150 watt HPS questions


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am using CFL's for my first grow, but want to use a 150 watt hps or maybe even a 250 watt if I can for my next grow. The problem is I dont have much space and It would have to be used in a Rubbermaid grow space. Now my question is what is the closest an hps can be from the plants without hurting them? How many inches? A 150 or 250 watt hps. And also I have read something about something that keeps the bulb from getting hot? A something ballast? If I do this I wont mind spending some money on it. I dont want some ghetto rigged cooltube in a rubbermaid...cuz it will melt it. Thanks guys and I appresiate your help.



my 150, if i leave the glass tube on, as long as its not touching the glass its ok


Well-Known Member
Thx, I didnt realize I posted twice....ionnoo im pretty baked right now...didnt mean to lol. Thx for the response.


Active Member
150's work fine, you might need multiple ones though, I'd shoot for a air cooled 400w, that way you can get the lamp alot closer, as much as 8 inches I think!


Well-Known Member
How far can a 250 watt hps be from the plants with just a wing reflector?

I was thinking about getting a 250 watt lumatek ballast and hortilux bulb for a 2x2 cabinet. I can't find an aircooled reflector that would fit in a space that small.


Well-Known Member
lol, i got one of those econo lights and i made it remote but i worried what to do with the third wire. i have it wired to the uninsulated wire to an insulated wire of appropriate gauge and then into the bottom prong on a 3 prong plug. This is prob the wrong post to put here thought it might be in the general area. I nervous as hell about leaving my diy hid stuff on while away. other than that i have a 400 i gotta upgrade to a 600 and a bunch of cfls.
I would say put a cooltube diy somehow on your bulb. that shit is still pretty hot. idk about melting anything. As always with hids you will be surprised at the streetlight in your hands but dont be intimidated, make it work. The bigger the better! CARPE DIEM!