17 days old great growth but not getting very tall. Thoughts??


So this is a BB and LS grow and i'm 17 days in. The stems are very thick and these are getting bushy but not very tall. This is my first grow so i'm learning as I go. Does the height come while flowering during the stretch? Or is it just a bushy strain?2010-09-09 16.26.03.jpg


Well-Known Member
It can't get any better than this, matt, unless you summon the Greek Goddess, Demeter.

"The stems are very thick and these are getting bushy but not very tall."

Hope that's not perceived as a problem....


No I didn't consider it a problem. Just wondering about when the height comes in. They are about 5 inches tall and I'm thinking of vegging for 1 more week. It was my first grow so they aren't feminized seeds so I have to pray to the canna gods for a girl! Thanks for the quick reply!!
im a 1st timer 2 but ive read for hours, they look good but if its really buggin ya raise the lights 2 or 3 inches. will promote height growth. but if its true that upon flowering your plants grow 2 to 3 x the height does that mean your plants will be only like a foot tall?


Well-Known Member
im a 1st timer 2 but ive read for hours, they look good but if its really buggin ya raise the lights 2 or 3 inches. will promote height growth. but if its true that upon flowering your plants grow 2 to 3 x the height does that mean your plants will be only like a foot tall?
You don't want the plant to stretch by raising the light.

The plant will double to triple in height once you start flowering. Height right now isn't as important as the # of growth shoots.

Look at it this way: would you rather have a plant that is 12 inches tall with 3 good shoots, or a plant that is 6 inches tall with 8 shoots?

The latter will outperform 100% of the time if kept under the same conditions as the former.


Well-Known Member
Now, is the time when you increase the light, if you want faster growth. They are very healthy, and only appear to be growing slowly, due to the fact that they are expending all their energy to grow in all directions(like they're supposed to), instead of reaching upwards for more light. This is where the sun would come in handy. Light = growth energy. :wink:

Pros use 1000 watt systems for a reason...because our lights aren't sufficient, and they're the closest thing we have, to matching the sun's output.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Pros use 1000 watt systems for a reason...because our lights aren't sufficient, and they're the closest thing we have, to matching the sun's output.
Don't be so quick to call em pros, what they are using is much cheaper than the better alternative, however the amount of electricity in wasted spectrum, coupled with intenser heat and the cost of power to boot, I'd assume pros used LEDs. After all, real pros have the money to invest in far superior lighting. It won't work commercial growers because of cost, but the ROI on these newest lights is awesome.


The above link is a full test between hid and led. check it out, a lot of good info shared in that thread and the bud weigh at the end will shock most of you.


Well-Known Member
Its Indica baby! short and bushy!
I'd have to agree do not move the lights you do not want stretchy just take a look at my thread 5weeks flower and you'll see why I say that if they get too stretchy like mine you'll be trying to keep them upright when the buds start swelling