1st time grow, 2 plants


Hey everyone, what up what up? I'm a long time smoker who decided a few months ago that I'd had enough of the hassles with dealers and what not, so I decided to grow my own. I'm a newbie so I didn't want to bother with the indoor grow (the instructions for which went over my head) so I simply plopped the seeds in some soil outside. (I live in a rural place without a lot of strangers traveling by, and besides, they blend in with the other plants.) I've done my share of work on them though, water and nutrients and now I have 2 gorgeous plants, 1 of which I expect to be ready by the end of the month. I've sort of been playing this by ear so now I'm stuck and have a couple questions. When they are ready, should I pull the entire plant or just the buds? And then, after I have done that, how do I cure them. I'm sure these answers are on this site somewhere, but thanks for the responses in advance.


New Member
Welcome friend. As far as when to harvest I need some pics, and you need a scope. You want to take the whole plant down. Trim all the leaves up (save them to make hash) and spread all th ebuds out to dry on a line or screen. Hang them in a cool dry place with good air movement and low humidity...like around 50%Let them anywhere from 3-7 days. After they have dried place the manicured bud in paper bags for a couple days (optional on the bags) then place the buds in mason jars. You will want to open the jars a few times a day for about 15 minutes to let fresh air in and to prevent mold. This should be for approx a week. Forgot to mention when drying the buds either on a screen or hanging them don't let them touch as this could also cause mold. hope this helps.


Thanks, and of course that helped. That was everything laid out nice and simple for even a stoner like me to understand. Heh :joint: Pics coming later today.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are a british grower,I visited my girls yesterday and the white hairs are just starting to pop through so has soon has the plants show signs of this whitch should be in the next week or should allready have some on now.This is the time to get some blood bone and fish mix add this to the base of the plants put a fair bit down.But then it is crusial that you put some big boulders around the base of the plant this will stop animals digging up the base of the plant.Give the plants a bit of water to get the mix down into the soil b4 adding the boulders.I always play out door grow by hear you have too in the uk other wise the buds will rot with all the rain we have.I never take the plant down before 7 week no matter what the weather but if there is alot of rain forcast then you may have to think about getting them down early.Also stake the plant now use brances off a tree so that they won't stand out if you cut bark off trees into thin strips then you can use this to tie the brances up.You will need to do this now because of the wind and the weight of the buds if the plant folds it will not produce has much so stake it out.Take a pair of scissors with you at the end of the month and cut the buds of and trimm at the site that way you won't be haveing to dispose of all the trimmings.But make sure that you still make the area free of cannabis leaves if the plant was not found then you can use the site again next year.Get hold of some of the big sealer bags to put the buds in this will keep the smell down while traveling home with the buds then put the sealer in a carry bag under the seat of a car.Do this just in case you are stopped by police best realy if you can walk to and from the plants i don't like haveing fresh cut bud in my car it smells to strong so will you after trimming.................................................Keep green tyke...................................................................................


Ok, so I confess, I'm a bit new and don't know how to load a pic so I made it my profile pic (that I can figure out how to do). Tips on that would be a help. Got held up by the rain yesterday, and I confess it's not the best of pics and right after I took this one the batteries died so go figure. Tyke, not uk but the states. Thanks so much for your post though, helped alot. The rain is heading out of the forecast now but thanks for the tip about the stakes, I noticed today that the one budding the most was already beginning to droop. No worries about transport, less than 20 steps from the back door and it made it all season without being seen so if I grow again, I'll keep that spot in mind. Tried a couple different grows after this one (outside as well), using different places and once different soil but none of them turned out so I consider it luck that the first time took so well. I can visually see now that some of the hairs are turning darker so my question now is, where do I get the scope? We have a smokeshop just down the road some, would they have one? Thanks so much for all the help.