1st Grow Journal- Will Win


Active Member
Got my hydro table working properly, both lights on with jerry-rigged air cooling (lots of fans). The kids are looking like their roots are taking hold and they are getting ready for their vigorous growth stage. 3rd set of real leaves is coming in, and 4th set is starting on some of them. The hydro seem to be going faster/bigger than soil :) i like it a lot.

I want to train the hell out of some of these guys, in particular the VK (cuz its awesome for training) and KK (cuz its taller than the rest). When should I start this? I usually dont touch them until they enter vigorous growth, then I start trimming the 'suckers' on the bottom. Any suggestions on training? When/what to cut/how to tie/etc...?

QUESTION: i noticed some mildew/moldish looking stuff in my hydro medium, almost like a fine spider web of dust laying on top of the medium in places. I rubbed it all away before taking pics, ill be sure to get a pic of it next time. But any ideas anyone? its almost like they are mildewing from being too wet, but the plants look real healthy.




Active Member
So we are now 21 days after germination (and i just burned my palm with a torch lighter :wall: OUCH.
Anyways, the hydros are finally taking root and are EXPLODING. THey look wonderful, i just changed the rest from "early-veg" to "normal veg" nutes, and adjusted pH back down to 5.74 (anticipating the rise to 6.2-5, at which point I will readjust. My ppm is 1580, a little high for my liking... I'm going to reverse osmosis some water for my next res refill. As of now I have an aerator bubbler going in my 5gal bucket for my watering of the soil babies tomorrow, they are at least a full set of leaves behind the hydro, and noticeably smaller. I love hydro.

I think I fixed that "mold" problem with my hydro medium, I just added a capfull of H202 and 8ml/Hygrozime per gallon (40mL total for 5gal). -Will update on this tomorrow or next day.

I drilled new holes in my exhaust/intake door, now I have 6" holes all around, 2 intake and 1 exhaust. Both of the intake are ported directly from A/C outlets in my place. Each intake has it's own centralized A/C vent to draw from (since my portable A/C is a f***ing POS!!! Temp is stable between 74-82F, I wish it was between 71-78F, but I can't be too picky without an A/C unit and 2x600MH lights. I will definitely have to figure something out for when the HPS's go in though, they burn almost 15F hotter per light... I ordered 2 new fans today, a Vornado 660b to greatly increase overall circulation in the room, a high-velocity oscillating fan. I'm hoping these paired with my other 3 fans will be sufficient cooling for the duration of their life. If not, I will have to dish out more $$$$$ on another f***ing A/C unit-----ridiculous.

I hope to start flowering in around a week (that will be day 27 of veg)

Just flushed/replenished hydro res:
125mL/5Gal Botanicare CNS17 (grow) 3-2-4
50mL/5Gal Botanicare Liquid Karma (growth catalyst) 0.1-0.1-0.5
40mL/5Gal Hygrozyme
pH'd to 5.8-
PPM 1520



Active Member
Oh also, I really need to know how to train. Does anyone know any good posts or links? I've been searching, but can't find any specific pictures for my setup... 5x5x5 cubes in hydro, 6x6 in soil


Active Member
I routed my dwelling's A/C directly into my closet, now I have two A/C vents going into there, temp is good (73-80)...not perfect but good, and I have both 600 watts going.
Plants are exploding with growth, tons of new branches forming leaves and they couldn't look healthier. Hydro still winning over soil as expected.
I'm going to run into room issues, I can't support a forest in my size area...uhoh.

EDIT:: I also watered soil yesterday, used 5+Gallons total on the 9 girls.
pH: 6.78
Ppm: 1000
Fox Farm Big Bloom: 150 mL / 5 Gal
Fox Farm Grow Big: 40 mL / 5 Gal
Super Thrime: 7.5 mL / 5 Gal



Active Member
I got some new fans today to replace my broken A/C. Got a vornado 660b, and a kilmore oscillating 10". Re-did some ducting and got my temps down to a very nice level :) between 72&80 (lights on), and between 63-70(lights off). I'm trying to get it more consistent throughout, but this is a huge improvement over previous temps. I would also like the night temp to be a couple degrees higher, but I can live with 63-70. I am gathering more data tonight.

Huge problem: my lights have been shutting off randomly. Twice now have I returned home to a dark room when its supposed to be light. I confirmed today that it is because I have both lights on one timer. The timer is rated at 15A, 1000W; but I have 1200W plugged into it :dunce::wall:. I am going to buy another timer tomorrow to remedy this issue.

Also the babies are starting to get quite big, i'm thinking about flowering soon. I do not have enough room for a huge forest. I started training a lot on the hydros tonight, gonna give them a couple of days to learn and recover, then possibly enter flowering. It's been 2 weeks since transplant and they are looking very healthy.

EDIT: I just topped and fimmed a couple of them including a VK, BC and KK. We shall see how they turn out...

PIX: IMG_0815.jpgIMG_0816.jpgIMG_0817.jpgIMG_0818.jpgIMG_0819.jpgIMG_0811.jpgIMG_0812.jpgIMG_0814.jpgIMG_0813.jpgIMG_0820.jpg


Active Member
just installed the timers, waiting to see if they activate properly :):) I think this means most of my issues are fixed. Need a little more tweaking with the plant placement and training to fit them all in, but I'm pretty much good to go as far as flowering healthy girls


Active Member
I continually notice mold growing on the top of my hydro medium (soilless promix). My watering schedule was 4 times a day every 6 hours for 15 minutes, I just switched to 3 times a day every 8 hours for 15 minutes, hoping to help prevent the mold growth by letting the medium dry out. Also added some more hygrozyme (20mL to 5gal). I plan on thoroughly cleaning my reservoir and tray area this weekend before flowering, but I need to figure out what the deal is with this mold stuff.
I've got some pics this time...
The plants look healthy but the stems are a bit floppy...i'm getting worried about the water babies.


Active Member
i have seen that before when i put the seed in upside down , whats out for that
I know i didn't mess up all my seeds, i'm pretty sure only that one cali hashplant was upside down, but im not sure. Anyways thats aside my main concern: the mold.
What is this mold shit appearing on top of my media? Plants are getting a tad bit droopy on the ones with more mold. The mold does not seem to penetrate the surface, but I have not gone digging through the media looking for it.

What is this mold??


Active Member
The mold growing on the medium is slowing attacking the roots. My VK and KK are looking droopy, the KK has a super weak main stem just above the substrate, almost half the size of the rest of the main stem. Please help!!!!!!!

PIX::: First pic shows the worst of the "stem rot" from the mold. What do I do????



Active Member
starting flowering tonigght... talked to a buddy and said to put some coconut balls on top of the hydro medium and that will stop the mold.
Either way, I need to flower real soon so I'm just doing it tonight. Already mixed the nutes and fed, waiting a bit for draining for the soil and then ill switch it to 12/12 :) I'm excited


Well-Known Member
starting flowering tonigght... talked to a buddy and said to put some coconut balls on top of the hydro medium and that will stop the mold.
Either way, I need to flower real soon so I'm just doing it tonight. Already mixed the nutes and fed, waiting a bit for draining for the soil and then ill switch it to 12/12 :) I'm excited
You're probably overwatering. Some h2o2 will help.


Active Member
You're probably overwatering. Some h2o2 will help.
i put some h202 in the reservoir. it seems to have helped a little, along with hygrozyme. I might put a few more capfulls of h202 though. Most of the water babies are flourishing except for these 3... Thanks for the advice LiveHigh :)

In other news...I completely forgot to switch to my HPS when i started flowering...doh.:wall: im waiting for the MH to cool down right now so I can swap them out.
I have one confirmed girl already :) the tallest of the KK in the hydro setup. I'm so proud :) And I have another suspected girl too...we shall see later this weekend. (All the seeds are feminized so im crossing my fingers for all girls).

I'll put up some new pics after swapping lights.


Active Member
pix....can you tell the difference when i switched the lights???

according to the flowering times, I should be harvesting between dec2 and dec27 (earliest possible to latest possible) cali hashplant is the first to be harvested, the rest are areound dec12-22, except KK, she's a bit older at dec20-27.

(emoticon crazy while waiting for pix upload...)



Active Member
To all of my California friends, please GO VOTE on NOV 2, vote YES on prop 19 to legalize and tax cannabis :)
Lets start a domino effect in the US and get this plant legal!


Active Member
Two of the babies are not doing so well... They are slowly recovering from the root rot but are way underdeveloped and less than half the size of the other water babies. All the soil ones are a good amount larger than them too...I'm thinking about pulling them but we shall see.

I have five confirmed girls now :) and probably more. I haven't looked closely at all of them yet, and have not had time to look over again today either. Even if they rest somehow turned into boys, I am happy with five girlies :) :leaf::leaf: :clap:
Temp is doing alright without the A/C, so I might just go the whole time without one... One of my friends who works for a fabrication company offered to design/make me an exhaust adapter for a regular window A/C unit, I might do that.

Temp is hanging around 73-77F during the day (with my doors all closed), and a steady 72-73F when I'm home and have doors open. It will drop to almost 60F at night when I'm not here, I need to remember to remove ducting from A/C at night. I have passive intakes ducted to my central AC and that seems to be working fine. Humidity is perfect at ~43%. They are fucking thriving!

PIX::: the closeups are attempting to show the pistillate preflowering :)


Active Member
So it has been a while since i've posted an update. Most everything is going well. I had to kill one of them because it turned out to be a boy :/ oh well. I'm having some issues with the Kandy Kush getting too tall in the hydro setup - i thought i would have this issue. I'm trying to angle my lights so I can get the taller ones in one area, but its a pain with 5 of them stuck in a hydro table... I need to spend a good 2 hours re-organizing my room.
They are flowering wonderfully, the bud development is spectacular! Better than my last times for sure (i think cuz i have 2x600watts instead of just 1 600) :) My main issue is space management. They are starting to get a bit bushy despite my training/trimming efforts.

Anyways, here are some pics as always.



Active Member
Refreshed my reservoir and watered the soil babies today. I ph'd the soil water to 7.0 in an attempt to fix some minor splotching issues on some of them (i suspect this is due to low pH in soil from nute buildup...I will be flushing soon). The same problem is happening with the hydros a little too, I just readjusted the pH a little higher than normal hoping to fix this the same way as soil.

The buds are starting to really develop! tonnnss of hairs and bud sites everywhere. One of the KK is way too tall, you can see where i've had to tie it down a little in the pictures.

I accidentally broke one of the two main colas on a VK. It did not completely split off, but broke down the node a decent way. I wired it together with the healthy cola next to it and it seems to be mending fine (at least there are no bad signs on the damaged cola and its been 24+hrs).
