2 Bagseed. CFL grow. Pics.


Hey guys back with another grow..
I have a current grow going on already, a Blue Dream plant that is in my flowering room.. link is -- https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/295171-cfl-grow-blue-dream-clone.html ...

I set up a veg room today after i noticed that 2 out of the 30 seeds that i have been germinating with the paper towel method sprouted.

They are placed in Fox Farm Ocean Soil.. Under 2 23w cool white lights.. On a light cycle of 24/0.
I planned on trying an LST grow and topping my plants..
I have little experience with both so any help would be great! Definately with LST growing

They received their first watering by me presoaking their dirt..

Leave comments, questions, and concerns

Heres a pic of the setup



Active Member
i like your little germ setup man, looks pretty sweet. ive been doing some lst on a few plants and ill help you out if you'd like, im scribbed up so let me know when they get to thier 5th node. here are a couple of my current lsted plants, just to show you what they will look like with some time and some string and some tape.



very nice.
im going to need to experiment with topping more too. last time i fucked a plant up by over topping and/or topping too early.
im also Trying to LST my plants as low as possible because I got to transport these babies eventually and the spot is Legit but they do need to be LST'd to remain completely hidden.


Hey guys they sprouted through the dirt today!!
Ill get some pics up in a couple hours after its tall enough to catch on my phone camera

Both of them sprouted above dirt and I can clearly see the seed on top of the dirt..


And if anyone had any tips on how much water I should be giving my seedling thatd be great!

Ive only grown starting from clones... So any seed information is appreciated


Arright guys, dont hate on the crappy quality of the picture.. its my phone..

Anyways.. heres my two seeds that i planted yesterday and left on a 24/0 ligtht cycle

This morning when I woke up I check ed them and they had all ready sprouted through the dirt, just not tall enough to even take a good picture..
Well after all day of growing it was jus tall enough to notice on my camera phone..

I have been making sure that the top of the soil never dries out untill it finally does grow tall enough to ditch the shell.. They get about less than a half cup of water (dont want to over do it)

Leave comments questions and concerns. THANKS!

Heres the pics



Hey guys, just looked at my seeds that were in the paper towel germinating and it looks like i got another sprout..

So ill be planting a 3rd seed tonight when I get some time to do it, and after the seed sprouts a little longer..

But anyways my other two seeds in the soil are well underway of their growth both sprouting a little taller every day.. and about to ditch their seed and show their first leaves

Ill be on with pics sometime this week when all 3 seeds have their first leaves and ditch their seeds

Leave some info, tips, comments and suggetions


Ahh!! crazzy
Now i looked at my paper towel of germinating seeds.. had 3 more ready to be planted..
So now I have 5 seeds total with 2 already sprouted above the dirt and 1 that ditched its seed, and is now developing its first leaves

Leave some comments guys!! Pics up tomorrow 1/27


Active Member
very sweet dude. hope all goes well with all of them, you should do some breeding if yoiu get a nice looking male, come up with your own strain.


Hey guys back with those pictures.. Have had some good growth on 2 out of 5 of the seeds but i feel that those other seeds arent far from sprouting above the surface..

Well anyways heres the pics let me know what you think..

The grow room

Heres seed number 1, as you can see its ready to ditch the seed by tonight

Heres seed number 2 that has had the best growth yet


Hey guys here with another update..
Checked on my plants today and saw that 4 out of 5 of my seeds have now sprouted..
Heres some pics from today.. let me know what yall think



Active Member
try toget those lights right over the plants dude, find some way to hang that power strip over them in the middle so that the ones farther away arent leaning towards the light so much.


Hey guys, so all four seeds are little healthy plants now.. all looking strong and growing at a good rate..
All the plants have had one full week of 24/0 light and will continue until start of week 4
Week 4 is when I will decide whether i want to flower or veg still and go 18/6 for 2-4 weeks more

I will be adding 2 more lights at the start of week 3 growth

Leave your comments, questions, and concerns...

Here are some pics guys..

Heres a pic of the veg room..

Heres a pic of plant 1 and 4

Heres a pic of plant 2 and 3


Arright.. Here with an update on my light setup...

I decided to take your guys's advice and switch my lights to directly above the plants so they dont stretch towards the light..

I will add two more 23w lights at the end of this weeks growth..

Here is a pic of the setup