1st CFL Grow, Blue Cheese and Purple Bud!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so this is in the final phase of planning, probably a few days out of construction. This is the point in time where I need help from the RIU community!

Im working with a 28 x 24 x 15.5 box. As of now current plans involve making the box out of 1/2 MDF. Lighting will be suppplied by 10 CFL's. 2 sets of 4 and 1 set of 2. They will be suspended from the top of the box so I can adjust them. The size of this box comes out to 5.75 ft/2. I was planning on 2 plants, but if I could fit more and not hurt myself Im up for the challenge. What size pot should I use for this grow? I looked for an answer, but couldnt get a straight answer.

Heres where Im stuck though.. Intake/Exhaust. I plan on using CP fans.. and I was thinking about a 120mm for intake, and 2 90mm for exhaust. Or any combination of 120's and 90's. Im also going to need to build a light trap somehow. Can someone give me a link or a general idea of how to make one?

I just changed banks, so I dont have a debit card at the moment. But as soon as it gets here, I will get my build underway.

I will be using FoxFarm soil along with the Technaflora "Recipe for Success" kit. Not sure how the tap water here is, Ill be getting a ph meter to check it before and after sitting out over night.

If anyone has some advice or maybe something I overlooked, please please let me know!

+Rep to all who reply!

I know things are boring now, but just give me a few days to start this. To make sure everything is going well Ill probably germ and start a bagseed I have from "The Shit that Killed Elvis". And it very well may have killed Elvis.

Stay Blazed :leaf:


Well-Known Member
"Blueprints" have been laid out on graph paper for the build. Still no debit card today.. Hopefully it gets here tomorrow so I can get this thing underway!

Still need help on how many fans im going to need if anyone can point me in the the right direction.

Other than that its still boring and lonely here in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Entire project shifted back about 3 weeks thanks to my bank screwing me over. Ill update when things get moving agian


Well-Known Member
Ok so good news everyone! I got down and dirty today and got my box built and wired in the lights. Sadly my digi-cam had dead batteries so no construction pictures. However I am goingto get some finished(ish) pics posted in the next few hours. I still have to order some PC fans to get some intake/exhaust going. Also have to change my lighting setup, at the moment I have the fixtures hanging from Nylon thread that is tied to a coat hanger... youll see in the pics. That is all going to be changed to chains hanging from "S" hooks however.

Pics to come soon!
+Rep to replies!


Well-Known Member
pic 1: crappy shot of the box as it is sittig in the closet.
pic 2: New Glass!! Got this at 42* in ATL. I like it. Not too giant, but not too small!
pic 3: Assembled box (minus the door). Just so you get a general idea of whats happening. Nylon IS being changed to chains, and the wiring will be organized when that happens. I left lots of wire in between lights in case I have to raise some and not others.. you know.
pic 4: Box as it sits in my closet. Its a nice little fit I think, going to paint it black I think.
pic 5: Lights in and on. Still going to scrap that twine for chains.
pic 6: in the closet again.. refer to pic 2 as to why I did this twice.


Well-Known Member
I'm Subscribed & along for the ride ,

Looks like a good stealth set up . Don't paint it black , Go to Wally-World & get some feckin self adhesive tacky lookin contact paper or shelf liner paper & cover it all up . I don't think ya want black smudges all over the closet walls as ya move the unit for yer daily maintenance . Then go to the camping section of Wally-World & pick up a Space Blanket ( reflective mylar survival blanket ) for $1.99 & line yer box inside for extra reflectivity , Tack it up with thumbtacks . Also I would Rig up some handles of sorts to help when moving it , Even some old dresser pull handles . If yer concerned with Stealthiness then stack some folded bath towels or a blanket on top .

Good luck & keep the progress pic's & reports flowin ,,,


Well-Known Member
Long past overdue update!! Sorry for the massive delay, the holiday season + having to pay utility deposits really shitted all over my plans.

I finally have everything going. All lights are hung with chains instead of mason twine, Wires have been taped and organized. And best of all, there are 2 baby Sharkberry (Great White x Blueberry.. or so Im told) seeds in the soil for Veg! I wound up using MG Organic soil. I didnt want to order Foxfarm off the web since Im trying to not let this be public knowledge.. the less packages that show up to the house, the less someone will ask questions.

On a side note, Ive got 1x Blue Cheese, and 1x Amnesia Lemon Haze on the way to my door. Along with whatever the freebie from attitude is.. Power skunk I think. Considering making a PC box to house a mother, but thats still just a thought.

Taking some pics now, will attach them shortly.


Active Member
nice set up man do you have any circulation for them? just wondering...i ahve a similar set upwith a dresser i now switched the dresser as my veg area and my closet as my flower area...im not sure how to add my journal to my post entries still know to IU anyways ncie setup and good luck


Well-Known Member
I do not have any circulation at the moment, just kind of leaving the door to the box propped slightly open for passive air intake.

I have plans to add CP fans for intake/exhaust. That will just be after next paycheck.


Well-Known Member
Another gift awaited me this morning.. when I woke up and got around to checking on my (hopefully) girls. Another Sharkberry seed has cracked open. Had a nice little taproot hanging out of the seed. I made a old feta cheese cup into a flower pot. Drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage and put it in a bowl for a drain plate.

Also got an email from the attitude saying that my seeds have shipped! Yeeehaw.


Well-Known Member
2nd sprout this morning. Loosing faith in one of them, hasn't broken soil yet and was the first to be planted. Moved some dirt around and cant even find it o_O.

Anyway, looking for my digi cam now to get some pics.