2 Plants from one seed!!


Well-Known Member
I have been growing 5 plants for about three weeks, and one of the seeds cracked open to reveal 2 stems, and has now turned into two plants. Not just any plant, my most healthy ones, and they look so jokes.
I didnt think tha\t this cud ever happen. Please tell me someone on here has had it happen to them before, or heard anything about it. If not...im a lucky guy who needs to learn how not to fuck n e thing up wen growing.


Well-Known Member
no sorry. not at the moment. ill try to get some soon...how many seeds have you planted in your lifetime to not come across a double plant from one seed?
I do feel quite privelaged to have planted that lol.


Active Member
I got two plants from one seed, and one is absolutely a female. The other is not identifiable yet. But I'm almost positive it is a male.


Well-Known Member
I will post a pic tomorrow as I JUST had the same thing happen. Germed two of my Jack Flash seeds only two find one with two tap roots, it is a few days old and is now two plants... crazy.


Active Member
It happened the same at one of my seeds. Two plants from 1 seed and I couldn't believe it! To be honest I 'm not ready to tell you what sex they are but I think 1 is male and 1 is female (just instinct).

Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
What happened is you were too stoned to be planting and you dropped 2 seeds in a pot and now you think ya have twins.


Well-Known Member
Its very possible but rare.

I think it is a double stem.. because it only has 1 stem that has the pedals from the seed.. andd the one on the right does not... ive seen this with roses.


how we doin bud! this happened 2 me and i think that when the seedling started to sprout through out the rock wool or soil etc the stem broke and a new root system started which created a new shoot. did u drop the seed. u could keep growing it but it will use up a lot of energy and the plant will be really small or u could plant replant both! happened to my kush

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i had this happen once but one of my twins died off before the 2 week mark. i've actually never seen a set of twins that made it as far as the ones in this thread. the remaining twin grew all weird and retarded with odd leaves and very strange branching but the smoke was as good as any of the other plants of the same strain. i wouldn't mind an update, either.


Active Member
i had it also... when it gets bigger its hard to maintain... bc they grow weird in one pot, but mine turned male anyway so i kilt it