the first time i ensured this water was at a nice warm temperature, something i probably should've done from the start.
  • Some leaves are continuing to twist, almost as if to be seeking light, which they're not because i dont see how they cant be getting enough (see first 2 pictures). Some sides of the leaves are nearly vertical.
  • Tiny yellow dots seem to be appearing on some leaves. Worried this might be evidence of spidermites i posted a thread in the "plant problems" forum


    The advice given has convinced me to switch up my misting routine, so now i'll do it just before i switch the lights on, instead of just after i switch the lights off. Just in case it is spider mites i'm going to buy some "spider mite control" tomorrow and give the plants a misting with this stuff mixed in, just to make sure, call it paranoia.



Well-Known Member

  • Couldn't get the stuff from the grow shop today as today is bank holiday, will pay them a visit tomorrow
  • Plants weren't misted today and the humidifier has been removed due to paranoia of mold. However they were watered thoroughly and evenly today with 1/4 strength nutrients.
  • Some leaves are still cupping in a V-shape, and again due to paranoia i moved the lights up an inch or 2. However i'm almost certain its not heat stress, and there's not enough wind blowing past the leaves to be wind stress (still i moved the fans to create a more gentle breeze), which has led me to the conclusion that it must be moisture stress. However i always water the plants evenly, and water them everyday. They show no signs of over-watering, so im guessing it must be a nutrient problem, hopefully they'll sort themselves out this week. Maybe its the temperature of my feeding water? I duno.
  • Again i carefully inspected all the leaves today and nothing was to be seen so for now im going to accept a mild case of mold as an explanation for the tiny yellow dots.
  • Temperatures are 29-30C with lights on, 21-22C with lights off.
  • The top of Jane seemed to be bending over slightly, why i'm not sure. Therefore i tied a bit of string to give support and ensure she grows straight. The amount of force on the stem is very very light, hardly pulling at all.


  • Each plant was again thoroughly inspected when woken up, again nothing appears to be on the leaves or on the underside of the leaves. The patches of yellow dots have not got more severe so i guess it was light mold, as i haven't used the humidifier for the past couple days and it hasn't spread.
  • Top of Jane is still bending over slightly, have taken a clear picture of this which can be seen below, not sure why she's doing this but support has been added again after i watered her.
  • 1/4 Strength nutes were used again today and will be used for the rest of the week at least. The first set of fan leaves (the broadest ones on the whole plant) which were showing some signs of suffering up till this stage have turned yellow and their condition has deteriorated slightly since adding the nutes. However the rest of the leaves on the plants seem to be doing fine, as as these symptoms are only appearing on 1 or 2 leaves per plant, i'm going to continue using this feeding water. Think they just need to get used to the nutes. If the yellowing starts to spread up the plant i'll immediately stop and flush with clean water. If the yellowing on these current leaves gets much worse i'll probably end up cutting them off during the week sometime.
  • Temperature is 28-29C lights on, 21-23C lights off.
  • Pictures of new growth can be seen below. I'm hoping once all these leaves grow out and are larger the plant will look a lot more bushy. However i'm not too fussed about the bottom of the plant being a little stretched as it'll mean more light gets to these areas during flowering. Once i have this new hood the light will sit a couple inches above the plant tops and hopefully encourage much closer inter nodes.
  • V shaped cupping hasn't gotten any more severe, if anything its slowly sorting itself out, so i'm going to let it play out for now.

- yellowing of first fan leaf

- slight bend in top of Jane


  • Top of Jane is still bent, sliiiiightly worried about her. Not too sure what to do about it. I'm hoping the nutrients will strengthen her up over the course of the week so for now i'm going to let her do her thing. If she gets noticeably worse i'll take action.. somehow.
  • The journal of "Chip" surprised me, as even though he didn't use any HID lighting, he got one of the bushiest plants I've ever seen. Also the idea of using lights to illuminate the lower parts of the plant seemed appealing, so i've added x2 100W bulbs, each giving out 1330 lumen's. This isn't a huge amount but it should hopefully help the smaller lower level leaves to grow.
  • For some reason the lights out temperature stayed at 25C, and now with the lights on, the apparent temperature reading is 35-36C which i know is too high, however there is so much air circulation inside the cupboard that i'm sure my plants can cope for a day or 2 until i get the air cooled hood. These readings should drop anyway throughout the course of the night as it gets cooler.
  • I got tired of seeing those lower fan leaves condition deteriorating so snipped them off today, only on Mary though. Just want to see if it would make a difference to how the plant takes up the nutrients. They seem to be adapting nicely as there was good growth yesterday in the new growth lower down the plant. Again they were given 200ml each, of which approximately 20ml drained out the bottom of the pots.
  • No evidence of further mold can be seen on either plant.

- Bend in Jane

- Extra Lighting


  • Extra lighting added yesterday was adding a lot of heat to the cupboard so i decided not to use them until i get the air cooled hood in the next couple of days, as the plants looked like they were suffering in the heat.
  • Pictures seen below have been taken just after waking them up and watering. Jane's stem seems to have straightened up a bit. Yesterday night i added 2 support strings. Today i'm going to leave them off in hope of the stem strengthening itself.
  • 200ml was fed to each plant.
  • Lights on temperature is 30C, lights off 27C. Been a warm day.
  • Cut the lower fan leaves off Jane today, as their condition was deteriorating and Mary seemed fine. No sign of nute burn on any leaves.



Well-Known Member

  • Got the Air Cooled Hood today, installed it with a RVK fan extracting the hot air out of the hood, instead of blowing air through the hood. This is because i can't make a hole in the wall big enough for the 5inch ducting to bring in fresh air through the hood, so instead will use the fan to extract warm air from the cupboard, through the hood, and out. By bending the inlet duct under the glass pane (see pictures) i hoped to draw out any heat given off through the glass. Not necessary but i thought it would help slightly. Hasn't worked as well as i'd hoped as temperatures are still 32C with the doors closed. However it was 27C outside today so hopefully it'll drop throughout the night. RVK fan was mounted outside the cupboard as no space inside.
  • Evidence of nute burn appeared on some leaves today, so i clipped off the damage and fed them pure water today with no nutes (200ml). I think i'll give them a hit of the nutrient water once every 3 days or something, as i believe this strain is pretty nutrient sensitive.
  • Got the Spidermite control today, will mist the plants tomorrow with the stuff mixed in after waking them up. Also got a mini magnifying glass with 2 interchangeable lenses. Still cant see anything on the leaves, but will still use the spider mite control as a precaution.
  • Lights are now 10inches above plant tops. It could probably be lower but the upper leaves are still cupping in a V-shape slightly so i'll see how they are overnight with the new hood and move it up or down accordingly tomorrow.
  • 3x Bowls of water with ice in them were added in an attempt to cool air and increase humidity a little.


  • Visit to the grow shop today led me to believe that the yellowing of the leaves is due to not enough nutrients, as yesterday i fed the plants pure water and the condition of the yellowing leaves got a lot worse overnight (see pictures), so i trimmed the yellow bits off today on both plants.
  • People at the shop also convinced me to buy "Silicon+", its meant to give a number of advantages, such as protecting against pests and disease by helping to strengthen the plants cell walls, improve nutrient uptake, prevent toxic build up of nutrients in plant tissue and reduce water loss through transpiration. They vowed it would greatly improve the condition of my plants, and help keep them healthy in warmer climates.
  • Another thing they vowed would be extremely good for my plants is "Organic B". Not entirely sure exactly how it will benefit the plants but they said its one of the best supplements they sell.
  • Due to their advice i bumped up the nutrients fed to the plants to 1/2 strength and fed each plant 200ml, as they figured from the symptoms that the plant wasn't getting enough nutes.
  • Growth last night seemed slow, hardly noticeable, the only real change was the colour of the yellowing leaves, hopefully the new watering solution should fix everything up.
  • Doors completely closed, the temperature is currently 34C, although i struggle to believe the accuracy of my thermometer as it says my room temperature is 28C which it cant be. Lights off temperature 27C.
  • Will start the misting routine again from Monday.


  • Yellowing is spreading up the plant as can be seen below to the tips of higher leaves. Whether its because of too much nutes i dont know, but i'm thinking its a nitrogen deficiency. Since adding the nutes again the plant has shown good signs of growth. Today i upped the dosage again to 3/4 nutes, and tomorrow i look to start on full strength nutes. If it fucks up the plants it fucks up the plants, and i'll know next time, if there's a next time.
  • Plants were fed 200ml of nutes along with about 50ml of fresh water. They were also misted well just before lights on.
  • Seems the air inlets are bringing in some powdery dust. Today i wiped down the cupboard and cleaned the fans with diluted anti-bacterial liquid.
  • 2 Bowls of ice have been placed inside.
  • Humidifier has been left on inside, felt the air in the cupboard was too dry.



Active Member
some yellowing is normal. i would say that in the beginning when that single spot emerged, it was definitely caused by nute burn. if you are worried about added stresses, I highly recommend Superthrive. You use 1 drop per gallon, and I usually give my vegging plants a supplement of it once a week. Causes explosive growth, and all stress is relieved within the plant; including transplant stress, heat stress, nute stress, etc. your plants look very good man, definitely keep up the good work, looks like you got it down to the science!

also the cupping of the leaves are from the temps being too high. 29 degrees Celsius is a bit hot, if you can I'd try to keep em around 23 degrees Celsius or else you can expect some scattered seeds, possible hermie, and a slight reduction in yield.



Well-Known Member
some yellowing is normal. i would say that in the beginning when that single spot emerged, it was definitely caused by nute burn. if you are worried about added stresses, I highly recommend Superthrive. You use 1 drop per gallon, and I usually give my vegging plants a supplement of it once a week. Causes explosive growth, and all stress is relieved within the plant; including transplant stress, heat stress, nute stress, etc. your plants look very good man, definitely keep up the good work, looks like you got it down to the science!

also the cupping of the leaves are from the temps being too high. 29 degrees Celsius is a bit hot, if you can I'd try to keep em around 23 degrees Celsius or else you can expect some scattered seeds, possible hermie, and a slight reduction in yield.

Cheers for the advice, looked into the superthrive and its cheap and sounds good, so why not. Just checked on the plants and growth seems to have definately picked up again, must've been underfeeding them over the past couple days. I'm just worried about the yellowing spreading up the plant, but hopefully once i start the full strenth nutes tomorrow it should stop completely in a couple days. I'm guessing all the yellowing experienced so far minus the initial spot u talked about was due to underfeeding, as it only started to develop when growth slowed down, and i'm pretty sure the hesi nutrients aren't as strong as others on the market.

Ive tried pretty much everything to get the temps down, the only thing left to do is get a small a/c, like the ones they put in windows in america, but short on change so will have to be saved for the next grow. Leaves have pretty much stopped cupping severely so the air cooled hood must be working.

Anyway thanks for the comments, need the support.


Well-Known Member

  • Plants were given a light misting on lights off and just before lights on. This is because for some stupid reason i forgot to switch the intake fans on last night and so the plants were hotter than they should have been and dryer.
  • Yellowing hasn't spread up the plant anymore but effected leaves seem to have gotten slightly worse, not hugely. Going to leave them on for the time being, i'll probably cut the lower most effected ones off tomorrow.
  • Each plant was fed 200ml of full strength nutes over the whole pot, and 100ml of pure water directly around the stalk.
  • Humidifier is only going to be used for misting and it appears there's no chance for the humidity to build up properly with the air exchange i got going on in there.
  • Leaves were slightly droopy in the morning, i can only assume this is because of the lack of fresh air overnight, and therefore the added heat build up.
  • Growth has definitely picked up since the addition of stronger nutes. Jane has grown 2 inches taller in the past day or 2.
  • Looked more into "superthrive", discovered its pretty much the same as "supervit"", which i already have and use, so am not going to buy it.


  • All problems seemed to have been fixed by upping the nutrients, no more yellowing spreading and growth is very good.
  • Lights on temperature is 30C and lights off is 25C.
  • Each plant seems to be happily drinking 300ml a day, 200ml with nutes, 100ml fresh. Where as in previous days there was over-run which came out the bottom of the plants, now there is none. Only thing i can think of it the root system is building nicely.
  • Clipped all the yellowing leaves yesterday, ended up being a nice handful. The leaves with only the top half yellow, i clipped that half off, so now some of the lower leaves are half the length. I didn't want to cut the whole leaf off as i think the plant can still use the good half of the leaf to gain energy from the light.
  • Plants were misted for approximately 20mins just before watering.
  • At the moment the plants are at 13inches. I look to put them into flowering as soon as they reach 24inches. I'm hoping they'll grow to this height in the next 2 weeks. They're starting to get a lil more bushy.


  • Plants were misted for approximately 15mins just before lights on.
  • They were also fed 250ml of nutrient water and 100ml fresh water, i felt they needed the extra bit.
  • Yellowing is appearing on the trimmed leaves, nothing major though.
  • Lights on temp is 31C lights off 25C


  • Lights on temp 28-29C, lights off temp 24C
  • Plants were fed 250ml of nutrient water, 100ml fresh water around the stalk.
  • Both plants were misted for approx 10 mins at lights out and 10 mins just before feeding and switching lights on.
  • Mary stands at approximately 13inches and Jane at 14inches.
  • Have decided to put them both into flower on Monday regardless of their size. This is for a number of reasons.
    1.) They should be dried and cured in time for my birthday, which will mean a big smoke up.
    2.) Ive read on a number of grows that this plant stretches x3 + during flowering. After checking measurements of the cupboard i realised the maximum height i can grow to without burning the tops is around 55inches. Therefore if i
    put them into flowering at a height of about 15-16 inches which im hoping they'll both reach by Monday, even if they stretch a little more than x3 i should be alright.
    3.) The world cup starts tomorrow, a 12/12 cycle will suit my routine of watching most the matches.
  • Tomorrow i will add a supplement of Organic B and Powerzyme to the feeding water to give the plants a little boost before i start flowering.
  • The leaves i clipped the yellow parts off are again starting to yellow around the edges. However it is only these clipped leaves and it is not spreading to new growth at all. The spread of this yellowing is extremely slow so i'm going to leave these leaves on the plants for now.
  • I've also decided against topping and such, as this is my first grow, i just want to grow these 2 without complications, and time is slowly becoming an issue.



Well-Known Member

  • From what i can see the plants seem to be packing on girth as appose to height. Each plant is starting to look bushier as the new growth grows out.
  • Today i fed each plant 300ml of nutrient water as they seem to be drinking it fast, and 50ml of fresh water around the stem. Hopefully again this will give them a little push before Monday, and from Monday onwards i will feed them 300ml of nutrient water containing the flowering supplements.
  • Temperatures are 28-30C with the lights on, and 24-25C with lights off.
  • Plants were misted for 10mins at lights off and 20mins just before lights on.
  • Leaves that had been trimmed earlier in the week which had again produced a small amount of yellowing were again trimmed back today. Hardly anything was trimmed off, just the edges.
  • Lights were also lowered a couple of links. This again was in an attempt to give them just a little bit more energy for growth.
  • I am slightly concerned the stalks aren't quite thick enough. This is because so far i have not been able to get hold of an oscillating fan (grow shop sold out). Although i could hang fans constantly blowing over the plants i don't want to dry the leaves out too much and stress them.


  • Each plant was fed 300ml of nutrient water and 100ml fresh water around the stalk. I gave it a little bit more than previous days as tomorrow i wont water to get the plants used to being watered every other day. They didn't seem to need it but then again they have been showing no signs of over watering so i thought it could do no harm.
  • At lights on tomorrow i'll switch to the HPS bulb and let the plants sleep in for an extra 3 hours to give them a 9hr sleep, before starting 12/12 on Monday.
  • Plants have not grown anymore in height over the past 2 days, Mary is around 13inches and Jane about 14inches.
  • Plants were misted for around 10mins before lights out, felt the leaves could do with a bit of a softening.
  • Yellowing has not spread anymore since yesterday's trimming.


  • Plants were given 9hrs dark period today, and the bulb was swapped from MH to HPS on lights on.
  • The HPS bulb seems to be running cooler than the MH bulb, and for this reason i lowered the light a couple links so i can sit directly above the plant tops. The glass sheet is now sitting around an inch or 2 above the top of Jane. I will keep a close eye on their growth over the next week and move the light up and they start to stretch. I'm not expecting 2 inches of growth tonight.
  • The cupboard was cleaned and wiped down with diluted antibacterial disinfectant.
  • Jane is now standing at just under 15inches and Mary still around 13inches.
  • I still have bowls of ice sitting in front of the fans but will remove them over the course of the week.
  • One or 2 leaves are a little droopy today and some leaf edges are curling down slightly (see pictures), but i did not water the plants today so they should recover nicely by tomorrow.
  • Lights on temperature is 28.5C and lights off temp is 24C.



Well-Known Member

  • Hanging the light that low was a stupid idea, the top of Jane got fried (see pictures). Have lifted the lights about 2ft up, hopefully she'll recover. Turns out the HPS runs hotter than MH, dont know why it felt so cool yesterday, maybe it took a while to warm up.
  • Yellowing has started to appear on big fan leaves, the soil still seems very slightly moist so i'm going to hold off watering today. Ive decided to give the plants 200ml every other day from tomorrow and see how they cope for the first week.
  • Lights out temperature 22C, lights on 28C.


  • About a hour after switching the lights on yesterday, i checked on the plants to find both of them drooping severely. Therefore i fed each plant 200ml of nutrient water and they were both back up within 15 minutes.
  • Think the plants are both still recovering.
  • Today i again trimmed off yellowing leaves, along with the most severely burnt leaves. The other leaves that are slightly burnt I've left on.
  • Plants were fed 200ml at lights on.


  • Growth is still pretty slow, and yellowing is still occurring on some leaf margins of the big fan leaves. I'm thinking i probably should have flushed before putting them into flower.
  • Stuck my finger in the soil and it felt pretty dry, but not bone dry. Again i fed the plants 200ml of nute water, and as there was no run off, i decided to feed the plants a little bit of plain water from the underside of the pots. I'm thinking tomorrow i might not feed the plants and see how they cope, as i think the slow growth could be due to over watering/feeding. Maybe the roots aren't being given a chance to grow out in search of water, hence the plant is hardly growing. The leaf margins on the top leaves are curling downwards which i always thought was because they were trying to trap moisture, but now i don't know.
  • No trimming was done today, although a few leaves could have been trimmed down. I want to avoid trimming any of the bigger fan leaves from now on. The lower ones i didn't mind but i want to keep the foliage as dense as possible further up the plant.
  • Temps are 29C with lights on and 24C lights off.



Well-Known Member

  • Plants looked a very healthy green when i woke them up (camera struggle with a HPS light), the yellowing seems to be only effecting the old growth, and spreading very slowly.
  • Soil was still very slightly moist so I've decided not to water today. Hopefully if they're OK tomorrow i'll start watering every other day regularly.
  • Bowls of water evaporated and were removed. A jug of water is still kept in there to trap any dust or anything flying around in the cupboard. Seems to have worked well so far.
  • Fans have been directed to blow against a side before reaching the plants. This is because of the leave margins cupping down (see pictures). Still not sure why this is happening. Maybe its still feeling the heat stress from a couple days ago? Lights were raised a couple of links just as a precaution.
  • Lights on temp 29C, lights off 26C.


  • Did some reading on possible causes of the top leaves curling, and as it seemed pretty bad i decided to flush both plants as the soil was pretty dry today. After flushing each plant i noticed a lot of the perlite had risen to the top, and the level of the soil had gone down slightly. I'm thinking that might mean the soil is less aerated now. The water that drained from the bottom of each pot was a orange colour, the same kind of colour of my nute water, therefore i'm assuming there was some sort of buildup in the soil and around the roots. I don't know exactly how much water i put through the pots as i did it in my shower using the hose, but a good amount went through, maybe a little less than 3x the volume of each pot. Will let the pots completely dry out before watering again. When i do i will start feeding the plants nutes every other feeding.
  • Yellowing has increased a little on affected leaves after not watering last night. Last time i got yellowing on my plants it was because i was underfeeding them. As soon as i bumped up the nutes it pretty much stopped, until i started flowering. Again i had to trim some leaves that had turned brown and crispy.
  • As the leaves appeared to be trying to trap moisture (cupping), i misted the plants for 15mins just after i turned the lights off, and ensured there was plenty of air circulation in the cupboard to prevent any mold forming.
  • Growth is still slow, but conditions this week have been far from consistent, so it's expected.


  • Flushing seems to have worked relatively well, plants seem to be growing slightly more than previous days. Although the soil is still completely saturated, the plants never really got as droopy as i thought they would. Initially some leaves did droop but perked up relatively quickly, even though the pots are still flooded with water.
  • Whilst some leaves are droopy and still curling down, other leaves are doing the opposite and curling up. I think this can be seen in some of the pictures. Often its on the same set of leaves, some fingers curl up some fingers curl down. Have no idea what to make of this.
  • Temps are 22C lights off and 25C lights on.
  • Plants were given a half an hour misting at lights off. I'll stop this as soon as the start budding for obvious reasons.
  • Jane is reaching around 17" and Mary 16"



Well-Known Member

  • Temperatures were kept nice and cool, same temps as yesterday. Growth yesterday seems good although i dont know how evident this is in the pictures.
  • The leaves with the edges curling under seemed to have recovered. Although the yellowing isn't spreading noticeably, i trimmed some leaves so i can see more clearly if any develops in the next few days. This was also to allow more light to leaves further down the plant.
  • Soil is still pretty moist, so no watering today. Leaf tips are still curling down. I'm hoping this is due to the flushing so am looking for this to stop in the next couple of days as the soil dries out further.
  • Hopefully this week will go by without any problems like last week (burning leaves, over feeding/under watering ect).



Well-Known Member

  • Again good growth can be seen, and the plants have grown an inch or 2 in the past 24 hours in height, with many new leaves and stems.
  • Soil was still slightly damp today although slowly drying out. Didn't water them today as i want them to nearly completely dry out and then give them a thorough watering to encourage the roots to grow out a bit.
  • From what i can see the yellowing seems to have stopped spreading.
  • Big fan leaves have been folded under newer growth to allow more light to reach them.
  • Lights were moved up an inch or 2 to ensure tops don't get burnt again.
  • Warmer day, lights off temp 25C, lights on 28C.


  • Soil was dry today so gave the plants a pretty thorough watering. Before feeding i noticed a bit of yellowing on the bigger fan leaves of Jane. Last time this started it was because of not enough nutes/water. I felt i wasn't watering them enough before the flush so fed them 600ml of half strength nutes. I'm thinking that could have been over doing it. If there is a lot of visible yellowing tomorrow i'll give them a semi flush..
  • Hot day, lights off 27C lights on 29C.
  • Growth has slowed down again a little, maybe because of the lack of water over the past day.
  • Lights were moved up and inch or 2 again today because of the warmer temperatures. More heat is reaching the plants.


  • Lights on temp 29C, lights off temp 27C.
  • Plants seemed to like the feeding yesterday, Mary is showing pretty much no yellowing, Jane is showing a bit but it has stopped spreading.
  • Soil was quite dry today, so the plants were fed another 600ml of half strength nutes. Good run-off came out the bottom of the pots.
  • Plenty of new growth can be seen, and Jane has now reached about 23inches with Mary at 22inches.


  • Soil felt pretty dry however pots weren't that light so didn't water.
  • Each plant has grown about an inch overnight.
  • One or two leaves were trimmed and old growth was folded behind the new growth so it can get more light on both plants.



Well-Known Member

  • Both plants were fed today, each given 600ml of full strength nutes mixed with 300ml of water from on top, and 100ml of full strength nutes from below. Some run-off was caught on a plate but both plants sucked this back up, the bottom of the soil must've been completely dry. Each plant drank 1L today so i shouldn't need to water for a couple days now. At the moment i'm letting the soil dry out completely before watering again. However over the past 24hrs there was no growth in height, and little on foliage. Either this means the roots have been growing a lot or the plants don't like dry soil. I will see how they do by tomorrow and change the feeding if necessary, by not allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings.
  • Been having warm days all week. Lights off temp is 27C and lights on temp is 29C. I would like a lower night time temperature but dont know how to achieve this at the moment.
  • First pistils appeared today towards the tops of each plant. For the first time the plants started to smell like a dam coffee shop. Hopefully this'll get stronger throughout next week. I hope this doesn't mean the plants have stopped growing, as i still want them to grow another foot or 2 in height. Hopefully i'll see some good growth with this feed.
  • Now pistils have started to show i will remove the bowl of water at the bottom of the cupboard on monday. This is a big bowl, and the water is completely evaporated over a period of 4-5 days.


  • Temps have been same as yesterday
  • Some leaves were trimmed back a little to allow more light penetration. Some leaves were trimmed due to yellowing but this was minimal.
  • Plants weren't fed today as soil is still slightly moist a couple inches down. Pots did feel quite light though.
  • Jane has grown to about 2ft 2" now, and Mary is about 2ft.
  • The plants have grown to the point where leaves are pushing up against the sides of the cupboard. If they continue to grow out i'll start to train the growth.


  • Dont want to let the soil dry out that much again as there was quite a lot of yellowing. I did quite a lot of trimming, but all at the bottom of the plant. See pictures.
  • Fed each plant a litre of fresh water, no nutes. Water came out the bottom of each pots but most was sucked back in through the holes. Next feeding will be with some nutes, the strength depending on how much yellowing there is.
  • Hottest day of the year so far. Lights off temp 29C lights on temp 32C.
  • The top leaves on Mary are curling under, as if trying to trap in moisture. As a precaution and to help with the high temps i moved the light up 2-3 inches.
  • Hardly any growth to report on, however i put this down to the soil being so dry. Looking to try and get a regular feeding schedule going on.


Dragon Gem

Very nice, I like the daily updates as it let's everyone know exactly what's going on.
To get the temps down at night maybe place a container of ice-water in there and have a fan blow over it


Well-Known Member

  • Plants were fed 800ml of full strength nutes from on top with watering can, and 200ml from below (100ml fresh water 100ml nute water)
  • Soil was slightly moist, however pots were pretty light.
  • Bowl of water has now been removed from underneath.
  • Jane is now around 28inches and Mary still at around 25inches.
  • The feeding schedule i will try and use this week will be 2 feedings of nute water followed by 1 feeding of a litre of fresh water. We'll see how the plants respond to this.
  • Lights off temp 28C, lights on temp 31C.
  • Smells starting to get a little stronger


  • Plants were fed the same measurements as yesterday. This week I've started a cycle, with 2 different nutrient mixes and a fresh water feeding. The second mix doesn't include any organic B or Powerzyme, as these are only required twice a week.
  • Both plants have grown another inch or two, however Jane seems to be stretching more than Mary. I'm thinking this is because of her over-all size advantage over Mary in the first place.
  • Photo's were taken out the cupboard today as the plants natural colours weren't showing under the HID. Also u can see all the newly formed tops quite clearly.
  • The light was moved up and now sits a foot above the top of Jane.
  • Did a little more trimming today. The reason i do this is because i don't want the plants using up energy trying to keep these leaves alive. Also the leaves i cut are off the bottom of the plant, and are relatively small compared to the bigger fan leaves up the top of the plant that are bigger than my hand. They don't receive that much light, and if they're yellow, they're no good anyway.
  • The bowl of ice cold water would probably bring the temperatures down a bit, but it'll also increase humidity which i want to avoid.


  • Both plants were fed 1 litre of luke warm water today, there was no run off underneath so i figured the soil at the bottom could still be dry, so i let the plants suck up 200ml of water each through the drainage holes.
  • Bit concerned about how the soil seems to have compacted so much when i last flushed. I'm guessing it compacted because of the force of the water hitting the soil (a hose was used). I can only hope that sufficient air is reaching the roots, and the are able to grow. Since the flush there has been a lot of growth, however what concerns me is how i can water the plants with over a litre of water and there is no run off.
  • Every time i water the plants i take them out of the cupboard so i can inspect them at the same time. However over recent days its becoming a struggle to fit both plants in without bending leaves or having leaves pushed up against the sides.
  • Jane has now grown to 2.5ft (30 inches) and Mary is still around 2-3 inches shorter.
  • Temperatures are cooler today, 27C lights off and 28C lights on.
  • The smell is getting stronger by the day.
  • Last time i fed the plants plain water and let them dry out, yellowing spread around the bottom of the plants. I've fed them no nutrients today, hoping that they'll use up any excess in the soil. If more yellowing of leaves is visible tomorrow i'll add some highly diluted nutes to the plain water feed.
  • The new growth on Mary seems to be growing with the leaves bending down like a claw, and the leaf margins rolling down (see pictures of top of mary - most visible). I'm not sure why she's doing this, but i figured its moisture stress of some sort. Hopefully the plain water feed will help today, unless its due to over watering. I will see how the leaves are tomorrow and if i feel the soil is moist enough i wont water and see if this corrects the problem.


  • Plants were fed again today as pots felt quite light, but again today was a plain water feeding in an attempt to sort out the clawing leaves on Mary. They were given 700ml of water from ontop and 200ml was sucked up from below.
  • Jane has again grown to 32" now with Mary still around 3 inches shorter.
  • Much cooler temperatures, lights off 25C and lights on 28C.
  • Bud sites are growing slowly, however i'm guessing this is because the plants haven't finished stretching yet, so energy is going into this.
  • If the clawing leaves don't sort themselves out by tomorrow or at least show signs of improvement i'm going to flush the plants and give them a 3/4 strength feeding afterwards as i think this is down to a build up of nutes in the soil. All clawing is on new growth only, and more so on Mary than Jane.
  • All yellowing has stopped.
  • In the pictures the clawing leaves on Mary were temporarily folded up, but they're now back to how they were as i didn't want to damage the leaves further.
  • Lights were moved up a couple inches again today due to new growth.



Well-Known Member
you shouldnt trim the fan leaves for for a bit of yellowing, this is because the plant uses the fan leaves as food for the buds. so the more fan leaves the better, overall tho your doing a good job, keep it up