1st Grow figured id give it a try


Active Member
So anyone tell me a couple good strains to grow for when i get some femm seeds? i was thinking of trying maybe like a super skunk and some sorta afghan cause i heard that stuffs strong this is all for my own personal use so doesn't have to have massive yields


Active Member
so im pretty sure another one of my plants is growing nuts kinda lame but at least my fav plant has no sign of balls for far kinda sucks if only one plant is female kinda wish i vegged longer now
hey whats up plants are lookin real good hope ur last one is a girl when buying ur seeds thers alot to consider sativa/indca,flowering times,taste prefrence,resintence to pest/disease,exc.......in general i prefer indca more short sqwat dense bud's and has more of the couchlock stone and tend to have shorter flowering periods.ive read the white strains were harder to grow but my first grow was WHITE RHINO and it turned out pritty well.just check out the seed banks discription and google out some grow reports so you know that strains exzact needs just my 2 cents hope it helped.. good quote i read in another tread:growers that read succeed!!!!


Active Member
so i got one plant left and on one cola i think there are tiny little balls forming if it turns out to be male im gonna be pissed and punch mother nature in the box. Also anyone know a good sight where i could get a hps light and reflector reasonably priced?
A couple of friends of mine went through htgsupply fairly priced decent selection and most important all ways recived orders. if going through ebay be careful ive heard mixed reviews..but never personlly ordered from them... bought mine from a semi local grow shop and got a 5 year warintee on my ballest maby something to keep in mind!!!!


Lads hows things, it's my 1st time growing and iv got my 3 plants in the cupboard with a fan and a lamp, the lamps a 200w house-hold bulb, the seedling have reached 2 weeks and have leaves but they have started to get all patchy and go a payuler green colour , the temp is reading 90c is it to high or am i giving it feed to early ,need help !


Active Member
dude you should start your own journal don't wanna sound like a dick but that's your best bet to get help.


Active Member
so all there plants were male just my luck so i put them all outside to die lol. i will be starting a couple more here soon might order some femm seeds of the net do people make to big of a deal about them hermming? or should i buy some extra just in case?


Well-Known Member
dam what a waste of time and they were looking so healthy, but about seeds herming its a 10 out 100% chance that might happen. also depends on the seedbank you got them from, but you could never go wrong with the ATTITUDE


Active Member
so ill be starting a new journal probably tomorrow afternoon im gonna do six plants instead of three this time and i also got a couple more cfls and changed the way i hang my lights a bit so i figure with 6 plants no way ill get all males this time once again just doing bag seed. so keep your eyes open jheazy