1400 watt Mixed Spectrum CFL Grow Unit

MMA Mikey


Preparing for my first grow. Is this a good kit and do both spectrums run at the same time? What would the advantages be?


New Member
20121215_182115.jpg1355925858787.jpgu ain't gotta buy that thing man...w a little creativity u can do ur own thing...better even....and yes mixed spec is the only way to go....my two setups... steadily pumpin out dank

Noob grower1

Active Member
Not a cfl guy but I use them with my hps... a full spetrum is the best tho... ide use more 6500ks when vegggin an more 2700ks when flowering... a 3/1 ratio.. ask in flowering every 3 6500ks u have 1 2700k for vegging and visversa