15.5 sqf area how many lumens required ?


Active Member
Hi guys

Im starting a new tent for a autoflower grow.

This will be my first time at autos and want to dial everything in as much as possible.

The space i will be working with is a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m tent so 15.5 sqf.

My question is ideally how many lumens per sqf would be ideal ?

I have 2 x 600 watt lamps free at the moment and also 2 x 250 watt lamps.

I plan on growing 8 autos in this space in DWC (might be a bit of a squeeze) in the space mentioned.

My plan is to SCROG the 8 plants and get my light as close as possible to the canopy but just cant work out how many lumens per sqf i will need to optimize my yield.

I have a fair few indoor grows under my belt all done in soil and all yielded an normal crop and dry weight ie 2-3 OZ per plant.

Any help with this area and what light combo that would be best to tun would be greatly appreciated

Cheers !
5000-10000 Lm sq/ft is a good zone to be but 5000 minimum for dense buds. Those 2 600s will do fine in there throwing out 11,613 Lm sq/ft which is more than optimal.


Well-Known Member
the sun is about 10,000 lumens per sq ft so if you get close to that you're doing amazing, and with 2 600w you should be able to do that easy.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing your tent is going to be a bit hot with 2 600s. I run 1 in a similar space while a 1000 might be optimal.