1st Grow- White Widow, Space Queen, Agent Orange Jacks Cleaner II


New Member
This is my very first grow. It has been quite the task getting all of the materials needed and the seeds I wanted to accomplish this feat, I am using my closet which measures about 6ft in length, and 24 inches in depth, so 12 square feet. The materials I am using are as followed-

2 feminized White Widow seeds from greenhouse seed company
5 Agent Orange seeds TGA
5 Space Queen Seeds TGA
5 Jacks Cleaner II Seeds TGA
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
Fox Farm Big Bloom
MagiCal - Supply of Magnesium, Calcium and Iron
Technaflora's Sugar Daddy - Sugar Cane
Alga-Mic Seaweed Concentrate
Einstein Oil
PH Test Vial Kit
Sub Culture Nutrient and Root Innoculant


The Plants are growing in my closet under a 400watt Metal Halide Lamp with refector 24/0, while I am awaiting a second light, another 250 watt ballast with reflector that I recently purchased online, awaiting it's arrival. The room is a relatively small bedroom, with an airconditioner running in the backround 24/7. I ripped the closet door off, covered the opening with a tarp, that I lined with mylar. The tarp is parially left open so the cooling effect from the A/C can reach the grow area.

I've also got an oscillating fan on the floor blowing towards the plants, and another fan, hung up near the lamp keeping it cool as well. I's say the over all temp in the closet thus far is in the higher 70's F.

Two of the Plants, the White Widows, I germinated over a month ago, and they have already entered the veg stage and are doing pretty well. I encountered a few problems with one in the beginning, but things have really taken off since.

2 Days Ago I started germinating all of the TGA seeds, and within 24 hours, all the Space Queen, and Jacks Cleaner II seeds popped!! That was fast. The Agent Orange did Not yet, but it's once 2 days, so I have them under a humidity dome in the grow room, awaiting their arrival.

Today I took a small cutting from the White Widow, dipped it in some rooting hormone, ans stuck it in a peat pellet. I submerged most of the peat pellet with ocean forest soil, put both in a pot, covered the top with saran wrap and poked a few hole in the top. I figured, with my first attempt at a grow, I might as well have a first attempt with a clone. we'll see what happens.


I Will try to update with progess often, as this is the most fun hobby I have picked up in a long time. It's alot o fun growing weed. expensive, but fun. any comments, or suggestions from the more experienced, would def be appreciated. :mrgreen:
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New Member
White Widow Plant #1 37 days from germinaion

White Widow Plant #2, also 37 days old from germination

notice the lady bug on the side of the pot plant? Isn't that supposed to be a sign of good luck? I know they eat spidermites for breakfast.

what do you all think of my grow room setup? I'm using a 400watt Metal Halide Now, and there's a 250 watt ballast and lightbulb kit on the way.

The next image boggles me, twins? is this possible.. Space Queen

I have alot of TGA seeds growing, besides my 2 White Widow Plants that are from Greenhouse Seed Company, I have also germinated Space Queen, Agent Orange, and Jacks Cleaner 2. I also have attempted to clone 2 White Widow Plants from a mother's cutting, I dipped in rooting hormone and have sitting in a peat pellet thats mostly buried in Ocean Forest Soil. This is my first grow and I've done alot of research on marijuana growing, hope things go smooth. The Tga Plants are 3 days old as of today. Can't Wait to get my second light and get these plants big!!! I'm excited.
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New Member
So Ive recently added a new 250watt metal halide to complement my 400watt MH in my grow space. its a closet grow that ive utilized most of my 12 square feet of grow area. heres the update on the grow room

ive also got some clones going, since inve decided to top the white widows, they are now at 41 days since germination, heres the pics, they are from a few cuttings ive taken, 2 of which i took from topping the plants

i am having a problem though, a browning leaf at the bottom of one of my widows, any solution to this, can anyone tell me what could have caused it.

any suggestions on how i can fix this or help my plant would be appreciated.

all in all tho, the 2 widows look pretty healthy


New Member
so the seedlings are doing great since 7/25/08 they all pretty much look healthy through the TGA strains. good genetics are supposed to be very important and from i see this is definetly true. the TGA seeds i got from bidzbay all germinated, sprouted, and look way healthier than the greenhouse white widow seeds that i spent nearly $100 on a five pack. so about 8 days later, heres a couple shots.

i just noticed this little bugs stickying to my sticky bug trap things that i got from my local hydro shop. i heard of a baby fungas gnat resembling a fruit fly and this is what i saw

after spraying with neem oil, this second day my plants have recieved 6 hours of darkness, instead of the lights being on 24 hours a day. im jus gonna repeat the routine as reccomended and hope these fuckers die and go away. im keeping my fingers crossed everything goes well. here are pics of the 2 white widows day 44 since sprouting-

here's a top shot of my other widow plant. i topped these plants for the first time about 4 days ago by the way

so what do you all think of my grow and how im doing so far?
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New Member
today i took a cutting from my white widow plant, dipped it in rooting hormone, stuck it in a solution of ph 6 water and half a capfull of superthrive and have it suspended using saranwrap in a see through flower base under my lights. jus kinda wanna see if this will work for cloning.

i was watchin a vid on youtube from greenhouse and the widow plant they had n the video they chopped all the growth off of the bottom 15cm of the plant, said it helped with airflow and kept the energy of the plant concentrated on producing more growth on the top part of the plant, so i did the same, flushed the plant, and stuck it back in my grow room. we'll see what happens. i have 2 plants the same age, so itll be nice to compare the two

the other plants all lookin really well, watered em all today, flushed the above mentioned widow, gave the other a teaspoon per gallon growbig and 2 tablespoons sugardaddy in its feedings

the tga plants are still babies, and im jus giving them ph water in their fox forest soil, no nutes yet


Well-Known Member
I used to smoke agent orange when i was in Michigan it's sum good exotic bra.
Keep up wit da grow and good job! Nice bright green leaves you doin it right bra.


Well-Known Member
great job darkseed, i love systematic updates with lots of pics. when are you gowing to flower your widows. have you feeded them so far?


New Member
no havent fed them yet. theyve been in ocean forest soil for their short lives now, but will at the 30 day mark. as far as my widows go... id like to flower all plants at once.


New Member
i was robbed today. someone broke in my place and stole every plant except a baby space queen, a baby agent orange, and a few cuttings i took for clones. i have a friend whos an addict and i think he took em. also my laptop, 2 mp3 players, and a digital camera are missing. i am so sad right now.


New Member
this will my last post on here. god obviously doesn't want me growing weed. i spend so much money on those seeds, nutes, and everything else that went missing, i cant risk losing anything again, or someone invading my home and harming my children. this was a wakeup call for me. im hanging up my "grow hat" per say and done with marijuana and drugs completely. thanks for all who helped me accomplish what i learned, but obviously there is a force out there that does not want me to have this or any harvest. im sad.... but there's nothing i can do.


Active Member
all i can is WOW!!
i was getting interested in this as i plan on doing a closet grow of my own.
keep your head up.