1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
nicely done lad i wish i didnt have the commercial aspect to what i do sometimes id love to work a strain properly. i think after xmas ill say to hell with it and do what i want.

look forward to seeing the bastard cheese!!
I hope the blue cheese makes it mark in the seeds. My blue cheese pheno was a joy too smoke and grow.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its such a distinctive funk youll know for sure which ones are carrying the trait.

a good weekend to all! livers has nade my head all funny tnight


Well-Known Member
What's up Don, My heads wasted too! "Need to go wash my face in the toilet, and i mean the bowl i shit in not the bathroom"

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Know anything about flushing???
plenty, what you wanna know?
sense on a Sunday morning???? Yourll be fooking lucky mate lol.
i kno9w lmao im gonna top off the bake with a little hash on top of some livers. n hop in the bath. sundays rock
Toilets or plants!?
its debatable if i know owt bout either sometimes...
Top of the mornin gents
mornin HC! bedlam as usual round ere

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mufuggin update yall!!

the veg

two dogs looking real yellow, think ill need some epsom salts

super silver haze male, look like a fine specimen but i dont think ill hang onto him

fast finish cherry cheese frosty as but yeilds about a spliffs worth :(

overhead livers


bubblegum due in a week, and im a monkeys uncle

ice hash ( its a little green to call it bubble...

started with 9oz of trim.

thank for tuning in!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye its ripped me a new one this weekend. i used the spoon i scraped the hash out with to make some malty milk last night and blew my head off. sometimes i like nothin better than making a pan of canna milk. big spoon of honey full fat blue top or gold top if your feeling glutinous. X amount of ganja.... riding rainbows to space.


Well-Known Member
Nice stuff Donny, Blue or Gold top, lol, they still do that around your way? (i was a milk boy for many years and even then the Gold top was phased out in Scotland - that was 25 years ago!)

Hope you enjoyed the Rainbow ride!! sounds like fun.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers bru! aye man, gold silver and red top but only in the actual glass bottles. think i read somewhere bout them starting to remove the cream at the top too:( bloody health freaks.

as for the ride, lets just say i was still coasting this morning...

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nice photo shoot your girls are posing pretty for ya. Your Buublegum looks to have some weight to her but whats her prob, she doesnt want to finish up for ya. May have to by the trics or take a knife and mess the roots up real good,,,she'll sense the end is near and put all her energy into finishing up.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers HC, yeah im not too worried as long as its done for xmas which it should be no prob, im going to up the gravity in her feed that hould spurr her on.


Well-Known Member
Morning All.

Don your hash and plants looks great I going to make a run meself today. Milk??? Canna Milk. OK you guys are gonna have to tell this old country boy how to make it..
How to take it...LOL
And will it really get ya that high???

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I know what you mean, my buddy was over from Scotland at the weekend...still a bit zombied
hhahah old boys re union eh, donald......
Morning All.

Don your hash and plants looks great I going to make a run meself today. Milk??? Canna Milk. OK you guys are gonna have to tell this old country boy how to make it..
How to take it...LOL
And will it really get ya that high???
easy as pie man! yeah it will have you blitzed man.

crumble your hash to begi n with
get a pint of whole milk or full fat( with cream if poss! ) per person
stick it on a gentle heat on the hob
add a big spoonfull of honey/treacle/syrup whatever really
add your hash/ ground up weed. ( id say a teenth of green or maybe a half gram to a gram of hash ) per person
simmer for 15-20 mins. NEVER boil
let cool and enjoy!

write the rest of the afternoon off