141 degrees


New Member
Had an accident...... Instead of cutting my fans on in my tent I cut my big light on and my girls started curling up badly. I trimmed all the dead leaves off, do you think they might make it?


Well-Known Member
how would trimming the dead leaves off hinder the plant at all? they are no longer being used, . If there is still some living leaves it will make it.


New Member
Puff one died the other is doing just fine. Been vegging for 3 weeks just switched to 12/12. Since the ligh switch she has blossomed into a lil beauty. I'm guessing I should have let her flower for another 3-4 weeks. She might have been taller. She's standing at about 6.5-7 inches and growing about an inch per day under a 600w hps.


New Member
Puff one died the other is doing just fine. Been vegging for 3 weeks just switched to 12/12. Since the ligh switch she has blossomed into a lil beauty. I'm guessing I should have let her veg for another 3-4 weeks. She might have been taller. She's standing at about 6.5-7 inches and growing about an inch per day under a 600w hps. 1392637370246.jpg


New Member
Forgot to tell you she's buried up to about an inch under the first set of leaves and has been trimmed on lower branches. Old man told me to do this to get her to stretch a lil more


New Member
Well lush I guess you should go buy it for me. I'm not payin 25 per gram of reggie when its only been on 12/12 for 2 days. And since your such a critic lol what am i doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
Your mistake was not letting get significantly larger before flowering. You won't be pulling a lot of weight off that plant. Maybe a few grams. You're going to discover your power bill is quite a lot higher than it was previously too.

On the plus side at least the quality should be superior. My advice is to get some more seeds and run some more plants if you're using a 600.