1600 watts - 20 plants


Active Member
Ok so here's the deal. I want to run a 1000w and 600w HPS light in an enclosure where the ceiling is only 43" from the floor. This area will be cooled with an elicent 8" inline fan thats 636 cfm I believe and both light will be in air cooled hoods. The plants will be in 24"x16"x9" rubbermaid containers, 10 gallon and 5 plants to each container giving each plant 2 gallons. I plan on having 4 of these containers in the flower room staggered at 2 per month so I have a perpetual harvest going on. I want the clone and veg phase to last 30 days combined so I am moving 2 containers into the flower room the day 2 come out

My questions are:

1. Is it wise to use the rubber maid containers? With less than 4 ft total height to work with I want as shallow a container as I can find and these seemed to fit well in my space but am unsure about putting multiple plants in 1 container.

2. What are some strains that would best utilize this short height? I was thinking an indica and flowering at no more than 12" tall to end at no bigger than 24" but this is my first height limited grow so any input is welcome

3. How many mother plants should I need to get 10-12 clones per month. I was thinking 2 or 3 but have never had to keep a momma before.

4. Can anyone give me a ball park figure of my possible yield when using a good yielding indica? I am hoping for 1 oz per plant. Is that realistic?

Also, they would be trimmed for a SOG style grow but my goal is to have an ending height of about 2 ft.

Any answers or words of encouragement would be appreciated. I may be posting pics of the grow area soon but we'll see. It's approximately 30 sq ft and "L" shaped.