14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President


Well-Known Member
I believe Krugman was out this weekend saying that a fake alien invasion and subsequent build up for an war with the E.T.s would pull us out of this slump. We have seen his line of economic policy in full force for the last two and a half years. Most Americans are deeming it a miserable failure. Unemployment up again this week! Perry certainly has his faults and some questions to fully answer: TransTexas corridor land grab and contracts to Spanish firms, vaccinating girls for std's, the death penalty case where the deceased may have been innocent, and his vague threat of Texas leaving the union. Right now his message is spot on. Even the Ron Paul folks have got to love his poke at Bernake. For an objective look at the Texas jobs "miracle" see http://www.politicalmathblog.com/?p=1590. Or you could just keep spouting Krugman's distortions.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I dont give a shit if you lived in Zambia, still doesn't mean Krugman is wrong; The data supports his position - which BTW, is the position most economists hold.

BTW, I really dont need Krugman to fight my battles for me here; I can keep posting graphs and charts all day long showing just how non existent Rick Perry's alleged job creation abilities really are. There's also evidence to suggest that what little economic success Texas has had has more to do with the decade long run up in crude oil prices than anything (also, Texas was sheilded in part from the housing bubble because of surprisingly tight financial regulations)

Texas also has one of the highest rates of jobs held at or near minumum wage, and they rank poorly in citizen health and education.
That is the second Krugman article I have read and they both were in the "OPINON" page. He assumes things almost as much as you do. You say the data backs him up, I ask, where does the data come from? You use the data that backs up your allegations and others use their data.
Graphs and charts, wooooo... there's is more to the truth than graphs and charts. Who makes up those graphs and charts? Is it in their interest to show them in a certain light? Once upon a time, most people believed the earth was flat. Just because a majority share an opinion does not make it right.
The position most economists hold? Most Keynesians maybe?
He says that jobs were created because people were moving there for other reasons, ie; weather and safety. Come on... and you STILL love this guy? Does every socialist/progressive use assumptions and exaggerations as though they were fact?
Also, this is not a recent phenomena, Texas has had population growth since the 60's, at least. If people moved there because of the weather and safety, then why isn't Hawaii crawling with people?
No, Mr. Krugman, like many others, is blinded to the truth because he has been indoctrinated by a socialist agenda.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off, as if nothing happened." Churchill

"A great many people think they are thinking, when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." William James

I really could go on all day...
... and you would still be wrong.


Well-Known Member
That is the second Krugman article I have read and they both were in the "OPINON" page. He assumes things almost as much as you do. You say the data backs him up, I ask, where does the data come from? You use the data that backs up your allegations and others use their data.
Graphs and charts, wooooo... there's is more to the truth than graphs and charts. Who makes up those graphs and charts? Is it in their interest to show them in a certain light? Once upon a time, most people believed the earth was flat. Just because a majority share an opinion does not make it right.
The position most economists hold? Most Keynesians maybe?
He says that jobs were created because people were moving there for other reasons, ie; weather and safety. Come on... and you STILL love this guy? Does every socialist/progressive use assumptions and exaggerations as though they were fact?
Also, this is not a recent phenomena, Texas has had population growth since the 60's, at least. If people moved there because of the weather and safety, then why isn't Hawaii crawling with people?
No, Mr. Krugman, like many others, is blinded to the truth because he has been indoctrinated by a socialist agenda.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off, as if nothing happened." Churchill

"A great many people think they are thinking, when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." William James

... and you would still be wrong.
Every economic measure in existence shows that there is no Texas job creation miracle; The unemployment rate is comparable to New york and worse the Massachusetts, the employment to population ratio is actually slightly lower and followed the same trend as the rest of the nation, what little economic success Texas HAS had is almost entirely due to the booming oil industry - because gas prices have risen so much in the last decade. What has Perry done that makes Texas any better than any other State? Texas is creating just enough jobs to keep up with population growth and that's about it - how is that any different from the rest of the nation?

Besides, Perry's economic plan is a fallacy of composition at the Federal level; Once everybody has below-average labor and housing costs, than those costs are no longer below-average and the advantage is lost... On a global level, decreasing the cost of labor is offset by a strengthening in the U.S. dollar so all you've achieved is lower living standards for your citizens. how would this help the nation at all?

edit: and that opinion article is sourced back to his blog, which comes from BLS and FRED data - you can look it up for yourself and see... There really isn't any significant economic measure that shows Texas is doing any better than the rest of the nation. "Texas has created half of the nations jobs" is a good soundbite, but once you account for rising population, etc.. you find that Texas is under performing just like the rest of the nation.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Every economic measure in existence shows that there is no Texas job creation miracle; The unemployment rate is comparable to New york and worse the Massachusetts, the employment to population ratio is actually slightly lower and followed the same trend as the rest of the nation, what little economic success Texas HAS had is almost entirely due to the booming oil industry - because gas prices have risen so much in the last decade. What has Perry done that makes Texas any better than any other State? Texas is creating just enough jobs to keep up with population growth and that's about it - how is that any different from the rest of the nation?

Besides, Perry's economic plan is a fallacy of composition at the Federal level; Once everybody has below-average labor and housing costs, than those costs are no longer below-average and the advantage is lost... On a global level, decreasing the cost of labor is offset by a strengthening in the U.S. dollar so all you've achieved is lower living standards for your citizens. how would this help the nation at all?

edit: and that opinion article is sourced back to his blog, which comes from BLS and FRED data - you can look it up for yourself and see... There really isn't any significant economic measure that shows Texas is doing any better than the rest of the nation. "Texas has created half of the nations jobs" is a good soundbite, but once you account for rising population, etc.. you find that Texas is under performing just like the rest of the nation.
So then you agree that jobs are created when people show up for them? If that is the case then we should NEVER run out of jobs.


Well-Known Member
So then you agree that jobs are created when people show up for them? If that is the case then we should NEVER run out of jobs.
uhm what? If you're trying to say that a rapidly increasing population size increases aggregate demand and then accelerates job creation - than sure; But that's not what you're saying, you're saying that people are moving to Texas because of the jobs but that's just not true. The people immigrating to Texas are creating aggregate demand which is what creates the jobs... People are moving to Texas because of the cheap cost of housing, that's about it; Texas has ALWAYS had above average population growth and below average cost of housing though, so how is this a result of Perry's policies? And even with that boost they're barely keeping up with population growth - which is no better than the rest of the U.S. anyway. Again, where is this Texas miracle?

edit: and do I need to remind you how poorly texas ranks in education, higher education (college), citizen health, income inequality, etc compared to the rest of the nation (especially those states outside of the south)?

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
uhm what?
That's what I thought, if you can't keep up with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

you're saying that people are moving to Texas because of the jobs but that's just not true.
Oh, OK, I did not realize that it was not true. I must have been thinking about the weather or the price of houses when I moved there and everybody I met there who was from out-of-state, must have lied to me, THEN. Maybe I just dreamed all of that up!?!?
Why would anyone move to a different state just for a job, when all you have to do is stay where you are and go on welfare, right?

The people immigrating to Texas are creating aggregate demand which is what creates the jobs...
The people who immigrate to Texas are, for the most part, Mexicans and Central Americans. How do they create demand? Do they come to Texas for the weather or the cost of living?

People are moving to Texas because of the cheap cost of housing, that's about it;
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened." Churchill
Did you scuff your knees?

Texas has ALWAYS had above average population growth and below average cost of housing though, so how is this a result of Perry's policies?
WHERE did I say ANYTHING about Rick Perry or his policies?