**1st Time Grow. Seeking ANY advice** 4TH WEEK OF VEG.

Hello fellow members of rollitup.

i apologize about the pictures, im not sure how to get rid of the dark lines in the middle of the picture, i think its the lights, ill try taking better pictures after the turn off and post them

I'd like to first say that this is the 1st time I have tried to grow the famous doo doo plant, and honestly i just hope im doing this right. I haven't seeked advice from anyone besides the internet and that's already steered me wrong once.

My setup is as follows:

1 5x4 flood table, (set up for Ebb and Flow) containing 6 doo doo plants; all of which are in there 4th or 3rd week of flowering.

(1) 20 lb Co2 tank obviously with a regulator, solenoid and tubing which i ran throughout a trellis i created around the plants. I have the tank set on a timer to come on about once every 2 hours. It leaks Co2 for 15 minutes at 1.0 ppm or whatever the little dial represents.

I started vegging the clones with (1) 400 watt Metal Halide lamp. I acquired another 400 watt light setup when i switched the plants to flower, and am currently running (2) 400 watt High Pressure Sodium bulbs. I figured it was better to get another light in there even though it was kind of late

Im using a 25 lb Rubbermaid storage bucket for my resivour, which i fill with 20lbs of water and nutrients. For my nuts im using the cheaper line of Humboldt. the three part base as well as some additives from the organic line such as flavorful and enzyme something and honey something as well. when i change the resivor next ill be adding some big up powder and ginormous as well, since thats what the Humboldt feeding chart calls for i figured it would be best to go by that. i have not used any PH up or down at all.

so check out the pictures and let me know what you think. i let these girls vegg for almost 2 months because i wasn't sure when i was supposed to change the light.
im just hoeing their still going to give off bud even though they have been growing since thanksgiving, thats when i first received the clones.

also im growing 3 different strains in the same tray, seems to have been workin so far. accept the middle plants grew much bigger than the ones on the side.

Alright thanks for any help guys and girls all commentary is welcome. i love you. legalize it :leaf:

