1st Grow Journal- Will Win


Active Member
OK so I had this same problem last time with my Kandy Kush... The top leaves are curling under and getting really thin/shrunken. There are no spots or miscolorations, they are a little bit darker green than the rest of the leaves. It is only happening on one of them and it is a soil dweller - i'm definitely not overwatering. I thought it was some kind of nute defficiency last time but I could never really figure it out. I would like to find whats up this time cuz I really really like this strain. Pics included for reference (some are pics of KK without the issue and some pics are of the single KK that has the issue).
EDIT: Note the plant to the left and behind the curled KK are also Kandy Kushes. Take special note to the huge mother fucker KK I had to tie down (look closely and you can see the green string in the last pic).

Why are the leaves shrinking and curling under on the top only ?? Plz help with any ideas... Thanks.



Active Member
So I am thinking about getting a perpetual operation going... I gave my friend some clones of these a while back and he has been cloning the best of them (he's got a perpetual going). I'm not sure exactly what lights and ventilation etc I will use. Thinking about a 4' T5 w/8 bulbs to get them started before putting them in the flower room. Will use some small square pots in the beginning with the same soil mix I use throughout. I'm not sure if I can take my friend's clones though, they are in an aeroponics setup.

Can I take clones from aero and put them in soil?