2 day old seedlings


Active Member
Lighting Question should I have them on a 18/6 24hr 20/4 or what? Right now theyre on 24 hr in 20 oz plastic cups with holes in the bottom for drainage


Well-Known Member
your choice really.... it doesnt matter... 24/0 is recommended.. i know some fantastic growers on here that use 18/6 tho... you have to experiment and see what works best for you... but i'd say start with 24/0 and once you actually start vegging the plant if you want to switch light cycles to 18/6 do it then.... do some reading though about 18/6 vs 24/0.. theres some good disscussions about that on here... but in the end.. its all personal choice...


Active Member
your choice really.... it doesnt matter... 24/0 is recommended.. i know some fantastic growers on here that use 18/6 tho... you have to experiment and see what works best for you... but i'd say start with 24/0 and once you actually start vegging the plant if you want to switch light cycles to 18/6 do it then.... do some reading though about 18/6 vs 24/0.. theres some good disscussions about that on here... but in the end.. its all personal choice...
i've read my eyes out not very much on lighting from the seedling stage but yeah i plan on switching to 18/6 for veg and putting them under a MH for veg instead of t5 flouro


Well-Known Member
sounds good... thats personally what i would do also.... just make sure to keep the MH light as close as you can without scorching your plant...

good luck


Active Member
sounds good... thats personally what i would do also.... just make sure to keep the MH light as close as you can without scorching your plant...

good luck

its a thousand watter so I figure i would put my hand an inch above the plant and if its too hot raise the lamp a bit since i only have 2 medium fans for vent and colling


Well-Known Member
if you have a 1000w light youll want it at least 1 1/2 ft off the canopy if you dont have some heavy duty exhaust... that will fry the shit out of your plants being that close!! the bulb temp can get up to about 400 or so degree.. so ya... unless you have an air cooled light with a lice size exhaust fan youll want to keep it further away than that... but thats a good light... you might/prolly will have some heat issues tho.. just a warning..


New Member
2 weeks on 24/0 and 2 weeks on 18/6 then flower.
the first 2 weeks will give rapid bushy growth with tight node spacing and when you switch to 18/6 you will notice the plants starting to grow taller and stretch out a bit(due to your 6hrs dark) which will let the lamp penetrate the lower nodes as they grow.
this is how i grow and it works really well with the speed of growth.
this plant was grown that way(its 65 days old).