1st time grower. Need some help with my setup.(W/ layout)


Active Member
Hi guys, first timer here. I've been on here a lot lately trying to read and get as much information as possible to learn how to grow more. This is what I have so far. I'm sure some things may need to change and there are still some questions i need to ask. I guess my 2 main questions are 1.) is there anything wrong with my light setup and 2.) how many and what watts of cfl's do you think I would need for my clones? Also powering all this, should I realy be concerned with my electric bill or any suspitions on me?



Well-Known Member
use 2 42 watts 2 feet away until the clones show signs of growth, then you'll need atleast 4....i've never grown that small so these are my best guess... your electric bill wont be anything to draw attention tho... what about flowering? and you should have an intake and exhaust


Active Member
what about flowering? and you should have an intake and exhaust
:-? I was thinking the 400w for flowering. This not right? intake isn't something I looked into and i don't know why. Is there any main concerns when locating a place to put the intake? top, bottom, dust?


Well-Known Member
the 400w will be fine but the clones will flower too... the intake should be at the top because cold air sinks... the exhaust could be somewhere in the middle because it will catch the rest of the hot air b4 it hits your plants...what do you mean dust?


Active Member
the 400w will be fine but the clones will flower too... the intake should be at the top because cold air sinks...what do you mean dust?
what ever is in the air on the out side will be drawn into the cab. Correct?


Well-Known Member
what ever is in the air on the out side will be drawn into the cab. Correct?
ya... ideally you should duct(pipe it) some cooler air from a a/c or outside if it's cold. check out my link..i've got a pic of ducting into my flowering room from a window fan


Active Member
ya... ideally you should duct(pipe it) some cooler air from a a/c or outside if it's cold. check out my link..i've got a pic of ducting into my flowering room from a window fan
Oh I forgot to mention that this will be in a basement. So the air will already be somewhat cool. and intake should be small and exhaust large correct?


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot to mention that this will be in a basement. So the air will already be somewhat cool. and intake should be small and exhaust large correct?
i'd say the reverse... you want more cool air over your lights than the little hot air(which is being cooled) that is leaving