1st grow shot! 250w hps closet hempy scrog


Well-Known Member
I never learned how to set them up..... seems like I have to figure it out now lol.
HaHa, I made my first couple GJ attempts in the wrong spot when I tried it. I can't remember how I figured it out. I either didn't smoke, or smoked alot more and finally figured it out. I am betting on the latter as I cant seem to figure it out right now.

If you don't feel like making one, post away on here man.


Well-Known Member
My Blu Mystic Are Nirvana's take on blueberry, and probably ripped off genetics, and it grows exactly how you described. I had huge cal/mag issues with it recently and thought it was my soil, but maybe it's strain related. Lovely taste is well worth the grief though :)


Well-Known Member
My Blu Mystic Are Nirvana's take on blueberry, and probably ripped off genetics, and it grows exactly how you described. I had huge cal/mag issues with it recently and thought it was my soil, but maybe it's strain related. Lovely taste is well worth the grief though :)
I would tend to agree with you that it is strain related. The guy I get my clones from says he has to mix up a separate batch of nutes for this strain. I think it has something to do with a lack of cal/mag causing a N def. I should have trusted my instincts when I first thought this clone was the blueberry and supplemented more cal/mag in veg. Might have helped her develop a bit better.

As you say the taste alone is well worth the grief. This last batch is super sweet with a serious skunky edge this time.


Well-Known Member
Def Mag def causing the, which I found out too late, so when I finally added the Epsom Salts, they went into overdrive and had an abundance from all the N that had built up in soil and needed flushing, and then start feeding with N all over.

All those ppl who say "growing weed is easy, just feed, feed, water" can suck my balls :)


Well-Known Member
Def Mag def causing the, which I found out too late, so when I finally added the Epsom Salts, they went into overdrive and had an abundance from all the N that had built up in soil and needed flushing, and then start feeding with N all over.

All those ppl who say "growing weed is easy, just feed, feed, water" can suck my balls :)


Well-Known Member
At day 24 of 12/12 and they are both putting on some bud mass. Both are yellowing from the bottom up though, so I added calmag again and lessened up the nute dose. They started yellowing when I flushed them last so I am not sure what is causing it. Going to monitor them after this feeding and possibly flush them again if they don't start to improve.

U1 is starting to carry over her touchiness into flower. She is building mass pretty good though and hope to even things back out soon.

U2 is a beast. She is really piling on mass now and I hope she ends up as fat as she is starting out.


Well-Known Member
Day 26. Yellowing is still showing but does not appear to be getting worse. U2 is showing a bit of burn on leaf tips so I backed off the nute strength a bit more and I will flush 2-3 days from now and reset a bit. Both are swelling nicely and should really start to explode here. They are both really sticky and stinky, starting to frost up nicely.



Well-Known Member
Just a couple pics before the lights go off in a bit here. I will post some better pics tonight under better lighting.

Changing the position of the plants under the hps, hoping to maximize and even light coverage. These 2 don't fit quite as well this way as my first 2 did.

1st grow 20 days.........................49 days
SAM_0094.jpg.............. SAM_0224.jpg

Current grow 29 days

I flushed them both on Wed. and followed up with 1/2 str. nutes. Still some yellowing, and U2 has some tip burn now also so I may flush her again.

More and better pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm really having an issue with this yellowing. I have been giving them a pretty healthy nute dose including a little extra N and have supplemented with some cal/mag. Some of the yellowing is under the canopy level and this is to be expected somewhat, but I definitely have some yellowing up higher also. Like I said I am going to back off the nute strength a bit and see what happens, as it seems that N is locked out somewhat. I think it might be ph related. I have been running at strictly 5.7-5.8 and I am going to bump that up to 6.0 and see if that helps.

Here are some slightly better pics, best I can do with my cheap camera.

U1 is slower than U2 and not quite as thick. She is frosting up nicely and smells very good, nice and sweet.
SAM_0588.jpgSAM_0589.jpgSAM_0590.jpgSAM_0591.jpgSAM_0592.jpgSAM_0593.jpgSAM_0594.jpgCapture U1.JPG

U2 is definitely getting fatter than U1. She is also yellowing a bit more. If I can get her evened back out and she keeps getting fat like this she should be a nice yielder. She has a really funky sweet-sick smell. Almost rancid and nauseating at times. She is very sticky and even a light brush up against leaves you coated.
SAM_0606.jpgSAM_0605.jpgSAM_0603.jpgSAM_0602.jpgSAM_0601.jpgSAM_0600.jpgCapture u2.JPG


Well-Known Member
Just some pics while I flushed em today. Gave them 10ml clearex, 1/2 gallon each and followed up with a gallon of water + florablend 7ml and floranectar 7ml. I gave them a pretty good burn trying to fix this yellowing and I am finally going to accept that less is more when feeding. I fed them way to aggressively much they way I did last time but didnt bother to read that this might be causing them problems. I am reducing my 3 part, which is mainly 2 part now anyway, by 40% and bump it up from there. My supplements will stay close to the same except less koolbloom till they bounce back a bit.

Both are putting on some decent size and are frosting and smelling awesome.


Mystery Clone (U2)


Well-Known Member
Testing photobucket

Edit: That didn't work...hmm will have to look in the support forums. Too tired tonight though. If anyone could tell me how to post large photos from photobucket I would appreciate it.
Edit 2: Ah, I think I figured it out. Going to try and post some big pics as a timeline to this point and see what happens.



Well-Known Member
Let me know what you all think. Do you like the old thumbnail pics or the full size pics better?

Although maybe I shouldn't expect an answer...This appears to be the loneliest journal on RIU. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Day 38 or 39 of flower. Blueberry has some pretty bad nute burn, tips on quite a few leaves are fairly crisp. I have been feeding her at half str. nutes hoping she will put on some more weight. She is not swelling nearly as much as the mystery clone because of the abuse.




Well-Known Member
Mystery clone is doing pretty well. Still yellow as fuck but she is getting fat. A few weeks yet to go and I think she is going to swell even more the last couple weeks.



Well-Known Member
Day 50 of flower. Looking to let them go 63+ days and check daily from there. I will probably start flushing in another week to ten days as they look like they still have a ways to go so I don't want to starve them too soon.

The Blueberry is finally recovered for the most part and she is really putting on some size and girth now. Buds are extremely dense and you can really feel the weight starting to pack on. Overall I am fairly satisfied with the canopy, although some of my middle growth never really shot up so there is a bit of small popcorn. These are also very dense so should be good to smoke up while the choice buds cure.

Blueberry day 50

The mystery clone is unreal. These buds are so thick and dense, and they seem to be getting bigger still. This canopy I am very pleased with, the overall spread is nice and most of the canopy is even and fat. While I won't get anywhere near a gram per watt, this will be my best yielding grow yet so I am looking forward to getting a final weight on these two.

Mystery clone day 50

Here is a couple canopy shots of the 2.



Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the concern Watt. Im fine and the plants are doing excellent. I have been having a continuous string of computer problems and it finally puked for good on me. I had to dig out a really old laptop just so I could check my email and what not. Good news is the new computer is on its way from newegg as we speak. Hope to get some pics up mid week.

I am extremely excited about the early stages of this grow. Currently at 17 days since photo and 8 days since true solid budset showed. The canopies turned out very nice so check back soon when i can get some pics up.
Burn the old drive in a fire pit...LOL!


Active Member
Your buds are looking really nice at this point man! Nice yield coming up for sure. What size containers are these two in?