150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource


Active Member

Well i posted this on Newbie Forum but i think here is more appropriate:

A 2.5 square feet shelf for vegetative stage (5-10 plants at most, in 1 gallon containers). A 5.5 square feet shelf for flowering (3-7 plants at most, in 3 gallon caontainers). The plants will be forced to flower at a height no more than 10 inches. So the expected plant height at the final stages of flowering is about 20-25 inches.

I plan to use one HID for each shelf. The logical (according to the bills) combinations i can think of are:

1) 150W HPS for both vegetative and flowering stages
2) 150W MH for vegetative, 150W HPS for flowering
3) 150W MH for vegetative, 250W HPS for flowering
4) Why waste money on inefficient MH? HPS is more intense than MH, and has more amount of both the blue and the red spectrum (although the blue light in HPS is low by percent, the actual amount of blue light a plant receives under a 150W HPS is more than that of a 150W MH). Is this true? Or a balanced spectrum, which MH has, is more important?


Well-Known Member
Lol...No i wasnt talkin bout you MM, i was just talkinh out loud..
You know how it goes on the boards...Months of tranquility and people just gettin on n growing some amazing shit...then we have a few mths where it deteriorates in to some verbal bitch slappin contest.

Sucks bout your news bro... you're about set for a run of good luck sometime soon i hope-- fingers x'd fer ya.
Go steady with the new guy, unless ya know him already... Dont want ya ass gettin busted if he's got a slack jaw n goes round yapping bout ya exploits in the garden.
Hell most of my associates dont know i even smoke the dank let alone cultivate the dang stuff..lol
Strictly need to know kinda biz.

Haha ya found the rest o the beans then...lol when i said stealth i meant STEALTH that the ninja community would be proud of.

might have some more beans you can try soon..the last seed run has gone to plan and lets just say theres poss something special afoot.

Auto ecsd cheese
auto ingemars punch
auto BAT!!!! i hope these in particular work out good.
auto AMS
and ima try to x some standard rud ind with the cheese, in the hope i can get it stable auto and to have a max of 3-4ft full grown.
It'd be cool cuz the rud ind seeds i have are some sturdy assed plants,that are designed to live in cold areas,theyre really quite mold resistant and they yield real well, but understandably it aint everybodys idea of a good smoke unless you like couch..
Think the mix could work real nice once i got it down pat.

Hope y'all are havin a fun wk so far...

Time for some caffeine.............................................:joint:

Hahaha ohhh.. thought you were getting frustraded with the lack of updates.. Lol.

:mrgreen::mrgreen: yess, i feel the force, no doubt. This kid is completly straight man. Friends with a reall good old friend of mine, I can read people well, i know theres always the tricky bastards, but my spidy sences will detect that shit. He knows as much as i do, which is hard to find among people in my age group. I can actually have a conversation about growing with a person face to face, rather than here. haha. I mean growing is like a science, a beuatiful science that is so appealing its rediculous. We should have a place here within the week, going to check one out in about an hour. As soon as that happens, Some ECSD and BB gum X L will be going in the o'l ruber maid. Then to a closet with 2 400w lights, and eventually 2 150w MH as well. Throw the blue in the for the UV light, and buds drenched in trichomes!

Thats so cool your making your own strains, the auto cheese sound like a def. winner, is that even mainstreem? im going to try crossing the Life X BBg with the ECSD, see how that goes. Any pics of the life bbg btw?


Well-Known Member

Well i posted this on Newbie Forum but i think here is more appropriate:

A 2.5 square feet shelf for vegetative stage (5-10 plants at most, in 1 gallon containers). A 5.5 square feet shelf for flowering (3-7 plants at most, in 3 gallon caontainers). The plants will be forced to flower at a height no more than 10 inches. So the expected plant height at the final stages of flowering is about 20-25 inches.

I plan to use one HID for each shelf. The logical (according to the bills) combinations i can think of are:

1) 150W HPS for both vegetative and flowering stages
2) 150W MH for vegetative, 150W HPS for flowering
3) 150W MH for vegetative, 250W HPS for flowering
4) Why waste money on inefficient MH? HPS is more intense than MH, and has more amount of both the blue and the red spectrum (although the blue light in HPS is low by percent, the actual amount of blue light a plant receives under a 150W HPS is more than that of a 150W MH). Is this true? Or a balanced spectrum, which MH has, is more important?
Yeah, the blue spectrum is what works the magic. Ive heard That Ed rosenthal said, a pretty reliable source right? that hps veggs better than MH and that theres no place for um. is that where you learned that?

#3 is the winner!


Active Member
the glass dome actually got pretty hot as well, not as hot as the bulb though, i was moving some pots around and acccidentally burned myself on the bulb, hurt like a bitch haha.


Well-Known Member
color- The first light im pretty sure is a halogen. The second has a mogul base, which requires those fat sockets. Most Hid units have the standard base, so you should probably go with the the standard. Itd work, youd just need the socket, they cost like 15 at Ace.

natek- done that, Hurts like hell! That shits hot enough to cook some eggs on!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha ohhh.. thought you were getting frustraded with the lack of updates.. Lol.

No shit!! lol :D

:mrgreen::mrgreen: yess, i feel the force, no doubt. This kid is completly straight man. Friends with a reall good old friend of mine, I can read people well, i know theres always the tricky bastards, but my spidy sences will detect that shit. He knows as much as i do, which is hard to find among people in my age group. I can actually have a conversation about growing with a person face to face, rather than here. haha. I mean growing is like a science, a beuatiful science that is so appealing its rediculous. We should have a place here within the week, going to check one out in about an hour. As soon as that happens, Some ECSD and BB gum X L will be going in the o'l ruber maid. Then to a closet with 2 400w lights, and eventually 2 150w MH as well. Throw the blue in the for the UV light, and buds drenched in trichomes!
Sounds like you got it figured :)

Thats so cool your making your own strains, the auto cheese sound like a def. winner, is that even mainstreem? im going to try crossing the Life X BBg with the ECSD, see how that goes. Any pics of the life bbg btw?
I'll post some pics of a Lifesaver fem thats currently in the cab, with 2 cheese( i have both phenos) 2x ingemars(1purp 1 not) and i orget what the other baby is.

Those fuckin spider mites have gone to town on one plant, and the others suffered minor damage.. Tried numerous measures and they wouldnt fuckin die....even the neem oil proved slow in killing the evil lil bastards.
I swear i've never seen spidermites sooooo ravenous.

go steady :)


Well-Known Member
ok here's the pix..

unfortunately i've been trying a different nutes regime, and using non organics, and well lets just say, the plants grew pretty rapidly but its proved way too easy to burn these strains using synth nutes.

Back to the organics on the next run.

Last pic is for you MM, thought i'd show ya how the hound is comin on.



Well-Known Member
ok here's the pix..

unfortunately i've been trying a different nutes regime, and using non organics, and well lets just say, the plants grew pretty rapidly but its proved way too easy to burn these strains using synth nutes.

Back to the organics on the next run.

Last pic is for you MM, thought i'd show ya how the hound is comin on.

Nice, Just what i needed. The ignermus punch (i tried...) Looks tantilizing. Perfect bag appeal right there. Are they as stinky as the Cheese? looks good man, love to have a visual disctiption. Im drewling looking at the cheese. thats Sick shit.

Yeah, dude spidermites sound vicious. You cant even use any chemicle shit if you wanted to with the plant budding. That sounds terrible, i hear they hate italian food. Things such as garlic, cinimin extract (think thats the substance) Red hot peppers. You probably know, but id love to try to help ya.

Thats one cool looking dog. Smart as he looks? Toke him up? If he ever has pups, youll have to mail me one. hahah.


Well-Known Member
Nice, Just what i needed. The ignermus punch (i tried...) Looks tantilizing. Perfect bag appeal right there. Are they as stinky as the Cheese? looks good man, love to have a visual disctiption. Im drewling looking at the cheese. thats Sick shit.
Heya, the ing is a real nice smoke, as you know, and is pretty much guaranteed to knock your ass clean out.
It is a heavy hitter.
Not quite as odorous as the cheese, but its up there with the stinky strains.

Yeah, dude spidermites sound vicious. You cant even use any chemicle shit if you wanted to with the plant budding. That sounds terrible, i hear they hate italian food. Things such as garlic, cinimin extract (think thats the substance) Red hot peppers. You probably know, but id love to try to help ya.
Yeah i tried a few diff remedies before it started budding, an thought i'd nuked the lil fuckers, but alas they werent quite gone after several treatments...The neem oil worked but even that took a few good applications, it usually works like a charm..Does anyone know if theyre gettin immune to neem??? or atleast a higher tolerance.

Thats one cool looking dog. Smart as he looks? Toke him up? If he ever has pups, youll have to mail me one. hahah.
Haha thanks...he's 6.5 months now and weighs over 60lbs already,and Yeah he's as smart as he looks..After the early tearing up the garden pup stuff he's chilled out alot, prolly due to hours of walkin in the boonies.

K i'm out, its 420 time...


Active Member
sorry to have taken so long but here's my setup it's been tweeked so many times and will continue to be tweeked please suggestions are welcome but be kind i've done what i can with the budget i'm on and the fact that i was thrown in without proper time to prepare ;)



Well-Known Member
MM have you got another user id? JFK?

If not, JFK fill us in with the details for your cab..So we can get a better feel for it :)
They look pretty healthy too :D


Active Member
haha should i take being compared to MM as a compliment or an insult ;) no i'm kidding but i'm not him hehe

Anyway details well don't know what you wanna know i posted early in this thread what i was up to and that i would post pictures and then well kinda forgot and it wasn't till i say the update reminder in my email that i thought to get the promised pictures taken and posted

i'll give a little history here
i came home to my wife (who i thought would be soooooo agianst growing even tho she smokes) had planted some bag seed she had come across in our bag at the time

out of somthing like 25 seeds she got 5 to sprout she simply placed them in a small pot filled with dirt and sat it in the windowsill

so now the panic hit's if i'm gonna do something i like to do it right and well thank god for the internet and well really this site. until i read the growfaq and some of the sticky noted threads such as the one on lighting things were a little confusing


Active Member
we left our five babies in the window sill until they got to somewhere around 6" before i was able to find the 150W hps security lamp that i found again this site saved me as i just about bought the murcury vapor one sitting beside it hehe then it was time to set up

it would be very bad if anyone other than close friends and some relatives found out that my wife smoked let alone grew so stealth was priority when designing an apropriate space for our little endever. luckyly we found the crappy tire store to be selling pantry cabinets for $40 on sale they were a little small being only 12" deep but we don't need more than enough for the us two. but course at that price there were none by the time we got there. fortunatly they take rain checks. now i have a very bright hps lamp going in my basement and it's making my house glow like the street lamp outside not so stealthy eh!? luckily i had a spare homemade fish tank and hood so i modified it to hold two pairs of florescent tubes and the 150W hps lamp this worked well and with a couple of shower curtains draped to trap the light things were ok. of course as luck would have it my dad (who doesnt need to know what's going on) decided to take an interest in my workshop in my basement this is where i setup temporarily as it's my space and most ppl stay out until my dad decided he needed to help me install the pluggin's i've been wanting and therefor kept going inthere thankfully i'd see him coming and was able to kill the lights as to not draw attention directly to the tank (with the lights off my op looked like an old fish tank covered with shower curtains i told my dad the curtains were there to keep the cat's from using the tank as their litter box ;) ) so after three weeks i was getting antsi to get my cabinet we phone them to find out our cabinets had been there waiting for us for some time haha all that stress for nothing :)..... then came the smell hehe;)

next i needed to stop my house from smelling like a farm and therefor had to make myself a carbon filter and was able to make a nice coned remote carbon scrubber for like $10 cool!!!!?? well maby not cool........

we moved the cabinet upstairs because i was tired of wondering if guests could hear the fans blowing in the cabinet in the corner of my shop and well the temps inside the cabinet skyrocketed whent from high 70's to well above 100 no good :(

luckyly i read the diy cool tube thread again on this site and even more fortunate for me i found the huricane glass at my local art supply store (typicaly i don't have the supplies needed for most of the diy projects available locally) and was able to adapt it to my project

note i have now changed the orientation of the hps bulb it's been turned 90 degrees from what's shown in the picture and because it's too long rememeber the cabinet is only 12" deep i had to hang one end lower than the other but i think that's actually better because it i lighting the lower half of my plants better than it used to and there is no sign of the tops wanting to lean toward the light nor are they strechting

well thereyago i hope that answers any questions and if not well the only stupid question is the one not asked
and as i've just picked up after being out for a couple of days here's toking to us!! and our little ladies (was that corny?)



Well-Known Member
I added a 150w HPS econolight to my closet setup today, I added pics in my journal, link is in my sig. I also made a homemade reflector and remote ballast, temps stay at a nice 76 degrees F.


Well-Known Member
Here are my upgraded 150W HPS cabs. They are working out great for me! I needed more space because I fell in love with this growing stuff, and want to do more of it!



Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of the new econolight HPS system I fabricated up with the light turned off.

Attached Thumbnails