2-3 more weeks bro


Active Member
Can we stop saying this?

I swear, 90% of threads here are answered the exact same.
"You've got 2-3 more weeks bro"
I see pictures of plants that are completely ripe, and yet everyone here says to chop in 2-3 weeks. I've seen threads where people post pictures of their 4 week old babies bursting out white hairs everywhere, and people will say "you got 2-3 more weeks to go"

No. No they dont.
Start giving more specific advice. Link them to Zeus's thread

And please stop just spitting out 2-3 weeks as the universal answer to all things harvest related.


hey bro, you probably have like 2-3 more weeks before people here will actually take notice and care about this post.


it's not like this isn't true... majority of posts in this area are from rookies... and it's very annoying.


Can we stop saying this?

I swear, 90% of threads here are answered the exact same.
"You've got 2-3 more weeks bro"
I see pictures of plants that are completely ripe, and yet everyone here says to chop in 2-3 weeks. I've seen threads where people post pictures of their 4 week old babies bursting out white hairs everywhere, and people will say "you got 2-3 more weeks to go"

No. No they dont.
Start giving more specific advice. Link them to Zeus's thread

And please stop just spitting out 2-3 weeks as the universal answer to all things harvest related.
heres the thing.......... most people are smart enough to know when its almost time to harvest, but want to know when peal potency is..... WICH GUESS WHAT??? IS USUALLY FROM 1-3 WEEKS OFF HARVEST......


Well-Known Member
Maybe, bro thats because everyone comes posting in here on their first grow and want to harvest 2-3 weeks early?


Well-Known Member
man, you need to smoke one and relax. when people ask for approximate time before harvest they are asking for.....an approximate time. The poster looked at the pic and gave an......approximate answer based on what they saw, because some people like to harvest a little earlier for cloudy head high buzz and some people like to a little later for the deep couch lock amber buzz .
so whats your problem?


Active Member
I agree that too many responders will throw out a generic 2-3 weeks after looking at a pic from two feet away.It's all about the trichomes.If you can't see the trichomes,then you're talking shit. But what's wrong with bro??


Well-Known Member
I agree that too many responders will throw out a generic 2-3 weeks after looking at a pic from two feet away.It's all about the trichomes.If you can't see the trichomes,then you're talking shit. But what's wrong with bro??
Looks like the OP may not be returning to his thread now bro:sad:, may even be 2-3 weeks before he's ready, who knows?? :-P


Well-Known Member
lol...i made a post like this on another thread. i got really sick of people saying 2-3 more weeks bro. haha i hate this shit to. rly pisses me off.


hey bros and hoes.... guess what... this is a public forum... if someone has a question, let them ask. If u dont like the thread they posted then don read it or dont respond. Everyone was a newbie at one time and we are all here for the same reason --- so who cres if someone posts a questions "asking when its ready to harvest" and someone throws out a "2-3 weeks bro" answer. If it bothers you, then politely correct and help the bro on his grow.

its just a forum for learning, what do you expect...


Active Member
lol I think you guys took me the wrong way-

I'm just saying its becoming a forum paradigm, and its not that helpful. It's become a throw-away statement that people put out there without thinking about it.

Anyways, if you want to pretend like i'm FREAKING OUT over here and NEED 2 CHILLZ go ahead :leaf: