1st outdoor grow, any advice?


Well-Known Member
hey guys whats goin on. im a somewhat experienced indoor grower trying to expand my yield with the coming of the season by going outdoors.

it will be my first outdoor guerilla grow. i plan to plant my 5 week old seedlings behind a bush in a private (rich-ass) neighborhood.

now for the many newb questions i have:

do i need to use organic ferts or can i use chem?

i want to use egg shells and coffee beans for fertilizer, but i dont know how much to use, and dont know if i should add nutes(whether organic or not) on top of that.

my plants are all bagseed, but from a heavy and fast growing indica dom. i expect to plant mid march...? and i expect to yield between a qp and hp...?

also, how deep and how wide should i dig the holes?

thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
do i need to use organic ferts or can i use chem?
You can most certaintly use chem, but I like organic nutes like fish emulsion, or horse/chicken manure or compostm they are better for the enviroment. Plus organic nutes give you sweeter nugs! You can use chem, and thye work fine, infact sometimes better than organic, but its all up to you and your growing situation. Me for example, I like using chemical ferts because I have to hike 2 miles to my grow side accross mud, hills, dense vegetation, wild pigs that will kill you and rain. If I had my outdoor grow in my backyhard however I would undoubtedly use organic.
i want to use egg shells and coffee beans for fertilizer, but i dont know how much to use, and dont know if i should add nutes(whether organic or not) on top of that.
Egg shells take a long time ot break down, they are better off being composted for a while then applied, do not direclty apply them as they willtake a looong as time ot break down. Once they do break down, however, they make a killer organic fert.

Coffee beans... No, coffee grounds is what you need. Again, better off composted, but coffee grounds have a good source of directly released ferts as well, so they can just be directly applied.

You can most certaintly use organic nutes on top of Chemical nutes, and vice versa, I kind of do that, I like to water my plants with fish emulsion water, and give me the ol' chmical ferts along with it.
my plants are all bagseed, but from a heavy and fast growing indica dom. i expect to plant mid march...? and i expect to yield between a qp and hp...?

planting around now or march would be the best time to start, depending on how well you fertlize the plant,s and care for them, and their genetics, will determine your yield. Some plants just yeild more htan others, there are no gaurantees, bu if you do everything right and give them the love they need, you can expect some nice yeilds like this as they do grow into monsters outdoors.

also, how deep and how wide should i dig the holes?

I dig mine 2 foot wide 3 feet deep, But usually just 1 foor wide 2 feet deep becasue im a lazy bastard. Thats fine btw, but if you want a bigger plant, bigger hole. 2X3 is always good, more depth than width is what you need to remember.

thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
what chem nutes do you recomend for out doors? and how often do you feed the nutes? same as indoors or diff? i take it you have to feed them alot more then you would indoor plants becuase the get soo big...


Well-Known Member
what chem nutes do you recomend for out doors? and how often do you feed the nutes? same as indoors or diff? i take it you have to feed them alot more then you would indoor plants becuase the get soo big...
i hear every 2nd watering is the way to go, flush every 2 or 2.5 weeks