2.5 week flowering, one mid-plant bud's pistils are orange/brown. HELP

I am growing indoors
Using Roots Organic 707 soil mix.
I am usuing FF nutes and growing in 10 gal smart pots.
I am using a 1000w HPS in a Hydro Hut tent.
Strain is NYC Diesel

Its just odd that one branch in the middle of the plant is turning orange/brown allready at 2.5 weeks flower. Is this bad?


Grow mo

Active Member
i wouldnt worry about it unless you have heat issues or something. hairs dont really signify anything


Active Member
My NYCD did the same thing don't worry! The pistils turned orange very early into flowering for me. Be sure to go by the trichomes because it could be confusing if you just rely on the color of the pistils :)
Anyone else with input? Could this be related to my nutes or anything? or just some freak phenomina that i should ignore


Well-Known Member
ive had it happen, and ive basically attributed it to being shaded from the light, in all the cases ive seen.

had a fan leave blow over and cover 1 of the 2 tops. the one that got covered went brown, the other stayed white.


Active Member
I say it looks like you temps might be too high. the orange color change of the hairs doesn't look natural. I haven't seen them curl that dramatically. They almost look like they are beginning to dry out.


Well-Known Member
seems doubtful temps are the issue if its on a lower branch and not on top.

also considering ive had it happen, and my temps average 72-78
Well, my temps dont surpass 87 and never drop below 74 (at night)

So temps are fine. Im not too worried about the issue, but would like to maybe know why, yknow.

The buds arent / havent dried out, its quite moist and very dense to the touch..
Those look nice DrFever! I know they havent put onmuch weight yet, but they are nice and solid to the light squeeze. I will be very happy in a month when they are ready for harvest! These are hella big and dense compared tot he plant planti grew before, which was some cheap-o bag seed
Mine have had the same thing happen man but look like it's just the ones getting less light for me so I've left everything as it is and waiting for them to get nice and juicy! Hope your solution is this easy!


Well-Known Member
watch how close your tops are to the light; without proper ventilation/protection from the bulb, you could be burning your tops. Happened to a friend of mine during his kaya47 grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey Miles, to me that looks like you had a problem with your nutes burning her a little when that flower was developing. I am not too sure but I think it is from too much N and not enough K but I could be wrong. In any case I wouldn't worry too much unless you see the pistils turning everywhere. I would watch that flower though, if it starts to dry out like it is done you may want to cut it out but if not I would leave it alone. Hopefully you can get an expert in here to help but if not I might also try the infirmary just for some more opinions. Good luck and happy growing.
Ok, thansk everyone, Yeah its ONLy on this one bud. nowhere near the top, and this bud is about like.. 3.5 feet from the lens of my a/c hood.


Well-Known Member
ya...i wouldnt worry about the pistil thing man...i would also jump to the conclusion that she was pollinated by the looks of them, but of your positive she wasnt then its all good...every plant is just a lil bit different in their own little way...esp. if they are the same strain, but started from seed...a clones is a bit more reliable as far as you know what its going to do and look like...you can have the same strain started from bean, and one could be more dense then the other, or more bud sites, or different calyx traits, such as what you are experiencing...so ya no worries mane