1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Honestly if it were me and alot of ppl would prolly disagree with this. But if its a strain worth saving i would Stress the fuck out of it Force male Bananas on it so i get some pollin then freeze that shit and a couple months later Use it to pollinate an Alreday flowering Female <3 Mmmm Feminized Seeds make me happy


Well-Known Member
Like with males and stuff ppl always toss em.. i make Hash. Dont see any point in all my hard work going to waste when i could just put in a little extra work and better my next harvest

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
So have you sorted it Don..:bigjoint:Youv got to tell us,:lol:
havent yet i was sidetracked last night.... had some mates over for steak beer n xbox seriously the steak was bigger than my fist... i know excuses excuses... at least i didnt forget my camera :lol:;-)

ill pot it on probably tonight if i get chance im going to the missus parents for tea.......

christ when did my journal turn into a blog


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Honestly if it were me and alot of ppl would prolly disagree with this. But if its a strain worth saving i would Stress the fuck out of it Force male Bananas on it so i get some pollin then freeze that shit and a couple months later Use it to pollinate an Alreday flowering Female <3 Mmmm Feminized Seeds make me happy
it is a good strain but the pheno isnt too great to be honest n as tempting as it is i just dont have the space to start breeding im moving house in a month or so, down the line i might have a go but for now ill give the room to the other bairns.

do you get much hash from a male? is it much cop?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
havent yet i was sidetracked last night.... had some mates over for steak beer n xbox seriously the steak was bigger than my fist... i know excuses excuses... at least i didnt forget my camera :lol:;-)

ill pot it on probably tonight if i get chance im going to the missus parents for tea.......

christ when did my journal turn into a blog

dam I missed the invite for steak beer n xbox I would have brought the bud...:cuss:...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Nah i really dont get a hole hole lot from the males but its enough considering the other option (Just tossing the male) I dont like to waste :)) i smoke to much :|

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Nah i really dont get a hole hole lot from the males but its enough considering the other option (Just tossing the male) I dont like to waste :)) i smoke to much :|
i hear that i just like having different things to smoke hash is hard to come by up north but i know aman that has little bit of charas for me :-P

variety is the spice of life


Well-Known Member
Nah i really dont get a hole hole lot from the males but its enough considering the other option (Just tossing the male) I dont like to waste :)) i smoke to much :|
do you use the bags to make hash from males?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so i did it i repotted the kush only to find it was root bound to f@ck so im pleased i did gave it a litre of water and i guesss only time will tell.

i made an executive decision to move the hermied blue moonshine out of the 12/12 tent, i couldnt bring myself to chop it down as its huge and still has 3 weeks left so i made a makeshift 12/12 grow room in a room just off the kitchen/bathroom... excuse the pics its hard to take photos and hold a plant + soil in the other hand. i only lost a small amount of the roots so hopefully shell pull through

its baltic in my bathroom so im hoping the 600w in such a small place wont get too toasty for it ( its an it now :cuss:not a she :wall:) and before anyone jumps in saying the electrics for 600w look dodgy yes they are well dicey....

the kitchen stinks to high heaven. but the plant is starting to turn the purple colour the pics on tinterweb said it would!

fingers X'd for me



Well-Known Member
Can't you get that bulb rigged so it hangs horizontaly bud?

I know what your saying tho you got to do what you got to do, not really time to piss about is there lol

Good luck with it pal

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i was thinking the same thing baz ill have to make something wooden to nail it to or get hold of some sort of metal clip like a worklight ill figure it out


Well-Known Member
do you use the bags to make hash from males?
Mix the female leafs that your not going to use with well hell the male plant anything on it that has some good Trichomes. the males produce just as potent Hash just not near as much as a female does

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Wow don :o :!: That pot was full of root, Iv never had root that high up the soil :-P, Hope your crop takes off now your plant can strech her feet.


Well-Known Member
sorry man but never take your plants out of the pots that late in flower.. Its real hard to fuck plants but that is for sure one way

only problem was it was leave and let it fuck itself or chance a transplant.

i think he made the right decision imho.

how is she coping after th transplant don?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Wow don :o :!: That pot was full of root, Iv never had root that high up the soil :-P, Hope your crop takes off now your plant can strech her feet.

i know tell me about it that biaaatch had more roots than damien marley.

she seems to be taking to the trransplant well the claw seems to be on the wain :clap::-P and it looks like bud production is on the up but that may not be directly linked?! its 3 weeks left for her.

thing is right. the big ass one thats gone hermie is in less soil than the small on and its 3 times the size ?!!? i might repot that mutha too!

i tweezered the horns off and the calyx they came from for no real reason i ate them, and for half an hour my tongue had a burning sensation it was really weird. guess thats what you get not using organics....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
only problem was it was leave and let it fuck itself or chance a transplant.

i think he made the right decision imho.

how is she coping after th transplant don?
chance i had to take, exactly and if it fucks the plant well ill know not to again but so far so good :hump:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ok quick update!

first pic is the newly repotted and im pleased to say thriving hindu kush!!:hump: though it currently has a pretty high leaf to bud ratio, im stoked transplanting it hasnt kyboshed it.

second up is the k train which is strecthing a little but im not going to worry as its the height of the other two trainwrecks;-)

third pic- trainwrecks bushing out nicely

all three new bairns are showing sex and starting to bud :bigjoint:

last 3 pics are the blue moonshine or bertha :lol: is starting to turn purple and pack on some girth in the buds after the success of repotting the kush i was thinking about doing bertha too but as its only got 2 weeks left and is already hermie i think ill leave it be.

lastly anyone who has come to my journal off the back of the adverts thread to neg rep anonymously can suck my balls!

