2 Problems with leaves. First time Grower.



Guys i need your help i am 4,5 week veg at the moment and i have some problems.
ATM. 400w hps 18 inch from tops.

See the pictures.

Question one, do you know why the leaves are curling up like that .
Question two . 2 of my leaves have some weird stuff happening with them, it looks like luster and one of the leaves has 2 tiny holes in it.

Thank you in advance!IMG_0033 (1).jpgIMG_0041.jpgIMG_0038.jpg

Pictures are HQ so you can use zoom!


so what neut are you useing and what is your ratio. that could be due to neut burn, also when my leaves started to curl and twist, it was that I had my plants to close to the light and once I moved them problem fixed. by the way my leaves did not uncurl but did not curl anymore or any others curl up.